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Do you have to disprove other people's belief or non-belief?


Non-debating member when I can help myself
So true! This kind of thing happens everyday on the forums. Just remember you have the right to choose which questions you want to answer or not answer. Some members don’t even read responses, they just keep firing the same questions over and over no matter what response they get. Some of these people need to be placed on ignore.

In case you don’t know how, you can “ignore” someone by tapping on their member name, then tapping on “ignore” which is located to the middle right in the pop-up box. Then, you never have to see their rude questions and comments again!
I recently have placed three people on ignore. Thanks for your sympathetic response.


Non-debating member when I can help myself
Until then, when a theist makes a claim, the door is open for debate.
If you love to debate, you're not for me. I prefer to find what we can agree on. However, I will defend my faith if you decide otherwise.
Theists are often more confident in their positions than is warranted. They come to realize how dubious their beliefs and claims are when they engage with critical thinkers.
You seem to be assuming that all theists beliefs are dubious. Just pointing that out.


Veteran Member
No, never had a job that was that bad, but stayed in jobs without comfort yes.
When it comes to faith, it is not about what one like or dislike, one serve God because it make one feel complete:)
But it maybe feels different for you.
It feels very different for me. :(

I don't know what you mean by complete? So do you feel happy serving God? I derive a sense of satisfaction that I am doing what God wants me to do, as enjoined by Baha'u'llah, but I am not happy.

Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
It feels very different for me. :(

I don't know what you mean by complete? So do you feel happy serving God? I derive a sense of satisfaction that I am doing what God wants me to do, as enjoined by Baha'u'llah, but I am not happy.
Yes, serving God bring happiness and joy in life. But there are still many aspects of life that could be "better"


Inactive member
If a belief is ridiculous and arguably bonkers, it would be a disservice not to at least mention it and the reason or reasons why.

It would not be a disservice to not mention your reasons for thinking a belief is ridiculous and bonkers. “Mentioning it” would be considered belittling someone for their beliefs, which is not only very rude, but also against forum rules.


Inactive member
Reality. The way things actually are in the raw as opposed to one's fantasy or imagination.

Reality doesn’t decide. You do. It is your own interpretation of reality, fantasy, and imagination that helps you decide what may be foolish. What you consider foolish isn’t what someone else may consider foolish. Your decision and your opinion do not make something true or correct for everyone.


Veteran Member
Reality doesn’t decide. You do. It is your own interpretation of reality, fantasy, and imagination that helps you decide what may be foolish. What you consider foolish isn’t what someone else may consider foolish. Your decision and your opinion do not make something true or correct for everyone.
You deserve two Winners for that but unfortunately I can only give one. ;)


Veteran Member
Reality doesn’t decide. You do. It is your own interpretation of reality, fantasy, and imagination that helps you decide what may be foolish. What you consider foolish isn’t what someone else may consider foolish. Your decision and your opinion do not make something true or correct for everyone.
For nonbelievers the way things are is the objective reality, what we can see in the material world. They have no conception of spiritual reality, what we see with spiritual eyes, so they do not believe it exists. That is why they call it a fantasy. I believe that the real fantasy is what they believe is real.

“The world is but a show, vain and empty, a mere nothing, bearing the semblance of reality. Set not your affections upon it. Break not the bond that uniteth you with your Creator, and be not of those that have erred and strayed from His ways. Verily I say, the world is like the vapor in a desert, which the thirsty dreameth to be water and striveth after it with all his might, until when he cometh unto it, he findeth it to be mere illusion.” Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, pp. 328-329

Matthew 6:19-21 Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Matthew 7:24-27 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.

“For every one of you his paramount duty is to choose for himself that on which no other may infringe and none usurp from him. Such a thing—and to this the Almighty is My witness—is the love of God, could ye but perceive it.

Build ye for yourselves such houses as the rain and floods can never destroy, which shall protect you from the changes and chances of this life. This is the instruction of Him Whom the world hath wronged and forsaken.” Gleanings, p. 261

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Reality doesn’t decide. You do. It is your own interpretation of reality, fantasy, and imagination that helps you decide what may be foolish. What you consider foolish isn’t what someone else may consider foolish. Your decision and your opinion do not make something true or correct for everyone.
No that's not correct. It's reality-based where actuality is always the determining factor, and not ones imaginitive interpretation or fantasy.

I can meet you partway however in terms of the reality by which one interprets by embellishment and fabrication of and in itself.


Inactive member
Assuming any god exists, of course.
Right. Believers can stop referring to their gods as if they are real, or show us that they gods are real, and then we skeptics will accept that fact or likelihood.
Until then, when a theist makes a claim, the door is open for debate.
Theists are often more confident in their positions than is warranted. They come to realize how dubious their beliefs and claims are when they engage with critical thinkers.

The reality is this site is called “Religious forums.” In reality, religion is a belief in something— usually a god or gods but may also be nature, self, spirit, etc. In reality, belief in god(s) or something else, is a given when on a religious forum. Believers aren’t going to ask another believer to prove their god is real because varying beliefs are already accepted amongst us. If non-believers are on a religious forum, they know they are amongst believers.

Don’t try to tell believers to “stop referring to their gods as being real” when you CHOSE to come to a forum of believers. Believers can make all the claims they want and they need never answer to or debate a non-believer.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
The reality is this site is called “Religious forums.” In reality, religion is a belief in something— usually a god or gods but may also be nature, self, spirit, etc. In reality, belief in god(s) or something else, is a given when on a religious forum. Believers aren’t going to ask another believer to prove their god is real because varying beliefs are already accepted amongst us. If non-believers are on a religious forum, they know they are amongst believers.

Don’t try to tell believers to “stop referring to their gods as being real” when you CHOSE to come to a forum of believers. Believers can make all the claims they want and they need never answer to or debate a non-believer.
I'm not under that impression by your response to @F1fan that it's a forum of believers.

Religion and religious can infer to an atheist disposition just as much. Things like Buddhism and Humanitarian themed religions are among them are largely atheist and agnostic.


Veteran Member
The proof is in how the person live according to what they believe or preach,
Well gee whiz that's everyone, including Charlie Manson. It includes the 9-11 hijackers. And this is completely irrelevant to proof of a supernatural being.

In sufism/Islam Allah has 99 "names" or attributes of how a conscious being would appear in this world. So if a sufi lives by the attributes of Allah and they are at the wisdom level of the how those 99 attributes are shown, then you see a person who is a living image of Allah.
That sounds pretty dubious.


Veteran Member
I've been hearing people attack me for my belief in God and Islam for years.
Are they attacking you as a person, or are they just criticizing your claims and beliefs, and you associate your identity with your beliefs so feel personally criticized?

If humans are going to unite on truth, we need some thicker skin.
Or be more objective and discriminating about truth that is factual, and less unverifiable, like most religious belief.


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
Why does it seems like some people must defend their belief no matter what? Are they that unsure about their own belief?

Why does it seems like some people must do everything in their power to discredit or disprove other people's faith or belief? Are they so desperate to prove God can not exist because they themselves does not see any proof of God?

Are both groups wasting their time on proving to others that they are the one who are right?

Is it not the Will of Allah that permeates humanity?

If so Truth is defined by that Will and in every age Allah sends Messengers to correct where man has gone astray.

In every age only 12 to 24 souls recognise that God has sent a new Messenger.

How does everyone else find that Truth if those 12 to 24 people do not go out and tell people where they have gone astray, because inevitably, those that do not want change will never see they have departed from the guidance of their faith.

That is how Faiths are spread, in this age it is not different.

Regards Tony


Veteran Member
The reality is this site is called “Religious forums.”
Right. And part of that reality is that there will be open discussions that challenge the claims and beliefs of theists. So be prepared. It aint for everybody.

In reality, religion is a belief in something— usually a god or gods but may also be nature, self, spirit, etc. In reality, belief in god(s) or something else, is a given when on a religious forum.
That tends to be the case. And in these forums are discussions about whether these beliefs are valid, true, defendable, etc. These forums don't guarantee a safe place for believers.

Believers aren’t going to ask another believer to prove their god is real because varying beliefs are already accepted amongst us.
Actually, no. There are many theist versus theist debates, even about the nature of gods.

If non-believers are on a religious forum, they know they are amongst believers.
Do note that many Christians consider Hindus non-believers.

Don’t try to tell believers to “stop referring to their gods as being real” when you CHOSE to come to a forum of believers.
That is not a relevant connection. The forum offers no guarantee or protection to theists. Sorry.

Believers can make all the claims they want and they need never answer to or debate a non-believer.
That is true. And non-theists and theists alike can ask and debate.

Of course, you are free to not sign in anymore if you find debate difficult.