Thanks for that lengthy answer,
@MJFlores. That doesn't really resolve the problem, though. Even if all Christians were using the same translation, they would continue to understand certain verses differently from each other. I could give you examples, but I think all you'd do was tell me what the "correct" interpretation is. I could ask a Catholic and get a different interpretation; I could ask a Baptist and get another interpretation or a Jehovah's Witness and get yet another one. Mine may be different from all of theirs. It's simply not enough to "go to the Bible for the TRUTH."
(grin) Reminds me of the example most loved and used by folks attempting to explain 'circular reasoning.'
I know there is a God.....because
The Bible says so, and I know the bible is true ....because
God wrote it.
I have debated with so many evangelical Christians over the last few years, and inevitably the claim is that one need not pray...or expect God to answer prayers about scripture; just go read the Bible and get the 'truth' from it. As long as the 'truth' one gets agrees with the particular evangelist, it's all gold.
But none of 'em have been able to explain to me why their interpretation is the gold standard, whereas that of the Baptist/Lutheran/Presbyterian/Catholic next door isn't. Don't even bother to bring up Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses or (gasp) Mormons. Unitarians are preferable.
So, yeah, honest questions about our beliefs? Wonderful. Love 'em. If we can't answer 'em, then it's time to go looking for that answer. I just wish someone would actually ask honest questions. What a refreshing change that would be!