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Do you hate God?


I think a debate with me could be destructive to them, but yes, should debated... Which I do, on another forum, and lesser here.

In the same idea as Heracles, I do more or less hate God. At some Christian/God-implied beliefs,k I do hate/am very annoyed at them. Like those of homosexuals, and morality, and the like. Sometimes I just get mad at God believers, because they support things like 'anti-homosexualism', and just discriminate different humans by their different beliefs. But no, I don't hate every Christian I see, or would run into. That'd be illogical.

I'd have to disagree there. You'll find that many moderate religious adherents support homosexuals and do not discriminate based on their beliefs...me being one of them. Rather, it is the extreme religions (or more often people who take religion to the extreme) that cause the problems. People pervert religion by using it to justify killing. It's been done for millenia.

Often, I get frustrated with atheists. If you don't believe in God...that's fine with me. It's your choice. I'm not going to try and 'save your soul'. If you end up wanting to learn about Christianity, this forum is an excellent resource. If not...that's not my problem and I can care less what you believe.

I would never hate an atheist simply because they are atheist. In fact, I find I have trouble hating a lot of people. I may be irritated or annoyed...but I won't hate them. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. I get annoyed when atheists attack religions unprovoked and make a mockery of what billions of people on earth hold dear.

I was on this one site called youmustchoose.com. Hilarious site. You are presented two options and you choose which one you'd rather have. However, I wasn't laughing when I got to this one question. It was something about Jesus on the cross and it asked what would look better on him: a Santa hat, or Christmas lights? And people in the comment section were coming up with more ideas and having a Christian bash-fest.

I honestly find it extremely hypocritical how you atheists condemn religions for hating others based on beliefs, when you atheists do the exact same. I found that EXTREMELY disrespectful. If you don't believe in it - fine. But that doesn't give you license to disrespect it. I have trouble respecting a lot of atheists because of this. Not all are bad, but most of the ones I've encountered are like this.

Even worse are those ones who are still in high school, yet think they are working for NASA and that they are the supreme source of knowledge on earth. Automatically assuming that if you believe in God, your logic is faulty and you are a complete idiot. These are the same people who purposely twist Bible verses and use examples of the most extreme theists to prove how religion is the 'poison of the world'. Man is the cause of war, hatred, and poverty in the world - not the religion man uses to justify it. Jesus taught peace, love, and everything good. I honestly do not see how you can claim that all religion is bad and all belief in God is bad for the sole reason you don't believe in it. Of course, I wouldn't hate every atheist I run into. That's just illogical.


Student Nurse
How can an Atheist hate God when they don't even believe in God?
That's what I thought too. If someone has such strong feelings towards God then they must believe in Him, at least on some subconscious level. I even wonder if some theists develop a hate for God and then begin to call them self an atheist, all the while still subconsciously raising their fist at heaven. God shouldn't be any concern for someone who has completely let go of Him. At that point, one can take their focus off of an evil God and see where the real cause of our religious problems are. One cause being corrupt people twisting religion to control and exploit others. Another would be faith that completely ignores reality - refusal of blood transfusions, exorcism by strangulation, jihad, Intelligent Design, etc.
No, I don't hate god, or religious people.

There are plenty of religious people in my life and I love them dearly. As for gods...depending on which figure we are talking about, they inspire in me different feelings, from disgust to admiration to apathy. If we are specifically talking about certain parts of the OT...."shock" and "moral outrage" and "morbid fascination" ;) describe my sentiments better than 'hate'.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
No, I don't hate god, or religious people.

There are plenty of religious people in my life and I love them dearly. As for gods...depending on which figure we are talking about, they inspire in me different feelings, from disgust to admiration to apathy. If we are specifically talking about certain parts of the OT...."shock" and "moral outrage" and "morbid fascination" ;) describe my sentiments better than 'hate'.

I feel precisely the same way as Mr. Spinkles on this issue.


Not a Member
When I was claiming to be atheist I most certainly hated god. Thanks to Painted Wolf I came to the realizations that 1) I did truly deep in my soul believe in a Creator and 2) that my "disbelief" was actually lashing out in anger.

I further realized on my own that the anger stemmed from my very foolish belief that Creator wasn't answering my prayers and therefor must not exist when really it was just that I had very unrealistic and improper prayers. From that I learned the true meaning of "god helps those who help themselves."


RF Addict
I thought a hatred of god, coupled with the belief he exists, was maltheism.

Atheism is a lack of belief in God.

Correct me if I am wrong on my ideas.


RF Addict
I really could not see someone loving an evil person. They would say that this person is misunderstood, or the stories about him are lies, and so forth.

I would like to be proven wrong on that, though.


I'd have to disagree there. You'll find that many moderate religious adherents support homosexuals and do not discriminate based on their beliefs...me being one of them. Rather, it is the extreme religions (or more often people who take religion to the extreme) that cause the problems. People pervert religion by using it to justify killing. It's been done for millenia.

(Glad I caught my username being quoted ; I haven't been on here in a long time...)

Personally, I don't think I've met one moderate religious person who *supports* homosexuals or any branch of the topic in real life, but no, that doesn't mean that's every religious person. I know one or two who are in the centre on it, and I think I know a good amount of people who 'just don't care', and are probably a little below moderate...

And it's your choice also what to believe, but doesn't Jesus tell you to 'spread the word' and saved those "damned souls" ?

I don't hate Christians or any religious persons just because they're Christian/religious either. Like you I often get irritated or annoyed, but, I'll only hate those who hate for no reason. I'll hate them even more if they hate because of their own personal beliefs. That's not you and probably not many around here, but those types of people do exist. I really don't have a problem with people holding something dear, even if I don't believe – I've problems with claiming that their beliefs are absolute fact by doing nothing more than saying so and quoting things that apply only to their beliefs as if it's fact. It's those people who try to show everyone that "they're right and you're wrong" that make me want to mock religion. And, well, those arrogant persons' faults really aren't the faults of the people who just believe and hold it dear no matter what others say. I just have problems with and desire to attack arrogance.

Well, I didn't create the site, and I would never... I think your deity-based beliefs are a load of rubbish, but if Jesus actually did live 2k years ago, I don't doubt that he was a good human. He most likely was no god, but he probably was a good human. I have problems with making fun of any good person. That doesn't mean I go and make fun of bad people, but I just have no problem with making fun of people who make fun of people, and I doubt Jesus made any fun, especially with the beliefs he supposedly "divinely extended".

I don't hate, but I do have problems with theists – those who believe in theism. I find it totally irrational, and in cases stupid. But does that mean I hate the personalities behind the label ?, could I really not like every person who calls their self a theist just because they call themselves that ? No, I can't. Most of my friends are theists, and friends they are. I just think a few of their beliefs are totally stupid – doesn't mean I hate them. And I actually don't know any theists who dislike me just because I'm atheist, but I do know they exist. . .but they're probably no one I've ever talked to.

You're right to say that what I just said above is name calling, because, it mostly is. As friends, I respect them ; as people who'd care for me, I care for them, but when it comes to "what's real", I won't just be friendly if I don't think their beliefs are real. And I know that that seems like just my personal opinion, but, is it ?.... I've based my beliefs off of what I've actually observed for myself in reality – I felt and somewhat feel that I could trust no one's interpretation, so, where'd I turn ? As I see it, the living real universe. I see stars that were created millions of years before Earth, and their light only came because they've existed longer. Is it wrong of me to say your beliefs are totally ignorant to this if you claim the Earth was created before everything ? I don't care what my friends say – I don't think their right, and that's not because I've made an opinion. It's because I've made an observation, of that which no doubt exists.

Honestly, I'm only 15. I don't work for NASA (but would like to), and I don't know half of what those who do work for NASA know. I know, that saying "I'm right" sounds no differently arrogant than you saying "I'm right", but, anytime I come across a belief of mine that is influenced only be emotion or what others believe, I reëvaluate it and see if it's correct based on reality around me. Not what 6000 years of writing have said, not what those I hold dear say, not what anyone says. Do you do that ? Do you go to the already-and-has-been existent universe any time you come to a controversial belief ? Based on this "belief system" of mine, I fail to see how I am wrong, unless I have misinterpreted something. I know how arrogant that sounds. I guess it's a 'seeing is believing thing', to an extent. I really fail to see how any personal thoughts of mine are "beliefs" and not just "explanations of reality". I'm an atheist, because I see no god, but I have an agnostic side, because maybe that god just hasn't shown itself yet. I'm atheist, because if I literally look at the universe, it's a load of empty space and atoms which combine to do crazy things. You look into the universe, and you see a world created by God*–*even there there exists no literal omnipotent doing anything-and-everything god amongst those stars. You only 'see' that because your beliefs tell you that's all there is to see. Have you ever looked at the universe with only your eyes, and no conflicting thoughts ? Ever, just to see what is literally existing no matter what other persons or things say ?

My initial reasoning for to stop believing in god was different than seeing the Bible as wrong or the thought of a god as irrational. I stopped believing, because all the world did is label itself. Christian – Muslim – Jew –*Hindu – Buddhist. ...Baptist – LDS –*Catholic... Atheist. My reasoning is much more than that now, but that was 'the reason' for me. That is what's stupid, and that's what I hate. And what I hate even more is that there hardly is such a thing as "theism". "How dare you compare God to that mocking false idol that's just some person's thought ?!". It'd be impossible to call the world's gods-believers "theists", because none of you would agree. Unless you want to go linguistically literal and look at theism as just "a belief in a supernatural being", there's almost no sence in doing so, because to you, there is one correct theism and "just beliefs". You respect that others have different beliefs and that you deserve to have whatever beliefs you choose, but you would never actually respect their beliefs as yours. And the crazier part is that this 'theism dividing' doesn't even take the literal existing world into account. It''s all about what deity is real. Who cares if the universe itself simply says it exists and doesn't tell you if a god does, you only look at the topic of religion that your god is real, and that other people just believe in other gods. It's impossible for you to believe other's actual religious beliefs as equal to yours. You believe that they deserve to believe different if they so choose, but their "not yours" beliefs are "incorrect" if their not yours.

My beliefs come from what I see, and I go out further than I have to to make sure I see them as they actually exist, and not be biased based on my personal experiences or thoughts. For me, an example of this would be those "signs" (Scorpio, Zodiac, Leo...). Even as an atheist, I always 'believed' (hoped?..) that they had some reality, just so I had some 'insight' into the future of my personal reality. Now, I just look at them as a lot of dumb text that sometimes has some good pointers for life, but a few weeks ago I sometimes hoped it'd be telling the truth, and I wondered about how my day would turn out and fit into what it was saying. I know that where stars and planets are have no affect on us, except when our beliefs in them having affect make us believe they do. It's just taking more of random universe and trying to fit it into something more special. Maybe a world where you have a 60-90 year life and nothing more isn't much to look forward to, but who has any right to say that it's more special than just some 60-90 revolutions around a glowing ball of flame on a liquid covered rock ? I think many of us hope there's more than "this", but I personally find it more comforting to stop hoping and just look at what has presented itself as reality, instead of making a personal perception of reality that I simply think would seem most likely. So what if that's what I think, does the universe support my thoughts ?

You wouldn't hate every atheist you run into, but would you not hate every atheist's views on the world ? And if you don't, then that's out of your own personal emotions, and not what your religion tells you. Because the last I checked, your religions tells you that we're lying fools that just ignore the warnings of evil Hell and God's lovingly helpful advice. If you don't hate *my* atheistic beliefs, it's because you're nice, thoughtful, and you just couldn't justify it, not because your religion tells you to put other's beliefs on the same platter as yours and treat them respectfully equal as if there's no difference, when there is.

I hate few people. I hate many of their views.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
I thought about putting this under one of the more popular sections of the forum but then I noticed how dead the Atheism section is so I'm putting it here. We sure need more threads. I put a thread in here on my first day in the forum last summer and it's still in the top five on the first page.

Anyway, are you an Atheist because you hate God or do you hate God because you are an Atheist? I'm just curious how it is that an Atheist can hate God. I suppose it's kind of like hating Santa Clause. I can understand how a believer can hate God. But why waste so much energy and time and make yourself so miserable hating someone who doesn't exist? I think anyone who says they hate God really isn't an Atheist at all.
I do agree that is would be a bit strange to hate something that you do not believe in. In fact, it would be very strange. As Lilithu states and in my experience, most Atheists I know simply don't give the reality of god a second thought. Just as they do not give a second thought to the Easter Bunny or Muhammed [pbuh]. The simple fact is that they don't lose any sleep over this and I have yet to meet anyone who "hates" god. What is the point. If god is god then hating that being can't be good for the individal in the long run. Hating god simply adds to the myths of god and perpetuates the idea that there is in fact a god. You can't hate nothingness now can you?

You have to keep in mind that if you hate anything it is your hatred that binds you to the object of your hatred, which become a viscious circle. Not terribly wise and I don't recommend that people try it at home as it won't serve them very well. But hey, whatever floats yer boat, eh!


Done here.
Why waste your energy hating something that isn't real? Hating God would be like hating the Wicked Witch of the West.

No, I don't hate God. I do hate many -- but not all -- forms of religion, though.


^ couldnt have said it better myself.

Although i almost feel sympathetic towards people who are devout in their belief, i dont judge them, i just think they have independence issues.
^ couldnt have said it better myself.

Although i almost feel sympathetic towards people who are devout in their belief, i dont judge them, i just think they have independence issues.

I agree with that the infantile need and feeling that you do not control your own life or decisions and then when you do something wrong or make a "sin" you have that silly excuse of Jesus as to why you did wrong -- that really gets on my nerves


Not a Member
I agree with that the infantile need and feeling that you do not control your own life or decisions and then when you do something wrong or make a "sin" you have that silly excuse of Jesus as to why you did wrong -- that really gets on my nerves

Not all people who believe in god(s) or a Creator believe in sin, Jesus or a surrender of personal responsibility and self-determination.


Well-Known Member
Certainly there are god concepts that don't believe in a "personal god", such as pantheistic religions like Buddhism and Hinduism where god is all of existence, there is unity in everything, and in this unity a sense of the divine. There are also the deistic first cause religions where a primal force was around to set things in motion, but then exited stage right. These are interesting concepts, but none have a scientific basis. Certainly none requre hatred.


Not a Member
These are interesting concepts, but none have a scientific basis. Certainly none requre hatred.

With all due respect, I think scientific basis for religion is a nonsensical concept. If religion were meant to be scientific, it would be called science. Not that I think the two should be mutually exclusive, but I do believe that the two are different concepts trying to answer different questions. Religion is more an answer to why and science is more an answer to how.

Much as I feel religion has no place trying to revise or eliminate science (such as creation replacing evolution, earth-centric versus helio-centric, etc.) I also don't
feel science has any place trying to revise or eliminate religion. Quite frankly I think the two can coexist peacefully and I was very pleased the first time I read Stephen Hawking's "A Brief History of Time" and he included the possibility of a spiritual force behind the Big Bang.

Science shouldn't preclude religion, and religion shouldn't preclude science. Both should recognize that the other is touching on similar topics but with a different goal in mind and hopefully find some peaceful coexistence. I consider myself to be spiritual and well-educated in science. I have rarely felt conflicted between the two.

I agree, though, that neither requires any hate.


RF Addict
Science can only be used to disprove religion when it makes definitive scientific statements, such as how animals come into existence, the shape of the earth, or the age, and so forth. It cannot be used to disprove any religious concept, or the existence of God itself. I think that is more of a field for theosophy, or philosophy.