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Does anyone believe the original scriptures? why or whynot?


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
Actually, I'm feeling a bit dumb already for letting myself get suckered into another thread like this. ;)

Haha! What I am concerned about is the fact that this Jonathanofarrow writes like a juvenile so I can't help anticipating that whatever comes next is just going to be embarrassing.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
how can you be so sure that it was translated many times?

You're right jonathanofarrow: every modern copy of the Bible we have is written in the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and/or Greek.

Or did you think the authors of the books of the bible spoke English?

did your buddys tell you that and you happened to believe it, cause I did at once so its ok.

Looks like you're still doing it, just with new friends now.

Or is it an assumption that you came up with yourself.

People who try to pass off their own assumptions as scholarship don't last long here.

I'll be back but please do your research.

One of my main interests is psychology, so I'll just hang out here and research your posts if you don't mind.

I am a scientist

Really? what's your field?

which forces me to study history

Get to it then.

(and I 'm good debater so if your not willing to debate please leave) in which brought me to the conclusion I'm going to present to you in a bit, I'm just picking brains for now.

Let us know if you find one you like. We'll give you a discount.

I'll be back in a bit to finish, got some work to do... tah tah!!!

Off to the secret lab in bat cave?

yall are funny, please hold the comments cause you are tempting me to continue. Oh and I'v done the research and if that's the best you got do yours or feel dumb in 2 1/2 hrs.

Tell you what professor: I'll promise to continue to study history if you promise to study sentence structure and learn how to use punctuation.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
"Does anyone believe the original scriptures"?

btw we don't have the "original scriptures" or anything close. The earliest copies (which are mostly fragmentary) are from the Dead Sea Scrolls and the oldest of the scrolls is dated around 100BCE.

And that only helps if you read ancient Hebrew. If you don't, you're reading a translation of a copy. All translation is dependent on interpretation, and no interpretation is perfect.


Wonder Woman
Does anyone believe in the existence of Jesus Christ and that performed the the miracles that the Bible says he performed?

Some do...hence Christians. Some don't...hence non-Christians. I would figure that you already knew this. If you need someone to tell you these things I have to wonder about your state of mind and sanity and greatly question your rationality to participate in a conversation, let alone a debate.


Here's a fact for ya, since your a scientist. You can prove anything, not a damn thing. Whatever you THINK, or BELIEVE, is fine, but it is belief and faith,not fact. No one alive today can prove that the events or people of the Bible are in fact true. Conversely,we can't prove that they are not true either, although modern science does cast some pretty heavy doubt on some of them.
So,go ahead and stun us with a revelation, but just remember it will only be your own personal belief, brought on by your own research and life experiences,that you present here. Kinda like the rest of us.
Or what about the 23,000 archaeological digs directly related to historical events in the bible. 66 books, over 40 authors, in three different continents, three different languages all adding up to the same thing.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Or what about the 23,000 archaeological digs directly related to historical events in the bible. 66 books, over 40 authors, in three different continents, three different languages all adding up to the same thing.
That the 6-day creation, the Flood, and the Exodus did not literally happen?


Or what about the 23,000 archaeological digs directly related to historical events in the bible. 66 books, over 40 authors, in three different continents, three different languages all adding up to the same thing.

I don't think anyone will argue that nothing in the Bible is real, or none of the places existed. Many of the places certainly do/did exist, and I'm sure many of the events are at least based on actual happenings. However, that does not make it a God-breathed book.
As to all the books adding up to the same thing, I would argue that this is definitely not the case. However, as far as they do add up, this is easy to understand if the writers had access to the older texts and could adjust their writings to coincide with them, or to make sure that certain prophecies would be "proven". If none of them had ever heard of each other or had any knowledge of previous writings,then that would indeed be remarkable.


Wonder Woman
Or what about the 23,000 archaeological digs directly related to historical events in the bible. 66 books, over 40 authors, in three different continents, three different languages all adding up to the same thing.

I believe I already previously stated that myths are somewhat based on real people and places, but it doesn't make them any less myths. So proving this place existed or a certain event happened doesn't prove that your god exists or Jesus was his son or any of that. It just means that the tellers of the stories based their stories somewhat in reality and somewhat in myth. It wasn't until much later that the stories were actually written. As for it "all adding up to the same thing" Matthew, Mark, Luke and John didn't even get their stories straight together...how does that work? Not to mention that there's a lot of the bible that has not only been proven wrong, but impossible.


Wonder Woman
I'm still waiting for this "bread and butter" to make feel oh so stupid.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I know I just adore it when someone comes in and makes the faulty assumption that just because someone doesn't believe they must not know anything. Never once thinking that perhaps the reason that some of us aren't Christians is because we once were. :rolleyes: It's almost cute.


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
Still have not gotten to the bread and butter, just stating historical facts.

You haven't actually stated many facts so far but rather allude that there are facts, which you have not yet presented. How about giving us some specific examples and provide the evidence?