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Do you hate God?

The Seeker

Once upon a time....
I don't hate God, but I do hate the fact that so many believe in religious gods without giving proper thought and analysis to their god(s) so-called existence.


I don't hate God, but I do hate the fact that so many believe in religious gods without giving proper thought and analysis to their god(s) so-called existence.

I second that. And to add, some times I just hate people who believe in God. (Well, rarely 'hate', just dislike or annoyed...)


Student Nurse
So then, by hating or just disliking the believer or his/her methods of determining truth, would that make us guilty of some sort of intellectual or spiritual snobbery?

I suppose if an adult were to confess to me that they still believe in Santa Clause I would think that something might be psycologically wrong with them or that they might be a little slow. The believers in this forum are educated adults. From what I've experienced, theology can run very deep and be a very challenging subject. What I've learned so far is that it's not about intellectual capacity for logic. It has much more to do with the sources of information and the direction that logic takes someone. A person can have a very bright mind but that mind will still be steered by the information that's put into it. It would be ideal if everyone were such a super genious that, no matter what information they were fed, they would all be able to look around and think things through and come to a unanimous conclusion. That's just not the way the human mind works.


So then, by hating or just disliking the believer or his/her methods of determining truth, would that make us guilty of some sort of intellectual or spiritual snobbery?

I suppose if an adult were to confess to me that they still believe in Santa Clause I would think that something might be psycologically wrong with them or that they might be a little slow. The believers in this forum are educated adults. From what I've experienced, theology can run very deep and be a very challenging subject. What I've learned so far is that it's not about intellectual capacity for logic. It has much more to do with the sources of information and the direction that logic takes someone. A person can have a very bright mind but that mind will still be steered by the information that's put into it. It would be ideal if everyone were such a super genious that, no matter what information they were fed, they would all be able to look around and think things through and come to a unanimous conclusion. That's just not the way the human mind works.

Not every believer do I hate, dislike, or am annoyed at. Just some, like any one that simply will not allow themselves to think, and won't deter from what they know about their religion, and the "fact" that they without doubt 'know they're right'. No one on here, albeit I don't frequent/come here often, has bothered or annoyed me. I simply know a few in life and on other forums that bother/annoy me. I don't think I really dislike/hate any religious person that I know... Just were I to meet a person that would not listen to me, yet I'd listen them – and already had many like that person, I would probably well dislike them...

That doesn't mean every believer can't come to a truth that you or I could see, but some just are arrogant. I'd say most atheists have listened to 'religionists' before, for how else would they have made up in their mind that there is not any god ?...

:sorry1: Sorry, if I sounded like I'as insulting some one, or something ?... Or maybe I understood you the wrong way... :shrug:


Not your average Mormon
And to add, some times I just hate people who believe in God. (Well, rarely 'hate', just dislike or annoyed...)
Why? Is it the fact that they believe that makes you dislike them, or is it the fact that they can sometimes be over-bearing in trying to "save" you?


Why? Is it the fact that they believe that makes you dislike them, or is it the fact that they can sometimes be over-bearing in trying to "save" you?

Over-bearing. If I accidentally ran into a Christian, I wouldn't just hate him/her, but if s/he knew I was an atheist and s/he acted like 'Come here, and let me help clean your soul and on Christ's side', or whatever, I'd be quite annoyed. Or, if I were in discussion/'debate' with one – any one religious, for the matter – and they've explained theirself, and I try to do so for me, but they just won't listen to me. I don't think I've ever met anyone like that, but I know the day shall come... And I'll be annoyed.

I made myself come off as a bad person. :eek:


Student Nurse
Over-bearing. If I accidentally ran into a Christian, I wouldn't just hate him/her, but if s/he knew I was an atheist and s/he acted like 'Come here, and let me help clean your soul and on Christ's side', or whatever, I'd be quite annoyed. Or, if I were in discussion/'debate' with one – any one religious, for the matter – and they've explained theirself, and I try to do so for me, but they just won't listen to me. I don't think I've ever met anyone like that, but I know the day shall come... And I'll be annoyed.

Many of them are actually obligated by their religion to share their beliefs. Some might be very outgoing and love doing it, but others might be just as uncomfortable as you are but do it anyway. Either way, they're harmless. No one gets converted in one conversation or debate. Give them a good debate. Let them wear themselves out. In the end you both might learn something new and they'll feel like they gained some treasure in heaven. Besides, if they weren't religious fanatics they'd probably be multilevel marketing salespeople and you'd still have to listen to their pitch.

I made myself come off as a bad person. :eek:
No, I understand. Just try a little patience and compassion and they might just realize we're not Satanists.


Canadian eh
I think to be an atheist solely based on hatred of the god you dont believe in would be very illogical and quite obviously hypocritical. But, to be an atheist and hate the concept of God, or the fictional character of God is perfectly fine. I think people are free to dislike anything they want to, including things they deem fictional. For example, I don't believe that Mr. Burns from the Simpsons(as if you do not know what Mr. Burns I'm talking about)is a real person or being, but I can still hate him.


I think a debate with me could be destructive to them, but yes, should debated... Which I do, on another forum, and lesser here.

In the same idea as Heracles, I do more or less hate God. At some Christian/God-implied beliefs,k I do hate/am very annoyed at them. Like those of homosexuals, and morality, and the like. Sometimes I just get mad at God believers, because they support things like 'anti-homosexualism', and just discriminate different humans by their different beliefs. But no, I don't hate every Christian I see, or would run into. That'd be illogical.


:foot: I should word better... Even if they "try to 'save me'", I would understand, but wouldn't just hate them... If we started to talk, debate, and all they would simply say is "Well, look how wrong you are, that's not what the Bible says" and that's all they'll really say, then I'll be annoyed. But I don't just hate religionists. :eek:

(I don't know if Constantine's post is good or bad ?...)
atheists do not hate something they do not believe in, they simply disbelieve

a(without) theism(belief in god or gods)

they have not been shown suffecient proof to believe such a thing exists.
atheists do not hate something they do not believe in, they simply disbelieve

a(without) theism(belief in god or gods)

they have not been shown suffecient proof to believe such a thing exists.:)


Veteran Member
Hating God has nothing at all to do with atheism, of course. As was pointed out, atheists don't hate God, they hate RELIGION. *smile*

I am not an atheist, so I have hated God. In fact, I think I hated God most of my life. Everywhere I looked in the world I saw "flaws" in the way the universe works that cause great suffering, and that I believed were God's fault, so I hated God for being so mean-spirited. I assumed it must be mean-spiritedness that would cause God to create a universe with so much unfairness and suffering.

Fortunately for me, I eventually grew out of this phase of my life, and learned to see the universe in a very different way, and most importantly I learned to stop presuming that I have the wisdom or right to stand in judgment of it. And since this change happened I no longer hate God. In fact, I love both God and life deeply, and sincerely. I am extremely grateful to be alive and to get to experience the magnificent gift of being.

But that's how it goes, sometimes. To be human is to be an idiot much of the time.


New Member
I hate my car's fuel efficiency and my commute to work because they are things I can relate to. I'd say if I had to say it I'd say I had less regard for God than I did for that Giant Blue Teapot that exists in outer space (the one you can't see or detect but you know it's there) because that Giant Blue Teapot hasn't been the cause of many a war (not that I know of at least). If God does do everything that some people claim (the scriptures, religion regardness, can be interpreted in very different ways by different people) then he would theoretically have the power to put these people right. Either he's just watching like a child burning the wings off a fly or he has left Earth to it's own devices or he doesn't exist. Either way no bad ever came from a teapot (except perhaps cold tea).