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Do you KNOW God does not exist?

Do you KNOW God does Not exist?

  • Yes, I know He does not exist

    Votes: 16 30.2%
  • No, I do not know He does not exist

    Votes: 10 18.9%
  • No, I believe He exists

    Votes: 5 9.4%
  • No, I believe He does not exist

    Votes: 10 18.9%
  • Yes. I know He does exists

    Votes: 12 22.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
We can't know anything for certain (though there are plenty of things we can be confident of for all practical purposes - we could do anything if there weren't).

I'm fairly certain that many of the very specifically defined gods proposed, historical and contemporary, don't exist because the claims are either internally inconsistent or contradict better evidenced facts.

I've never claimed that no god-like divine being could exist (or have existed) but I've seen no evidence of one nor any good reason to presume any do.


Just old
Premium Member
hey Thief,
One cannot 'see', one that will not be seen,
even your 'God' said that, to Moses I think.
Same question: Why does it hide ?


Rogue Theologian
hey Thief,
One cannot 'see', one that will not be seen,
even your 'God' said that, to Moses I think.
Same question: Why does it hide ?

Maybe He doesn't want to spoil your effort in becoming a soul.
(Hands off until you gel.)


Veteran Member
I am only curious of how many people on RF state that they 100% KNOW God does not exist.

I am gleaning from new knowledge I learned from RF of what atheism and theism compared to agnosticism and gnosticism.

The former pair focuses on belief. Therefore, God "could" exist even though atheist disbelieve it.

Meanwhile, gnostics Know God does Not exist. There is no room that He "could" because He does not.

I know. I know. It would be ignorant for someone to say God does not exist. However, just because a theist claims He does, does not mean there is or should be reasonable doubt it is true.

This is not to debate God's existence. I am just curious of who Believes God does not exist with those who Know He does not.

NO strings and exclusions attached.
I think that anyone who claims to know that God does or does not exist is either being dishonest or they are confused as to what knowledge is. Certainty is an illusion. Any knowledge of this sort is merely a well-substantiated (subjectively) strongly held belief ... a.k.a. "faith".


Veteran Member
There are no gods, this I know
For observance tells me so
Little, weak, or big and strong
Just wishful thinking, every one.
Observance cannot show you that something doesn't exist with certainty. It only works that way in the positive. I don't "know" that aliens don't exist simply because I have not observed evidence of them. Same with God. That knowledge you claim is merely a well substantiated inference or belief.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
It has become far too clear to me that gods are the expression of people's expectations and values, and not the other way around.

I guess this is why I lack a belief in a God now. I could see this in myself.


Well-Known Member
Observance cannot show you that something doesn't exist with certainty. It only works that way in the positive. I don't "know" that aliens don't exist simply because I have not observed evidence of them. Same with God. That knowledge you claim is merely a well substantiated inference or belief.

Yeah.... I'm too keen on dissecting parodies of children's song's that are made up on the spot, so...


I am only curious of how many people on RF state that they 100% KNOW God does not exist.

Me me me.

I can tell you with absolute certainty he does not exist. The fact they called the concept a "he" is a reflection of man made mythology.

It is a matter of historical education.

If we look back and look at the evolution of god in ancient people with little to no knowledge of nature, it is easy to see there has never been a divine hand in anything

We see earthquakes and lightning and volcanos all explained in mythology due to their ignorance of the natural world.

If we look at how much of the mythology in theology never happened and is just mythology, it leaves no room for deities in reality when we see mans hand prints ONLY on the definition.
Yes,I do believe He does exist.When I look around at the world, and the universe, I can see his clues left behind.I can see the intelligent design.There is even a verse that explains it nicely.

Romans 1:20 For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

So, when I think about all the things that make up this universe, and how it works,there is no doubt in my mind that God truly does exist.


I think that anyone who claims to know that God does or does not exist is either being dishonest or they are confused as to what knowledge is

This is a fallacy my friend.

Scientifically no god exist. One has to exist before it needs to be proven it does not exist.

There is no dishonesty in saying mythology does not exist in reality


Simply put.

No one argues man has made thousands of deities in the past.

Yet believers only believe in one and are atheist to the others.

The burden of proof is on the theist their belief is real. To date that belief has NEVER been justified or substantiated.


Veteran Member
This is a fallacy my friend.

Scientifically no god exist. One has to exist before it needs to be proven it does not exist.

There is no dishonesty in saying mythology does not exist in reality
"One has to exist before it needs to be proven it does not exist"? I think you have that wrong. If something has to "exist" before it can be proven to "not exist", it would be a waste of time. How can one possibly prove that something that exists doesn't exist?


Veteran Member
Simply put.

No one argues man has made thousands of deities in the past.

Yet believers only believe in one and are atheist to the others.

The burden of proof is on the theist their belief is real. To date that belief has NEVER been justified or substantiated.
Now that I agree with.