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Do You believe that Moses actually existed?


Quran & Sunnah
beckysoup61 said:
Do you believe Moses actually existed? Why or why not?
Yes, I believe 100% that Prophet Moses peace be upon him existed, for Allah told us so. I believe in all prophets of God, Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Jesus, Lot, Job, David, Solomon, Jonah, John..... they are all great Prophets, peace and blessings of Allah be upon them all!!



Active Member
Story of Noah for the Samarian Tablets, Just a week or 2 before the papyrus paper-back edition;

In the Atrahasis Epic the creation of man causes new problems. In the words of the Epic (I 352f. restored from 11 1-8):

Twelve hundred years [had not yet passed) (when the land extended] and the peoples multiplied. The [land] was bellowing [like a bull]. The gods were disturbed with [their uproar]. [Enlil heard] their noise [and addressed] the great gods. "The noise of mankind [has become too intense for me] [with their uproar] I am deprived of sleep.

To solve this problem, the gods decided to bring a plague, which ends when Enki advises man to bring offerings to Namtar, god of the plague, and thus induce him to lift the plague. This plague does not solve the problem permanently, for twelve hundred years later the same problem arises again (Tablet 11 1-8) and the gods bring a drought, which ends when men (upon Enki's advice) bribe Adad to bring rain. Despite the fragmentary state of Tablet 11, it is easy to see that the same problem recurs, and the gods bring famine (and saline soil), which again do not end the difficulties. At last Enlil persuades the gods to adopt a "final solution" (II viii 34) to the human problem, and they resolve to bring a flood to destroy mankind. Their plan is thwarted by Enki, who has Atrahasis build an ark and so escape the flood. After the rest of mankind have been destroyed, and after the gods have had occasion to regret their actions and to realize (by their thirst and hunger) that they need man, Atrahasis brings a sacrifice and the gods come to eat. Enki then presents a permanent solution to the problem. The new world after the flood is to be different from the old, for Enki summons Nintu, the birth goddess, and has her create new creatures, who will ensure that the old problem does not arise again. In the words of the Epic (111 vii 1):

So the earth was flooded because man was too noisy but since man served the Gods the others did not want all of them to die so Noah was told to build and arc.

Basically this is where the story came from!

Yes … I agree the prophets lived, live, and more will be born but just because everybody agrees they lived does not mean they were anything other than men.

And if Giants were born on the earth, are they the T-rex’s or is there evolutionary proof; they were cross bread between man and whatever … is that cross speciation?
Bishadi said:
And if Giants were born on the earth, are they the T-rex’s or is there evolutionary proof; they were cross bread between man and whatever … is that cross speciation?
I have no idea, I'm not a scientist, but some have said that this is how the bible accounts for the existence of other gods (such as the greek gods, egyptian gods, etc.) I don't necessarily believe this, but some have pointed out that possibility.


Active Member
Genesis 6:4 The fallen ones were in the earth in those days, and even afterwards when sons of God come in unto daughters of men, and they have borne to them -- they [are] the heroes, who, from of old, [are] the men of name

Childrens of Anak ... Giants....... Cross speciation .... I think this is it :biglaugh:

Sorry but is a story almost like Noah's arc .... stollen from the old stones but considered a basis to debate theology. The earth was covered in water .....:biglaugh: ..... Again I am sorry but it cracks me up:areyoucra

Deut 13:1

Well-Known Member
Jayhawker Soule said:
Once you conclude that the Exodus/Conquest narrative is fictive, there seems very little for Joshua to do.
I think a better word for you to have chosen would have been "assume".
Isn't that what faith is all about? Knowing that it is true without seeing evidence?
"Show me physical evidence any existed. Birth certificate, driver's licence, credit card receipts.. Seriously, show me physical evidence."




Just because I am Jewish does not mean that I have to believe everything the Torah says. Judaism is much less a religion of faith than Christianity is.


Deut 13:1

Well-Known Member
Jayhawker Soule said:
That was insulting. You know me far better than that.
Didn't mean it as an insult, I just don't understand how someone like you, who has such an indepth knowledge of Torah can say such about Torah.

Okay, so I know what you believe about Torah, what about the kings? saul david solomon. What do you think of that?


Quran & Sunnah
Jayhawker Soule said:
Your Prophet was ignorant.
My Prophet, the prophet sent to all human kind, was illiterate, but with the divine revelation he became the most brilliant knowlegeable man.



Active Member
Jayhawker Soule said:
Your Prophet was ignorant.
I think I have even been that stupid; to write such a rude statment, once before.

The prophet or seer did not preach to harm.
My Prophet, the prophet sent to all human kind, was illiterate, but with the divine revelation he became the most brilliant knowlegeable man.

Even "Peace" has the ability to acknowledge the illiteracy of Mohammed. That alone shares that he is aware the intent of the prophet is his legacy, the book is like the bible in that it's the leaders/scribes/caliphs that should be held in contempt for so many additions and mistakes.

Mohammed was dead before the book was ever finished. Mohammed is not the cause nor warrants any "ignorant" comments.

many do not understand a quantum framework in biology but I do not hold contempt for the lack of understanding but just as your problem, lack of information.


Angel slayer
Jayhawker Soule said:
If he preached the historicity of the Biblical Exodus/Conquest narrative, he was speaking out of ignorance.
And/or personnal belief.


Active Member
Jayhawker Soule said:
If he preached the historicity of the Biblical Exodus/Conquest narrative, he was speaking out of ignorance.
I wasn't there, you? He couldn't read or write so how does Mohammed know what they wrote about him.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
Bishadi said:
I wasn't there, you? He couldn't read or write so how does Mohammed know what they wrote about him.
:biglaugh: Do you have the slightest idea what you're talking about? :biglaugh:


Quran & Sunnah
Bishadi said:
Mohammed was dead before the book was ever finished. Mohammed is not the cause nor warrants any "ignorant" comments.
To correct your information Bishadi, by the death of Prophet Muahmmad peace be upon him the revelation stopped. The Quran was revealed through 23 years, which is the period of Prophet Muhammad prophethood.
The Quran has never changed or corrupted, the Quran that we read today is the same that was revealed more than 14 centuries ago with no additions nor diminution, it is protected by God the Almighty for eternity.
The interpretation of the Quran which can differ among scholars.
