All of these terms that people use seem to contain flaws, but my faith's category ought to be called either pantheism or panentheism. The complicated thing is that there is a separate entity often called "God" but yet it is symbiotic with existence and for each human soul is a kind of bred clone within that "God". But the complicity does not end there. There is truth in Jesus' saying of "I am in the Father and the Father in me" which obviously he meant that each person's condition could be if people just lived their lives like he did. We are a kind of "mirror" of the Father, usually in case we can realize this and become complete (finish our "breeding" phase).
Here is where I partially share what Gnostics stand for and that the World is a "problem", not evil like they say, and our souls are placed within Bodies, those Bodies from the Homo Sapiens species and the instinct is our main antagonist, i.e. we are ourselves our worst enemy (while mainstream Abrahamic faiths call this phenomenon "Satan"). The World, Universe, is a contradiction created by that mysterious God figure and it is innately lifeless in the way that things are only driven by the instinct, i.e. it is programmed that entities act in an already predetermined manner without any conscious independent input. This is the behavior we must fight against, in order to become self-realized and "alive" and that is part of our "testing". This could be considered a "testing ground" to breed conscious beings that can function independently rather than slaves to their instinct.
It may seem that I do not stand for a Pantheism, but from a very basic viewpoint then the Foundation as I call it is the Platform of existence and we are simply confined into existing in it. The signs are in that "I am in the Father and the Father in me" expression plus also within the Old Testament and "I am who am I" that this "God" spoke to Moses. Gnosticism is generally perceived as Pluralism but this is untrue. God is entirely the originator of everything. However what is God is incredible difficult to comprehend and discuss and there is probably no one sincere who would argue otherwise. What makes is so very complicated is because it resides within us yet is cognitively separate, like a symbiosis between two, yet we exist in a Oneness, a unity. Within our unity however, the Foundation is an intelligence that can be communicated with while it yet is ourselves, so basically when speaking to God we speak to ourselves. But it does not end with that, together within that unity exists all our fellow humans even those who are blind towards who they are, so there is reason for Jesus' teachings to love everyone as yourself even your enemy since they are you too, your brother or sister. If you help them you help yourself. If you hurt them you hurt yourself.
Be safe