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Does God need to be worshipped?


New Member
Hi all,

My kid asked me a couple of questions that got me thinking today, so I thought I would collect some thoughts.

Does God need or want people to worship Him? Why? What difference would it make to him?

What would He think of the concept of religion? What would He think of all the different religions? Would He even care?

This isn't intended as a flame, I really would like to hear opinions.


alphaswift said:
Does God need or want people to worship Him? Why? What difference would it make to him?
I think he just appreciates the effort we make in showing our appreciation for what he's done for us.

alpahswift said:
What would He think of the concept of religion? What would He think of all the different religions? Would He even care?
I think one of the religions on this earth is actually Christ's true church. That's the one that he set up and the one he authorises. The other churches probably annoy him that they're not listening to him, and just blindly going on by their own wisdom, but all religion has truth and good in it, and he's probably glad people are doing good.


Mother Heathen
As far as worship is concern, I believe our purpose IS to worship God and to live our lives according to His will, not our own. I think whether or not we do so makes a great difference to God. He loves us. He created us. He provided each of us with a choice...as to whether or not to follow Him or not. My hunch is that He hopes we'll all follow.

In the Bible...we're told that all who follow Christ are part of ONE body...the Body of Christ. According to His Word...when you are in Christ...you've got it. So...I just focus on that. All Christians, regardless of religious differences are grounded in Christ...and I believe all belong very much to that very same Body.


Lord of the Badgers
alphaswift said:
Hi all,

My kid asked me a couple of questions that got me thinking today, so I thought I would collect some thoughts.

Does God need or want people to worship Him? Why? What difference would it make to him?

What would He think of the concept of religion? What would He think of all the different religions? Would He even care?

This isn't intended as a flame, I really would like to hear opinions.
That depends entirely on your concept of God.

Since i imagine you are asking about the Abrahamic God, my answer would be yes He does want people to worship Him. This is because He is an extremely arrogant, petty, jealous, vindictive and stupid individual. He thrives on being told how great He is, and will happily smite those who don't play along (well He did in the story book, not so much in real life).
I don't worship this God, nor do i believe He is worthy of praise.

A 'real' God would not need praise, nor would He want it.
Do you ask your children to worship you, or do you just want them to be happy? I imagine you would want the latter. If a being of limit such as a human can recognise this, then a being without limit like a God surely can too.

If you believe in a God - open your heart to Him, not your mouth.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
First off, Welcome to RF, Alphaswift. I hope we can give you some food for thought.

alphaswift said:
Does God need or want people to worship Him? Why? What difference would it make to him?
I believe very deeply in the existence of a All That Is (or God, if you must), however the concept of worship is foreign to me. I simply do not understand why people feel a need to worship what should become their best friend. Do you worship your personal friends? Nope. Didn't think so. My understanding is the God is somewhat embarrassed over the adulation, as that is not ITS intent. God wants companionship, not well behaved lemmings, endlessly strokig his cosmic ego.

alphaswift said:
What would He think of the concept of religion? What would He think of all the different religions? Would He even care?
From what I gather, God is not terribly impressed with religion as a whole. No doubt he feels like one of those famous celebs who have unauthorized biographies written about them. I don't think God is very impressed with those who get stuck in a single mode of thought (ie. one religious viewpoint).
In some terms, God cares tremendously about us, however, God is not human, therefore to project human qualities onto God is not altogether wise or helpful.

In my humble view, no man/woman, needs any religion. They only need to listen to the music of their heart to hear the symphonies of the soul.

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Hello and welcome, Alpha! We would love to get to know you, and hope you consider becoming a returning member! In the meantime, I love to answer questions, especially for kids!

alphaswift said:
Does God need or want people to worship Him? Why? What difference would it make to him?
I'm a pagan and a polytheist (I tell you this so that your kid can get an idea of what different people from different religions believe). I don't believe that the gods need people to worship them. Especially since, in my tradition, you can't turn a corner without running into another god, I tend to treat them (as is my wont, to steal from Terry Pratchett) as the postman. He's there. He knows he's there. He knows you know he's there, so going around worshipping him is unnerving to the both of you. On the other hand, just like friends who like compliments from time to time, I imagine that gods do want to be celebrated.

What would He think of the concept of religion? What would He think of all the different religions? Would He even care?
I think that some gods like the idea of religion more than others. I imagine that many are appalled at what is being done in their name, while others (like Kwan-Yin, goddess of compassion and mercy) are very happy if their story being told helps others to help each other. I don't know what they think of all the different religions, but I imagine that they percieve them as being different paths to the same destination- most having great wisdom of their own.

This isn't intended as a flame, I really would like to hear opinions.[/QUOTE]


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Doesn't the Bible quote God as saying He"s jealous (though it doesn't make clear of whom)?

Perhaps He gets upset at all the attention the heathens pay to other deities, and his ire is assuaged by prayers from the faithful.


Well-Known Member
alphaswift said:
Does God need or want people to worship Him? Why? What difference would it make to him?
There really should be no question that God does want our praise. Personally, though, I don't think He needs it. Ultimately, our worship to Him has no bearing on His existence. But He loves us and cares for us, so I would say He does want us to worship Him.

Plus, I think He deserves it for all that He has done for us. What with saving us and all.


Citizen Mod
Does God need to be worshipped?

It’s a good question, let’s ask Him

“AM I to BE revered for MY wisdom, MY intelligence? AM I to BE worshipped for MY LOVING kindness, MY forgiveness? AM I to BE avenged and fought over for having these qualities? No.”

“I cannot take full credit for YOUR species on earth. That, as I have mentioned before, was modified and re-created by other intelligent entities. Gods? Most assuredly. I may BE credited with the miracle of life. Notice that I said "credited" and not "worshipped." It was MY pleasure to enact a functional physical body for souls to inhabit, but please, put away YOUR donations.”

“I never asked to BE worshipped or praised. Why should I? I AM just like YOU and you and you. The only difference is that I have been around longer. Look around at the many different people. Do you worship them? Do you erect churches and talk about them in their names? No, of course you don't. Do you hold them in reverence? You should. WE are ALL Gods. There is no seniority or special privileges that come with BEing a God. WE are ALL in this together.”

HELLO IT'S ME: An Interview With GOD
Chapter: The One True God
Pg: 323-325


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
God is love. Love is about relationship. Therefore, God wants us to be in relationship with him. God provides for us. Our response to that Providence is praise, thanksgiving and worship. I believe worship is one of the fundamental things God desires of us, because it is our primary mode of relationship with God.


Well-Known Member
alphaswift said:
Hi all,

My kid asked me a couple of questions that got me thinking today, so I thought I would collect some thoughts.
You have an extremely bright kid.

Does God need or want people to worship Him? Why? What difference would it make to him?
If we are talking of the God of Jews and Christians then yes God does command and desire worship.
The Ten Commandments are evidence along side dozens of other biblical verses which attest to his desire to savour the sweet aromal of burning goats.

What would He think of the concept of religion? What would He think of all the different religions? Would He even care?
Again according to the Bible God invented religion.


Well-Known Member
alphaswift said:
Hi all,

My kid asked me a couple of questions that got me thinking today, so I thought I would collect some thoughts.

Does God need or want people to worship Him? Why? What difference would it make to him?

What would He think of the concept of religion? What would He think of all the different religions? Would He even care?

This isn't intended as a flame, I really would like to hear opinions.
In the Baha`i Faith one of our daily obligatory prayers goes like this:
"I bear witness, O my God, that Thous hast created me to know Thee and to worship Thee. I testify at this moment to my poverty and to Thy wealth, to my powerlessness and to Thy might. There is none other God but Thee, the Help-in-Peril, the Self-Subsisting."

So I say, yes tht is what we should do. Perhaps His concern is that it is good for us, not neccesary for Him, that all those religions are in fact ONE religion, and He must care or He would not constantly renew that covenant with mankind.



New Member

Lots of responses. It would be interesting to get all of you in one room and see what happens :D

After giving this some more thought and seeing the answers, I'm still not sure. :bonk: Personally, the relationship between Man and God can be a loving one, there's no problem with that. What gets me is why God would want or need to be worshipped. I mean...he's God. Does He really need anything?

If I created something, I'd be fond of it for sure, but I'm not sure I would want to listen to people worship me for eternity. So the queston becomes...should we worship the ideals of God, or God himself? Or is that the same thing in people's minds?


Well-Known Member
alphaswift said:
What gets me is why God would want or need to be worshipped. I mean...he's God. Does He really need anything?
This a the paradox of the concept of "God".
It doesn`t make sense but thats religion for ya.

If I created something, I'd be fond of it for sure, but I'm not sure I would want to listen to people worship me for eternity. So the queston becomes...should we worship the ideals of God, or God himself? Or is that the same thing in people's minds?
The Abrahamic God does state over and over again that he/himself requires worship.


*Foxy Lady*
I remember something about the smell of burning lambs pleased him, then he hated someone else for giving him vegetables or something.... in genesis I think. Bit of a sadist if you ask me....


Bodhisattva in Recovery
It should come as no surprise that I say you should forget all about worship. If you are hung up on the worship thingy, then you pretty well have to go with one of the "off the shelf" religions, however mundane. If it floats your boat, go for it.

The ideals of god? Just what exactly is that. All I have ever read are the ideals of Men.


Ammon is awesome
I'm not sure if God personally NEEDS worship to survive, but He has definitely earned our worship. W/o Him there is no us. As the scriptures say we are even lower than the dust of the earth, because that's what we were created from.


†ßig Dog†
God does not need us to worship him, We need to worship him. It's for our benefit, not his. For us to know and remind ourselves who God is. To develope a relationship with him.