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Does anything actually matter at all?


Done here.
I don't think he meant all that, after all he mentioned that family was one of the things some athiest care about. And everyone should of course including athiests(1st Titus 5:8).
1st Timothy, I think -- though I'm not sure how denying the faith is very exceptional for an atheist.


Just me
Premium Member
...And that is the question I am asking?

One answer could be...
. Ultimately no - As little meaning as any 'words' - What are words uttered by human beings? Human beings have been around for less than 1 grain of sand in a world of beaches, or less than a teaspoon of water in the oceans, compared to the life of the universe. And we more than likely will have died out in another. The galaxy, the universe will continue. We will have made zero difference to anything apart from our own blip in the life of that which is.

Oh and none of this I find depressing. I find it quite exhilarating and freeing.
If words have no meaning, then... how can we talk to each other?


Well-Known Member
1st Timothy, I think -- though I'm not sure how denying the faith is very exceptional for an atheist.
Right 1st Timothy sorry, it says if a Christian dosn't provide for his own house not only has he denied the faith, but is worse than an infadel, because even they provide for their families ussually.


Reminds me of the story of the young man who was walking along the beach throwing starfish back into the sea that the tide had recently left ashore. There was miles and thousands of them. Soon an older man came up to him and laughed at him for his efforts. The man told him 'Don't you know you can't make a difference with your throwing them back in with all the miles of beach and thousands of starfish ahead of you?" The young man smiled and then bent over and picked one up and threw it as far into the sea as he could. Then he smiled and said, 'It made a difference to that one.':)


Reminds me of the story of the young man who was walking along the beach throwing starfish back into the sea that the tide had recently left ashore. .......':)

Woohoo, finally I hear someone else use this analogy!

We are not born to this world to worry about things. Those of us who worry about things choose to worry about things. There is no point to worrying as we can't control 10% of the thing s we worry about and the other 90% never happens.


Well-Known Member
No god is needed for things to "matter", in fact, this life matters a lot more when you come to the realization that it's all you've got.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I think life is best conducted in a spirit of play -- where things both matter and don't matter at the same time.


Well-Known Member
Everything has it's time and season, there's a time to live and a time to die. And if there is a time to ask yourself what will happen after you die then it's now.


Admiral Obvious
Well you forgot a few things in your post, a few things like: that first kiss on the doorstep, hearing your child scream for the first time, watching the spring lillies open toward the sun, ocean waves, a pitch black middle of Utah night and how bright the Milky Way looks, kittens, the latest song you've learned most of the words to, a three point jumpshot that beats the buzzer...
I would like to add:
Hearing your child say "I Love You"

Ok. First of all I am an atheist, so from my viewpoint, there is no afterlife, saviour, heaven etc etc.

Now given that, and maybe I should address this purely to atheists, but for now, maybe not, lets's give it a try on an open forum... Although I really don't want any bible/koran quotes/arguments please?

Anyway back to the point...

Does ANYTHING matter?

We spend our lives worrrying about possesions... Money...Cars, bikes, clothes, computers, mobile phones, hairstyles etc.
People... Friends and family, our neighbours, the locallity, the country, the world, poverty.
The planet... Polution, population, resources, greenhouse gases, global warming etc.
We elect governments, or live under dictatorship.
We believe in deities and worship them, or not.
We are born, and we die
The planet has been around for maybe 4 or 5 billion years, and will be around for a while yet.
But when it dies, then the galaxy will be 99.9999999999etc % unchanged.

We are irrelevant. People are irrelevant. Animals, plants, the days and nights...are of (almost) zero relevance when it comes to the galaxy, never mind the universe.

Or what?
Since life is not ONLY about the grand scheme of things, i will go on record saying that yes, a great many things matter.
Yet what does and does not matter is based upon individual subjectivity.

It matters not to me if god is real or not real.
It matters not if their is more than one god or no gods at all.
What matters to me is me and mine.
My friends, my family, those whom I interact with.
The things i want, for myself and for others.
Do I really care if it will have any effect/meaning/impact/bearing on the "Grand Scheme of Things?"