Yes, use other than curing ailments is what is intended.This ^ says nothing of recreational use though, or use of drugs for any other reason
the second clause doesnt follow from the first, where does the text mention "recreational" use, or use for any other reason? Have you inserted the word "recreational" yourself (making up the rules according to your own opinions), or does the text actually mention recreational use, or use for any other reason besides curing physical ailments?
Compare definition of "recreational"
- Relating to or denoting activity done for enjoyment when one is not working: "recreational facilities".
- Relating to or denoting drugs taken on an occasional basis for enjoyment, esp. when socializing: "recreational drug use".
Yes, that is what is meant in the texts. Please feel free to check the Pali yourself.You seem to be artificially equating "using drugs for no reason" with "using drugs for reasons other than curing physical ailments" is that really justified by the wording of the original text?