You don’t think that humans’ mental abilities are superior to those of animals? When is the last time an animal invented something like an airplane or a cure for cancer?
We were discussing "free will" which has nothing to do with inventing airplanes and curing cancer, so have no idea where that gigantic leap came from.
So I would prefer to stick to the issue of your statement of:
"No, animals do not have free will because they operate on instinct. Humans have free will because we have a rational mind, which is associated with the soul. Animals do not have a soul, they have an animal spirit."
Now again:
free will
1. The ability or discretion to choose; free choice: chose to remain behind of my own free will.
2. The power of making choices that are neither determined by natural causality nor predestined by fate or divine will.
So I want to know what real life observations/facts you have to back up your claim. Because I just don't understand how people can NOT see that other creatures think and make choices all the time. It's like they are told something and believe that over what they see right in front of them. Like when a horse has an itch on his back that he cannot reach, so picks up a stick to rub the itch, that's clearly reasoning out a problem and coming up with a solution. It's not just "instinct" as other horses don't do that. Or the study done with some crows in a certain area that figured out how to crack open nuts by dropping them on the road for cars to break them open. Then figured out that it was safer to drop them in crosswalks so they could swoop down and eat the nuts while the lights were red and eat them in safety. Or any number of such events that show thinking and reasoning is involved, yet people believe the it's ALL "instinct" lie and just block all such events out of their minds.
I get my beliefs from my religion, the Baha’i Faith. I believe that only humans have a rational soul and other animals have an animal spirit. The rational soul continues to exist in the spiritual world after the body dies, but I do not know if the animal spirit continues to exist in the spiritual world. There are differing opinions among those of my religion regarding this.
I sure hope that animals continue to exist in the spiritual world but there is no way to know.
Since I LIVE for the cats, an afterlife without my cats would be no life at all.
What do you believe?
I know that ALL living creatures/beings have souls or they would not be alive. And I know that for two reasons. The first being that God had shown me that during my childhood OBE/NDE. And the second being that I can perceive/feel the soul's energy in all living creatures.
However FYI - In the spiritual realm/heaven/"afterlife" there is no physical matter, so all entities and Deities exist as pure soul/spiritual energy without any physical form.