We all want to know if God exist on our terms...objectively. We want the smoking gun. But maybe that smoking gun can't be seen objectively, maybe it can only be seen on a purelt subjective and personal level. I had a series of synchronistic events happen to me that point to God. The events weren't visions or voices in my head but real external events that pointed to God.
From another thread moments ago...I quote myself...
Observation as evidence?
How about an eighty year old man climbing a mountain.
When He gets there, he encounters a burning bush and a disembodied Voice.
Later He claims to have been in the presence of God.
He did want for nothing in the encounter.
No bread or water....forty days and nights.
Would such testimony be sufficient?....or shall we discount the word of Moses?....and the commandments he brought down from the mount.
(end quote)
This and other events have people involved to the point of witness.
Shall we discount the prophets?...
take your pick which ever you dislike or favor.
Some events are astounding....like raising the dead.
Shall we discount the event though there may have been witnesses?
Or shall we chalk ALL such story telling to one conspiracy after another...
generation after generation...culture for culture...century after century?
At what point will the call for evidence cease?
(probably right after your last breath and you stand from your dust)
For some...the personal event is quite persuasive.
I can't say nay....been there.
But for those who haven't been so fortunate....what testimony for them?
Are they not nay sayers by choice?
And if nay saying sets the spirit of heaven at a distance....
how then to close the lack of believing?