I'm happy to be persuaded by reason, logic and evidence.A belief in God is not absolutely due to a particular religion. It could also be based on reason and logic and it has been discussed for a long long time. Yet, it seems to be ignored and a lot of times the cart is shoved before the horse for whatever anti religious argumentation deemed needed.
But it all keeps falling at the first hurdle ─ what real entity is intended to be denoted by the word "god"? No one ─ at least so far ─ has a satisfactory answer.
Instead, God is described in imaginary terms, such as omnipotent, omniscient, perfect, eternal, infinite blah blah, but not as having evolved in some or other demonstrably real spacetime, having six limbs, green bark-like skin, and the following breeding habits [fill in the blank for yourself].
In fact, the only way God is known to exist is as a concept, notion, thing imagined in an individual brain, just like a character from fiction.