Norman: Hi Deidre, awesome question. Most of the time I let things go when people bad mouth my Church. However, I think sometimes for correction
and for the sake of doctrine I feel compelled to defend my faith. Especially when some people who are not members think they know more
about my Church than I do. I have been a member for thirty years and I think I know a bit about my Church. My Church is a bit tired of people
trying to define what we think we believe and do not believe. Members and my Church would like to have the opportunity which is our right
to tell people what we believe instead of the other way around. For myself, when I feel compelled to defend my Church against false accusations
I do not consider it a waste of time. Yes, it can get old very fast and I have heard just about everything at one time or another about my Church.
I was born into the Roman Catholic Church and when I got older I embraced Judaism with my Father and now I am a long standing member of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I remember when I practiced Judaism, I was call a "Christ Killer" and many other slanderous
remarks. I think if people try to build bridges of understanding there would be less contention between Church's or a faith promoting path that
someone is on. Good Post. Kudos to you.
Back at you, nicely said. Ohhh...yes, your religion gets a lot of criticism indeed. lol I won't pretend to know all that much except a few basics on your faith beliefs, but it does receive skepticism of its own. It can be hard to go one's own way. I'd say the harshest criticism I've ever received was when I left Christianity and told people that I identify as an atheist. haha I lost friends over it, even!
Should I settle on Islam as my path, I imagine I'll receive much criticism. I'm grateful to have Muslim friends who understand the faith better than those who think they know it, in my life. We will see. I'm not gonna sweat it!
Good luck to you, too ...