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Do you dislike popcorn


Rajun Cajun
Do you dislike popcorn? My dad asked me a very interesting question the other day - "Do you know anybody who actually dislikes popcorn?" I couldn't think of one person. Not one. So I decided to take this out to a larger audience.

Now, let me clarify something. If you like movie theatre popcorn but hate kettle corn, you still should check that you like popcorn. Make sure you determine whether you actually dislike it or just have neutral feelings for it.

Popcorn might possibly be my favourite non-meat food.

No, I love popcorn. However, my ex-brother in-law hates popcorn. He wont even go to the movies because of the smell. He'll throw up if he eats it, and gets nautious if he smells it. Pretty weird huh. Not sure where he developed the dislike for it. He's in my fantasy football draft this weekend. Maybe I'll ask him then.


Ok, so let's tally it up again. Beckysoup's husband. Booko's son. Mrsk's daughter. And possibly Kungfuzed.

These are the people in this thread who actually dislike popcorn.

So Kunfuzed is confirmed, and Dark Penguin now, too. And Todd's ex-brother-in-law.

1. Beckysoup's husband.
2. Booko's son.
3. Mrsk's daughter.
4. Kunfuzed.
5. DarkPenguin
6. Todd's ex-brother-in-law.


Veteran Member
So Kunfuzed is confirmed, and Dark Penguin now, too. And Todd's ex-brother-in-law.

1. Beckysoup's husband.
2. Booko's son.
3. Mrsk's daughter.
4. Kunfuzed.
5. DarkPenguin
6. Todd's ex-brother-in-law.
What shall we do with these heretics?

I say dip 'em in caramel and roll 'em in Orville Reddenbacker freshly popped popcorn.


Charismatic Enigma
What shall we do with these heretics?

I say dip 'em in caramel and roll 'em in Orville Reddenbacker freshly popped popcorn.

So long as you're not rolling me in sweetcorn I'll be fine lol. I 'Pity the fool' who brings sweetcorn anywhere near me... It never ends well.


Admiral Obvious
Yeah, anything with citric acid is off my menu too. It's usually made from corn.

You do okay with fresh veggies, though? My business partner had to go off them for quite a while in order to let things heal up. She could eat meat in smaller amounts, though more fish than anything. Well, fish is safer for her on other counts anyway.
I can eat fresh veggies, but it constantly changes which ones will and will not cause me problems. One day broccoli does not cause problems (other than coming out the same as it went in) and other days it rips me up.

I can handle chicken and turkey breast, though the dark meat causes problems.
Fish is something I can handle so long as it is not fried. Baked seems to be the easiest on my innards.

Applesauce seems to never cause problems.
Or if it is causing problems, the problems are so mild that other things are masking (or perhaps over shadowing) the problems caused by the applesauce.
But after a while (4 years), applesauce gets old.
All medication has to be either in liquid form or crushed to a real fine powder.
All pills come out undigested.

I have had to switch from Barq's Root Beer to A&W.
Caffeine now causes problems.

i shall stop now for a few reasons.
One being what my 11 year old daughter would refer to as "Overshare" and another being that I am likely taking the thread way off topic.


Harvey Wallbanger
Oh please don't tell the people of my hometown, where the annual Orville Reddenbocker Festival is had every year......

I really do dislike popcorn. It is not flavorful, unfilling, messy, has hard pieces that will crack your teeth, and you get that seed skin stuck in your throat or teeth! YUCK! What is there to like about it.

Please don't tell my relatives! I really don't care for the stuff though.


1. Beckysoup's husband.
2. Booko's son.
3. Mrsk's daughter.
4. Kunfuzed.
5. DarkPenguin
6. Todd's ex-brother-in-law.
7. Comet.


Well-Known Member
I love popcorn! It's our ritual that we can't watch Doctor Who without it.

I love popcorn. It is now the only snack I eat. It has no msg, has plenty of fiber, and if you pop it yourself, you can pop it without oil. You can add any topping you wish, since everything goes with popcorn.
And on my diet, the dietitian told me I can eat 3 cups of popcorn compared to 1 cup of chips or crackers. (I have type 2 diabetes)
:yes: Popcorn is a much healthier snack. You can make it yourself, so you can control the amount of fat and salt.

Popcorn is very hard to digest and the toughest thing on the lower GI tract, so people with poor digestion or diverticulitis or colitis would be better staying away from it.
You'll never convince my dad he should stop eating popcorn...lol. I grew up on the stuff because of how much he loves it. We always put parmesan cheese on ours.

Popcorn = awesomeness

I like to melt peanut butter over it and mix in cinnamon and honey roasted peanuts! YUM!
OMG...that sounds delicious! I have to try that now.

I eat Kettle Chips now, or reduced fat Cape Cod. I especially like Kettle Chips. They taste like potatoes, not grease, and they use healthy oils that I can actually digest.
Cape Cod chips are awesome. I find them much more satisfying too. I find that I don't crave as many of them, so they last me longer.

Oh please don't tell the people of my hometown, where the annual Orville Reddenbocker Festival is had every year......

I really do dislike popcorn. It is not flavorful, unfilling, messy, has hard pieces that will crack your teeth, and you get that seed skin stuck in your throat or teeth! YUCK! What is there to like about it.

Please don't tell my relatives! I really don't care for the stuff though.
Honestly, I don't think you've ever had good popcorn. I don't like the skins on popcorn either because they get stuck to the roof of my mouth and stuff, but not all popcorn is like that. And you can mostly tell which pieces have hard things in them. I've never once bitten down on a kernel...just avoid the pieces that didn't pop all the way.


Veteran Member
Ðanisty;918139 said:
And you can mostly tell which pieces have hard things in them. I've never once bitten down on a kernel...just avoid the pieces that didn't pop all the way.
I like the 'old maids'. The ones that are half popped, half not popped. Rick and I fight over them. :D


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I really do dislike popcorn. It is not flavorful, unfilling, messy, has hard pieces that will crack your teeth, and you get that seed skin stuck in your throat or teeth! YUCK! What is there to like about it.
Mmmm... seed skin.

I like to pick all the little salty-buttery bits of kernel skin out of the bottom of the bowl and eat 'em. My wife doesn't like them, so I get them all for myself. Yum. :D


Mother Heathen
I like popcorn. My favorite is movie-theatre popcorn...fresh movie-theatre popcorn, popped in sunflower oil with just a bit of "butter".

At home, I like those 100 Cal. packs. I'm not normally a fan of kettle corn but the kettle corn (of the 100-cal variety) tend to be less dry than the butter.

Popcorn is cool.


Student Nurse
So Kunfuzed is confirmed, and Dark Penguin now, too. And Todd's ex-brother-in-law.

1. Beckysoup's husband.
2. Booko's son.
3. Mrsk's daughter.
4. Kunfuzed.
5. DarkPenguin
6. Todd's ex-brother-in-law.
Why is it that DarkPenguin and I are the only actual RF members on the list? And I'm not even spelled right. :slap:

What shall we call our band? If an Atheist doesn't believe in God then someone who doesn't like popcorn would be an Acorn, right? Or is an Acorn someone who doesn't believe in unicorns?


Done here.
Popcorn = awesomeness

I like to melt peanut butter over it and mix in cinnamon and honey roasted peanuts! YUM!
I would never have thought of that, but it sounds delicious. I think I'll put some out Labor Day weekend and see what kind of reception it gets.