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Do you KNOW God does not exist?

Do you KNOW God does Not exist?

  • Yes, I know He does not exist

    Votes: 16 30.2%
  • No, I do not know He does not exist

    Votes: 10 18.9%
  • No, I believe He exists

    Votes: 5 9.4%
  • No, I believe He does not exist

    Votes: 10 18.9%
  • Yes. I know He does exists

    Votes: 12 22.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
I am only curious of how many people on RF state that they 100% KNOW God does not exist.

I am gleaning from new knowledge I learned from RF of what atheism and theism compared to agnosticism and gnosticism.

The former pair focuses on belief. Therefore, God "could" exist even though atheist disbelieve it.

Meanwhile, gnostics Know God does Not exist. There is no room that He "could" because He does not.

I know. I know. It would be ignorant for someone to say God does not exist. However, just because a theist claims He does, does not mean there is or should be reasonable doubt it is true.

This is not to debate God's existence. I am just curious of who Believes God does not exist with those who Know He does not.

NO strings and exclusions attached.
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Rogue Theologian
What I know....what I am sure of.....is one thing.
What I can prove is something less.

Like science 'believes' in dark energy and dark matter.
The numbers the physicist play with lead the way.
But no proof.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
I am only curious of how many people on RF state that they 100% KNOW God does not exist.

I could tell you I do not.

But that would be just about as honest as stating that I'm not quite sure the moon exists: I could perhaps say such a thing if my life depended on it, or maybe to spare the feelings of someone in the short term.

It would still be a lie. Not an important lie - it is just about as meaningful as lying about my favorite color - but a lie all the same.

For all practical purposes, I do know that God does not exist. Except as a human creation.

I used to call myself an agnostic atheist, but for some time now I just can't quite care about keeping an agnostic face. It just seems so pointless, meaningless.

It is a respectable position and I would not object being called one. But it no longer means anything at all to me personally, so I think it would be dishonest to invoke such a label.

I don't even give a lot of importance to theism these days. I have come to think there is no real contradiction whatsoever in changing belief stance at a moment's notice, even by throwing a coin to make the decision.

It has become far too clear to me that gods are the expression of people's expectations and values, and not the other way around.

That many people will strongly disagree... is not at all a great deal either. Not to me, anyway.


Just me
Premium Member
I am only curious of how many people on RF state that they 100% KNOW God does not exist.

I am gleaning from new knowledge I learned from RF of what atheism and theism compared to agnosticism and gonisticism.

The former pair focuses on belief. Therefore, God "could" exist even though atheist disbelieve it.
You've been listening to the wrong atheists. Some of us are sincere when we state that an existent God is an impossibility.

Meanwhile, gnostics Know God does Not exist. There is no room that He "could" because He does not.
I disagree. Gnostics are generally those who know themselves--whether that results in a end-god or not is on the individual gnostic.

Like so: Gnosticism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I know. I know. It would be ignorant for someone to say God does not exist. However, just because a theist claims He does, does not mean there is or should be reasonable doubt it is true.

This is not to debate God's existence. I am just curious of who Believes God does not exist with those who Know He does not.

NO strings and exclusions attached.
I believe God neither exists nor does not exist, which is necessarily inclusive of the claim that God does not exist.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
You've been listening to the wrong atheists. Some of us are sincere when we state that an existent God is an impossibility
Pretty much. I was always shaky with the definition because many theist say they know God exists. They believe because they know. Atheists so far I know dont claim absolute knowledge as the theist. Just lack of belief.

I believe God neither exists nor does not exist, which isnecessarily inclusive of the claim that God does not exist.

True. How does that work? Unless you have a different definition of God than what is commonly known of Him?


Just me
Premium Member
Pretty much. I was always shaky with the definition because many theist say they know God exists. They believe because they know. Atheists so far I know dont claim absolute knowledge as the theist. Just lack of belief.
To be sincere is to believe.

I too was disturbed by theists' belief in something.

True. How does that work? Unless you have a different definition of God than what is commonly known of Him?
Perhaps it's a different definition of "me."

A friend once pointed out that it doesn't take knowing, so much as unknowing. Unknowing god; unknowing me. Dissolve the existing relationship and a new one springs up.

Advaita is a teaching of non-duality. An existent is duality.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
To be sincere is to believe.

I too was disturbed by theists' belief in something.

Perhaps it's a different definition of "me."

A friend once pointed out that it doesn't take knowing, so much as unknowing. Unknowing god; unknowing me. Dissolve the existing relationship and a new one springs up.

Advaita is a teaching of non-duality. An existent is duality.

That makes sense. I read an inspirational book. The author was raised by native ameircans so her outlook was holistic. She says that people (shd focused on westerners) dont appreciate the unknown. It was as if she and others created the "unknown" into someone in order to solve the mystery of life. It is useful though I cant personify the purpose of life. We make it up by living.


Just me
Premium Member
We make it up by living.
Just so. There's thought, and then there's thought about. The "about" thought wraps itself around thought, like... bacon around a fillet mignon. Do you taste the beef? or do you taste the bacon and ignore that you taste the beef? That's the thing.


I believe god(s) do not exist, nor the Easter Bunny, nor that a $1millon check is my mail box. But ALL of those MIGHT be true. But I'm not expecting any of them.

Or put another way I have the same expectation, belief, certainty, that god(s) do not exist that I have that The Tooth Fairy does not exist. But it MIGHT and I just haven't seen it yet, any day now perhaps. Maybe it'll appear in a vision and tell me to keep the faith. Maybe.


pro scapegoat
How can anyone answer unless you specify which God you are asking about? I know for sure that some gods don't exist, but am not even aware of all possible god conceptions.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
I believe he doesn't, and very strongly suspect that if he does he isn't as people assume (even accounting for the many flavours of assumption that exist).
I don't know and can't prove he doesn't exist.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
"Yes, I know he does not exist", however that comes with the qualification that I know- as good as it humanly possible- that god does not exist. I an not omniscient and so cannot cliam absolutely 'he does not exist'. Whilst I am fairly certian god does not exist, the source of religious illusion which created god, must necessarily exist. The only way I could 'prove' god does not exist is by demonstrating that man created god and god therefore never had an objective existence in the first place. it's a very tricky thing to do though because you have to have a very strong belief in yourself to make that assertion.
I think God's existence is extremely unlikely, to the point of living my life as if God does not exist, which means I believe he doesn't exist.

And agree that most God concepts are logically not possible, but I can't know that there isn't some kind of entity that could logically exist. We just have zero evidence for it so it is not worth worrying too much about.