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Does Christmas have anything to do with Christ?

Does Xmas (Christmas) have anything to do with Christ?

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mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
It is just a convention, we do not know what year Jesus was born, let alone the day.
I thinkthat there is noConvention
That date moved
And who knows how looking at Roman history
Will thekilling ofthe children ofBethlehem
These documents can be specified at the time of birth closely
And also the date the Romans also they colonize Palestine in that era
And either specify the exact time we talked about it and we said it
Differs between Eastern and Western calendars
The difference is not that big
There were details of birth and reason
Whowrote theGospelwitness thebirth
But they heard from Mary
And also they believe this althkit according to the Torah in Admin
The Apostles or disciples of Christ were Jews
So the birth of the evidence
The Romans and the Jews and the Virgin Mary


pro scapegoat
I thinkthat there is noConvention
That date moved
And who knows how looking at Roman history
Will thekilling ofthe children ofBethlehem
These documents can be specified at the time of birth closely
And also the date the Romans also they colonize Palestine in that era
And either specify the exact time we talked about it and we said it
Differs between Eastern and Western calendars
The difference is not that big
There were details of birth and reason
Whowrote theGospelwitness thebirth
But they heard from Mary
And also they believe this althkit according to the Torah in Admin
The Apostles or disciples of Christ were Jews
So the birth of the evidence
The Romans and the Jews and the Virgin Mary

Well no I'm afraid. The census during the reign of Herod is a few years out. Sadly, none of the witnesses left a record, none of the apostles, the Jews or Mary.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Well no I'm afraid. The census during the reign of Herod is a few years out. Sadly, none of the witnesses left a record, none of the apostles, the Jews or Mary.
I respectyour opinion
Doubtin the interests ofthe accused
Until proveninevidence
This characteristic of human free
Onlyyou should know thatthose who wrotea novelof birthnotmerchant
And those without Sweeper market to sell Santa Claus
They wrote what they saw and what they heard
Withoutany interest
Therefore, there is some variation in the date of birth and also endorsed the shuttle's fiery disintegration the shuttle's fiery disintegration of the meaning of intellectual
Not disagreeing with you
I've entered the Christmas traditions of many cultures and many different peoples who converted to Christianity
The word San is Saint and not interested in rearranging
Because if we did this with all of the words, the result will be awesome also
I think it'sa personalinterpretation
If the birth to joy
They are beautiful
Christianity is a joy and peace
And always happy to believe that peace is in it too
And who wants to spend and trade
This personal freedoms
Christianity did not say you have to buy a Christmas tree
If you purchase will not enter paradise
I think that spending and extravagance of personal freedoms

But those who participate with the world are not doing as God commands.
James 4:4 You adulterous people, don't you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
But those who participate with the world are not doing as God commands.
James 4:4 You adulterous people, don't you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.
Fondness for the world and a fondness for a custom is not the same thing. How do you know James 4:4 is about every choice a person makes and isn't about one choice which is siding with the worlds ONE convention? The worlds way which is selfish is opposed to God's way which is love. That is what James 4:4 means. Please don't use it as proof holiday decorations hurt God's feelings.


New Member
Yuletide celebrations have been around for much longer than Christ. Decorating trees, gift giving, even the time of year (winter solstice). It had nothing to do with Christ until Christians made pagans either convert or be killed. So they agreed to convert but brought their traditions into Christianity. Christiantiy is nothing but a hodgepodge of other religions and philosopies that have been practiced for thousands of years longer.


Meh. Christmas, aka Christ's Mass, is as much a legitimate Catholic holy day of obligation as all the others. Every saint has a Mass day, and it often has no relationship to either birth or death days, but to a less crowded spot on the liturgical calendar. And borrowing from other religions is as old as religion.

For Protestants, though, it is more murky. Early Protestants rejected Christmas, in fact. Why the change to observance? What is the theological basis for recognizing this Catholic Mass day and not the others?

Me, I will cheerfully light my Chanukah candles, eat latkes and sufganiyot, and let the Christians fight the crowds and overspend at the stores.


New Member
Religion should be about personal faith, and using that faith to be the best person you can be. If you need the trees and lights and other symbols then you have missed the point.

More important I think, if you get upset about not having your symbols displayed by some government entity or other group, you should be rethinking your values.

Finally, the worst I have seen is when a person that is supposed to be a religious leader, minister, rabbi, etc., wants to sue the city or petition them to take down their decorations because it offends them. This has been in the news before. What kind of a leader takes that kind of offense at someone else's tradition?

We all should be rethinking how sensitive we become about these decorations and symbols, and try to get back to what any religion is supposed to be about...people, and helping each to build a better community. Hate and intolerance is wrong no matter what labels you put on them.


How exactly is repeating what the Bible says JESUS said, about our subject, - quote mining?

You folks are pushing stuff HE DID NOT SAY! And things the Bible does not say - such as trinity, Jesus being God, etc. Traditions of MAN!

How is it that you are unable to comprehend that we are discussing Christianity as it is defined in statements of belief by all the major sects, and actually practiced by everyday people, and not the Christianity you would prefer?


Active Member
Christmas may have replaced Saturnalia and in the Nordic countries the midwinter blot but Christmas have been given a connection to Christ, we are, or are at least supposed to celebrate Christ. That commercial powers have taken it over are just a sad reality. For me this is a season of family reunion and I always save some of my vacation days for this purpose.


New Member
I guess it's probably fair to say that it's gained a sort of Christian nature because it's been forced as a Christian holiday for so long. It's pretty much ingrained everywhere even in places that aren't highly Christian that it's supposed to be Christian centric.


New Member
Christmas has everything to do with Christ, it has the name in it! It is a sad fact that many families only experience the rampant materialism involved with shopping for gifts and finding deals. But it is nonetheless a valuable and important opportunity to celebrate Christ, God's greatest gift to humanity, by showing love to one another. As to whether gift-giving is an appropriate way to celebrate, I think it is. Children ask all the time why do we get or give gifts for Christmas? A parent's reply could be along the lines of this: "Beneath this humble wrapping paper is a gift from us, or from Santa (See St. Nicholas for the origin of Santa Claus) to show how much we love you. Jesus was born in a poor familiy in a humble stable in Bethlehem. And yet, he is God's greatest gift to the world, Christ our Savior. God didn't have to give us such a generous gift of his only Son, but it shows how great his love is for us."
Christmas is not pagan since we don't worship the fir tree, its origin is from St. Boniface. He cut down their "sacred" tree to show the pagans not to worship false gods, and legend has it that a fir tree grew in its place. Since it pointed upward, he taught them how it points upward to God, who is above all. That's how it became part of Chrismas tradition.