I don't think my beliefs make me happy directly. I'm happy because my life is how I want it to be, which is dependent on those beliefs and a lot of luck. There's nothing more I want but more of the same for as long as I can have it.
Would I be happier if I had a boyfriend or a husband? I don’t know, but that is a moot point, since men do not date women like me who won’t have sex out of wedlock.
Is it moot? Here's an example of a belief of yours that may be limiting your happiness. I'm not suggesting that you change in that regard. I understand that that is probably not a good idea for you. But if you had never had such an objection and it were not an issue one way or the other, you might find a compatible significant other. Or, you might find sorrow.
A good day is a day I am content with the way things are, regardless of all the things I have to be worried about, legitimate worries.
There's another example of how belief can affect happiness.
With the money I have I could have anything I want, go anywhere I want, and never have to work one more day in my life. That might be fun but I don't think that would bring me true happiness and that is one reason I do not desire material things or activities. The other reason is because I know these things are fleeting.
And again. I'm also free all day and have no money concerns. But because I have a happy marriage, a home and garden I enjoy being in, dogs that bring me joy, good weather, things to keep my mind stimulated, and as much of a social life as I would like while being essentially desire-free and worry-free, I enjoy every day. You seem to think that such a life only brings fleeting happiness, but it's been a formula for sustained satisfaction for fifteen years now.
All I have are two old cars, a 1999 that I drive and a 1986 that is presently inoperable.
You have one more car than we do, and ours is also about 25 years old. Since we live in a village and most destinations are walking distance or at most a short drive, we don't drive much, so it has less than 80,000 miles on it.
My fear of accidents is one reason I don't drive very far anymore
Our reason is that just about everything we want is right here or can be sent here. We'd need to travel about an hour to find a mall or fast food or see an opera, but none of that appeals any more.
It's in this sense that my beliefs bring me happiness. They leave free from desire, contention, and worry.
You seem to have the same life more or less except that you live alone and are secluded. Maybe you prefer it that way, but if you lived in our village, you could live the same life but have as active a social life as you like, and I'm sure that you could meet men that didn't require a sexual relationship if male companionship were important to you. They needn't be roommates, and if they didn't like your cats, socialize outside the home - movies, plays, restaurants, garden clubs, ukelele groups, volunteering at animal rescue shelters, sketching groups, live music, etc..
Whatever you choose, you deserve happiness. You're a good person with a good heart. But you might need to make some changes. Seriously. If you have no family attachments or other reasons to stay put, how about coming to my part of Mexico and seeing what it has to offer you? We'd be glad to help you find a place to stay while you visit and to show you around. I'd love to meet you.