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Do you "flaunt" your religion?


Active Member
Premium Member
I only meant "flaunt" in terms of outward expression. Sorry for any confusion.


Active Member
Nope, I don't. I prefer to let people get to know me and then discover what my religion is after they've already formed an opinion of me. For instance, when my husband and I go on cruises, and there is assigned seating at dinner, everyone at the table introduces themselves at the first night's meal. If the others at the table share where they're from, we do, too. If they don't, we don't either. The conversation then expands to hobbies and interests and, since everyone in the group enjoys traveling, to the places we all have traveled and plan to travel. As soon as we mention (if we do) that we're from Salt Lake City, you can almost see the wheels start to turn in everybody's brains. "I bet they're Mormons! Wow! Real Mormons! I wonder what these two are really going to be like." Before the cruise is over, they've usually figured it out and are the ones to mention Mormonism. We never do. When we don't order drinks, that clues a lot of people in. So, I guess you could say that we "flaunt our religion" by what we don't do, but that's not our intention. It's always kind of entertaining to see their responses when we say, "Yeah, we're Mormons." By the time they come right out and ask us, their response is almost like, "Wow. You guys seem pretty normal." :p

My experience is similar: I don't openly say it randomly, but people usually figure it out. Things like I don't bring a thing of coffee in the morning, I pass on the tobacco, and order an orange juice while at the bar for a work party. If anyone asks, I'm open and honest about it.


I don't speak about my religion until asked about it and I don't "flaunt" it.
I don't even use Arabic words when speaking to non-Muslims just because they wouldn't understand what I'm talking about.


New Member
When I went to a religious high school I would wear a cross necklace every day, but now that I'm in a secular university I've found that I hardly ever put it on. Like Katzpur, I'd rather someone get to know me as a person first, and then maybe later add the information that I'm a Christian.
I don't like "flaunting" my religion in public, because I feel that when I do, the person I am speaking with becomes more cautious with what they're saying, as if they are scared to offend me (which is completely not the case - I quite enjoy being challenged). If it happens to come up in conversation though, I'll openly say that I'm Christian - but won't offer up any more information unless asked.


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
When I went to a religious high school I would wear a cross necklace every day, but now that I'm in a secular university I've found that I hardly ever put it on. Like Katzpur, I'd rather someone get to know me as a person first, and then maybe later add the information that I'm a Christian.
I don't like "flaunting" my religion in public, because I feel that when I do, the person I am speaking with becomes more cautious with what they're saying, as if they are scared to offend me (which is completely not the case - I quite enjoy being challenged). If it happens to come up in conversation though, I'll openly say that I'm Christian - but won't offer up any more information unless asked.
I see that you're a Mennonite. One of my mom's closest friends was a Mennonite. They were friends for years and years, up until my mom died at the age of 96. I suspect her friend has probably died by now, too. They sure were close, though. Welcome to the forum, by the way.


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
I have religious tattoos and a necklace, but I wouldn't say I "flaunt" my religion. Not like anyone has a slight clue what any of it stands for! I don't see any reason to flaunt my religion, and it could be dangerous to do so.


New Member
I see that you're a Mennonite. One of my mom's closest friends was a Mennonite. They were friends for years and years, up until my mom died at the age of 96. I suspect her friend has probably died by now, too. They sure were close, though. Welcome to the forum, by the way.

Thank you! :)
I pretty much do the opposite of flaunting. I go out of my way to hide my religious views most of the time. I live in the southeast US and I'm a member of a few social circles composed largely of conservative christians. If most of my acquaintances knew what my religious views are the most likely outcome would be misguided attempts to "save" me.

Subhankar Zac

Hare Krishna,Hare Krishna,
Early rituals involve blowing the conch three times as loudly as possible.
Picking flowers from the garden and giving ot at the altar.
I often wear a peacock feather or a swastika as a pendant.
Peacock feather is literally believed to be Krishna, so having one with me making his presence more graphic.
Swastika is a symbol of luck and wealth... So, maybe cuz of that? ;)


Be your own guru
I do not flaunt my religion, others have their own, but I do delight in my religion, its inclusiveness, its freedom and solidity.


Rogue Theologian
Explain why and how you "flaunt" your religion, or why you don't.

"Flaunting" might include clothes, jewelry, tattoos, proseltyzing, praying in public, etc. Anything that makes your preference known to the world, no matter how subtle or blatant.

Feel free to include stories. Did your outward expression make a difference in the world? Were people nice? Were they mean? Did you meet like-minded people?

Why I dont flaunt: I decided a long time ago that it was in my best interest to keep to myself, and I've found that an unassuming appearance works to my advantage. Revealing my views to friends and family would cause trouble and take away from my enjoyment of life.
I do wear a ring on my pinky finger....stainless steel with a cross cut into the square face of it...
I made it

otherwise I flaunt myself all over this forum


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Explain why and how you "flaunt" your religion, or why you don't.

"Flaunting" might include clothes, jewelry, tattoos, proseltyzing, praying in public, etc. Anything that makes your preference known to the world, no matter how subtle or blatant.

Feel free to include stories. Did your outward expression make a difference in the world? Were people nice? Were they mean? Did you meet like-minded people?

Why I dont flaunt: I decided a long time ago that it was in my best interest to keep to myself, and I've found that an unassuming appearance works to my advantage. Revealing my views to friends and family would cause trouble and take away from my enjoyment of life.
I wouldn't say that I "flaunt" my atheism, but I've made definite choices not to keep it secret.

It can be a very isolating experience to be a non-believer seemingly surrounded by believers. Hopefully, when people in that position find out that I'm an atheist too, they'll feel a bit less alone in the world.

I also hope that I can change minds among theists who have negative opinions of atheists: "I thought that atheists were horrible people, but that Penguin guy seems all right - maybe they aren't so bad after all."

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I don't like the word flaunt, and believe it has negative definitions. I believe true Christians will happily and zealously share their faith in God and his Son. This includes preaching publicly. They take to heart such Scriptures as Romans 10:13,14) "For “everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved.” However, how will they call on him if they have not put faith in him? How, in turn, will they put faith in him about whom they have not heard? How, in turn, will they hear without someone to preach?"

“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." Matthew 6:5-6


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I don't like the word flaunt, and believe it has negative definitions. I believe true Christians will happily and zealously share their faith in God and his Son. This includes preaching publicly. They take to heart such Scriptures as Romans 10:13,14) "For “everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved.” However, how will they call on him if they have not put faith in him? How, in turn, will they put faith in him about whom they have not heard? How, in turn, will they hear without someone to preach?"
"With nothing but an all-powerful god who wants above all else for humanity to rely on, how will anyone ever find out about him without ME to tell them?"

It seems to me that in your need to proselytize, there's an admission that your beliefs are false... or at least a lack of faith or self-aggrandizement.


bible reader
Explain why and how you "flaunt" your religion, or why you don't.

"Flaunting" might include clothes, jewelry, tattoos, proseltyzing, praying in public, etc. Anything that makes your preference known to the world, no matter how subtle or blatant.

Feel free to include stories. Did your outward expression make a difference in the world? Were people nice? Were they mean? Did you meet like-minded people?

Why I dont flaunt: I decided a long time ago that it was in my best interest to keep to myself, and I've found that an unassuming appearance works to my advantage. Revealing my views to friends and family would cause trouble and take away from my enjoyment of life.
Well my whole purpose of showing people openly my faith, is because I have a love for my neighbor. I believe I have the truth, and the answers to life's most important questions, so I like to share my hope.

I also like it because in showing my faith I have awoken people deep thinking on spiritual matters. The ultimate goal is to get people thinking.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Explain why and how you "flaunt" your religion, or why you don't.

I do, because it's tradition to wear the Hammer as a Heathen. In the early days of Europe's Christianization, those who kept to the old ways would wear the Hammer as a form of protest. We modern Heathens do the same.

Feel free to include stories. Did your outward expression make a difference in the world? Were people nice? Were they mean? Did you meet like-minded people?

People seem mostly apathetic about it. I live in California, where people wear all kinds of jewelry (sometimes LOTS at the same time.) People probably just assume it's a regular necklace. Whenever it's been brought up, nobody's really seemed to care.


Most of my friends are atheist, but they are very supportive. I told them about my conversion and from that point we have never really spoken about it.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." Matthew 6:5-6
Such hypocritical prayers are to display one's piety to men and to be seen and spoken of well "by others", IMO. Obeying the Scriptural command to "go...make disciples" is not done for show or praise from men. To the contrary, it often results in rebuke and persecution. (Matthew 28:19,20)


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
"With nothing but an all-powerful god who wants above all else for humanity to rely on, how will anyone ever find out about him without ME to tell them?"

It seems to me that in your need to proselytize, there's an admission that your beliefs are false... or at least a lack of faith or self-aggrandizement.
I believe it is the faith of true Christians that move them to share the good things they learn from the Bible. "Nevertheless, someone will say: “You have faith, and I have works. Show me your faith without the works, and I will show you my faith by my works.” (James 2:18)