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Do you believe in reincarnation?


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
You know, I have for a while now considered that whether one ends up´being a theist or an non-theist is not nearly as much a function of the external reality as of the internal reality. Not of evidence, but of personal aesthetical sense. The facts and evidence are the nearly the same for both groups, but the way we respond varies.

Maybe the same can be fairly said of reincarnation. We are fairly similarly aware of how people are, but whether it makes sense to speak of reincarnation is largely a result of what we understand reincarnation to be.
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Active Member

Isn't that a bit too physical to make sense as a soul?

The Soul is not the physical aspects of DNA, it is the genetic information (like software) necessary to create a physical being.

Said genetic information lives on after death, powered by the Spirit. I.e., we become Spirit+Genome only.

It is like having a Body that is ethereal (non-corporeal). The Bible calls it 'being naked' (not clothed with skin and flesh).

The goal is to be 'clothed' again with a physical Body. That is the point of Salvation.


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
Do you believe in reincarnation?Why? Why not?
I used to, it made more sense to me than any of the other options

Right now I'm not so sure.........

I'm beginning to think that it is not possible for anyone to know what happens after death from the position of being alive

But I am quite convinced that death is not the end

I suppose I'll eventually find out, as will we all


Well-Known Member
I believe strongly in reincarnation because of God's love for us. God give his children many chances to learn and grow . Our soul learn lessons on this earth. I believe we get reincarnated many times for our soul to grow

Do you believe in reincarnation?Why? Why not?
I believed in reincarnation in my past life but not anymore. Fox new said its not real and I can't think for myself so I just do what they tell me.


Veteran Member
In Meher Baba's view there are other planets inhabited by humans (though nothing is said about what they look like). These souls can migrate to Earth to take human bodies here.

The "new world yet to come" is another matter with different religions having different views. My view is that "animal man" with emotions and behaviors not too distant in essence from other animals and sometimes with behavior lower than other animals is on the way out.
A little to sci fi for me


Jesus in me
I believe strongly in reincarnation because of God's love for us. God give his children many chances to learn and grow . Our soul learn lessons on this earth. I believe we get reincarnated many times for our soul to grow

Do you believe in reincarnation?Why? Why not?
I believe in it because Jesus mentions it.


Jesus in me

The concept of reincarnation helps me to reconcile my experiences and my perspective on the experiences of others.
I believe that is speculation but one has to wonder why a child can get cancer. If God were creating new people one would expect them to be perfect.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
I don't believe in that, for example because:

and as it is laid up to men once to die, and after this--judgment,
Heb. 9:27

Hebrews 9:27 isn't the only scripture in the Bible with a claim of what will allegedly happen in the afterlife.

There is also Ecclesiastes 3:21, which asks, "Who knows if the human spirit rises upward and if the spirit of the animal goes down into the earth?” Then there is Revelation 20:13, which clearly states, "The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them, and each person was judged according to what they had done." Furthermore, 1 Thessalonians 4:13–17 and Revelation 20:11–15 both suggest that the souls of believers and unbelievers are sleeping in their graves and awaiting God's judgment in the end times. There are several other verses that describe "soul sleep," such as Daniel 12:2, 2 Chronicles 32:33, 2 Chronicles 33:20, 1 Kings 15:8, 1 Kings 16:28, 2 Kings 13:13, 2 Kings 14:29, and John 11:11–15. These verses seemingly conflict with 2 Corinthians 5:8, which implies that believers are in the presence of Jesus after death. Isn't it more accurate to include these verses as well?
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Active Member
What if the "judgement" was to reincarnate?

That is precisely what Judgment Day is all about. The purpose is to tally all of the sins committed in order for them to be paid in the next life. It is called 'reaping what one has sown'. The concept is similar to Karma.

As far as Hebrews 9:27 is concerned, that verse has been misinterpreted by Christians and twisted by the Church to make it sound like we only 'die one time', which severely contradicts the rest of the Bible. Basically, it is circular logic and confirmation bias.

All Hebrews 9:27 teaches is that every death will be judged. It has nothing to do with reincarnation. If we 'die only one time' or 'live only one life', then the following are in error...
  • Second Death
  • Rapture
  • Enoch and Elijah taken to Heaven without dying
  • Verses regarding those who died and were brought back to life (e.g. Lazarus)
  • Becoming Born Again
Claiming Hebrews 9:27 'debunks reincarnation' is just one of the many ways the Church lies to people.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
There is also the story of why the Blind Man was born like that. It was not because of Karma, but to teach a profound lesson.

@28:45 in this video, this concept is explained if you are interested...

I have no desire to watch an hour long video attempting to refute my understanding.

Given this is a discussion forum, perhaps you'd be willing to provide a synopsis of the concept.


Active Member
I have no desire to watch an hour long video attempting to refute my understanding.

You assume it 'refutes' your understanding when in reality I posted it to enhance your understanding. I like to build bridges and share things we all have in common, but whatever. You have chosen to be hostile, arrogant and ungrateful, so that is on you.

I specifically said the info begins at@28:45. I even went out of my way to set up the link so that the video would begin at that mark. Only a minute or two of your time would have sufficed. Obviously, that is asking too much from you.

Given this is a discussion forum, perhaps you'd be willing to provide a synopsis of the concept.

For someone as unappreciative and entitled as you? Why bother, it would be a complete waste of my time, as my other posts with you have been.

Believe it or not, my time is just as valuable as yours.

Anyhow, you obviously 'know it all' and have nothing more to learn, so this will be my last interaction with you.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
You assume it 'refutes' your understanding when in reality I posted it to enhance your understanding. I like to build bridges and share things we all have in common, but whatever. You have chosen to be hostile, arrogant and ungrateful, so that is on you.
Wow. You got hostile, arrogant, and ungrateful from what I said? Talk about assumptions!

Why would I conclude it's intended to enhance my understanding when you said this in the previous post in response to my karma response?
It was not because of Karma, but to teach a profound lesson.
Seems like a statement of refutation to me.

I specifically said the info begins at@28:45. I even went out of my way to set up the link so that the video would begin at that mark. Only a minute or two of your time would have sufficed. Obviously, that is asking too much from you.
If it would have only taken a minute or two to watch, how long would typing a quick synopsis have taken?

I have personal experiences that led me to my views on childhood cancer and karma. You have a YouTube video.

We can discuss what you were proposing that would "enhance" my understanding, or you can take your toys and go home. Your choice.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
I believe that is speculation but one has to wonder why a child can get cancer. If God were creating new people one would expect them to be perfect.
If there's nothing but perfection than there's nothing to strive for and no contrast with imperfection. That eliminates that joy of success. It eliminates what has been called a "thrilling divine romance". Karma is part of the picture as well.