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Does God Really Have a Gender/Sex?


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Hi MysticSang'ha, again I ask, why no MMA women fighting MMA men. Why no women boxers fighting men boxers? Why no women playing professional baseball, basketball, or football on men's teams? Do you want to know why? It is because women are the "weaker vessel," and cannot compete at those elevated levels as do their male counterparts. You know, I could maybe agree with you if say 10% of those previously stated sports were integrated with women, but there are 0% of women competing with men in those areas. So please, understand that women are the "weaker vessel."

LOL you keep telling yourself that.

But I've actually been on the mat with male and female MMA fighters. None take the view that you have. In fact, there are plenty of advocates to not only elevate the awareness of female MMA fighters and boxers, but to have leagues where the fights are co-ed.

Another note to make is that usually women are the victim of spousal abuse, instead of the one inflicting the abuse as the "stronger vessel." If women were not the "weaker vessel," there were be much fewer cases of "wife beating," and many more cases of "husband beating."

Then you ought to look into the prevalence of female-on-male violence, which many mens rights groups have been speaking about for many years (and which I speak out against - that being female-on-male violence). Across cultures, however, what is more prevalent in male-on-female violence is incidences of rape and of homicide. But when it comes to physical assault, I find some evidence that female-on-male violence occurs more than some are willing to admit.

That doesn't come from any "weaker vessel" argument.

Finally, our military is changing the qualifications for combat so that the standards will be lowered to make it more fair for women. If women are not the "weaker vessel," why lower the standards? KB

What is your source for your contention that the military is changing qualifications for infantry to make it more fair for women?

Thinking that "lowering standards" is equivalent to "being like a woman" which is equivalent to being "weaker" is remarkably sexist and misogynistic. Thank goodness none of our sons think this way about the women they know in their lives. They actually respect a woman's strength, smarts, tenacity, and mental toughness. In short, they actually respect women for being human just like them.

Ken Brown

Well-Known Member
LOL you keep telling yourself that.

But I've actually been on the mat with male and female MMA fighters. None take the view that you have. In fact, there are plenty of advocates to not only elevate the awareness of female MMA fighters and boxers, but to have leagues where the fights are co-ed.

Really? Let me know when there is a televised bout between a female MMA and a male MMA. I'll be sure to watch, but I am not holding my breath with any expectations that it will occur any time soon.

Then you ought to look into the prevalence of female-on-male violence, which many mens rights groups have been speaking about for many years (and which I speak out against - that being female-on-male violence). Across cultures, however, what is more prevalent in male-on-female violence is incidences of rape and of homicide. But when it comes to physical assault, I find some evidence that female-on-male violence occurs more than some are willing to admit.

Please provide some statistics.

That doesn't come from any "weaker vessel" argument.

What is your source for your contention that the military is changing qualifications for infantry to make it more fair for women?

Thinking that "lowering standards" is equivalent to "being like a woman" which is equivalent to being "weaker" is remarkably sexist and misogynistic. Thank goodness none of our sons think this way about the women they know in their lives. They actually respect a woman's strength, smarts, tenacity, and mental toughness. In short, they actually respect women for being human just like them.

Hi MysticSang'ha, see the above answers and links. "Lowering standards" is equivalent to showing that women are the "weaker vessel." Listen to this very carefully. If you would take a 130# man trained in MMA and put a 130# woman who is trained in MMA, and put them in the ring together, it would be a lawsuit of gargantuan proportions resulting from him breaking her in half, as she is the "weaker vessel". KB
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Well-Known Member
Hi Pegg, you hang in there. It is amazing how women try in vain to become men. I have been a carpenter for almost 30 years and have worked around construction sites all that time. Do you know how many women have "chosen" to work in construction on those sites that I have seen? Only a couple. And they had jobs that were not the strenuous "male" type jobs that I see. Why is it that women are not digging ditches with men, or framing up walls, or running heavy equipment? Are they being discriminated against? No, it is a matter of choice, and ability. Now, we can lower our standards, and make it so that only a certain diminished requirement be the norm (as we are doing in the military for combat), and then the weaker vessel can be PUSHED into those roles, thus making the stronger vessel weaker. KB

It's funny because back in the day women use to do all that kinda stuff...it wasn't just the men who helped build homes you know lol good times.


Heretic and part-time (skinny) Santa impersonator
Hi Pegg, you hang in there. It is amazing how women try in vain to become men.

Indeed amazing that some men believe that some women strive for that singular goal… as if “manly” deeds like wielding a hammer to drive a nail or cut wood was the exclusive domain of men alone.

I have been a carpenter for almost 30 years and have worked around construction sites all that time. Do you know how many women have "chosen" to work in construction on those sites that I have seen? Only a couple.
Just curious, and just asking… how many of those construction sites were managed, operated, and/or directed by a woman?


And they had jobs that were not the strenuous "male" type jobs that I see.
Well, of course not… how could they be, even as pretense? It is, after all, a "man's" job. As "God" intended?

Why is it that women are not digging ditches with men, or framing up walls, or running heavy equipment?
Funny that I am not accounted as a part of your expertise as (any of the above) “manly” in construction as a skill or profession, but over many years have borne witness to women doing the exact same work…

Are they being discriminated against? No, it is a matter of choice, and ability.
Or, it is about simple discrimination?

Simple-minded, narrowed, timid, and impotent fear of women that exhibit equal skills and capacity?

If so, kinda makes that trouser trout look a bit smaller in fair perspective…

Now, we can lower our standards, and make it so that only a certain diminished requirement be the norm (as we are doing in the military for combat), and then the weaker vessel can be PUSHED into those roles, thus making the stronger vessel weaker. KB
"We" could, if that we true...

Just to be perfectly clear… with vision aids upon request…

...ANY woman that volunteers for combat duty is, just like ANY man, a volunteer and not a conscript.

NO woman can ever be assigned to combat duty (at this point) unless specific request for such duty is requested.

Any enemy shot (bombed, stabbed, incinerated, etc) and therefore wounded or killed by opposing forces is unlikely to worry upon the gender of their opposition in the moment.

It’s not an especially (nor exclusively) “manly” skill (nor incumbent/ingrained intellect, rationality, compassion, or judgment) to pull a trigger, or push a red target button in times of combat and war.

Patriotism, sense of duty, honor, and a desire to defend one’s own family, friends, or nation…is not exclusive to penis size or menstrual cycles.

A a strait, middle-aged white male…I sincerely apologize for the utter ignorance and offensive nature evinced by any and all "manly men" that would insist women are, “by their nature”, unequal and therefore incapable and unworthy as soldiers...or carpenters.

Would just like to add, to any women out there, that they have served their nation with honor in uniform, and our gratitude and thanks for your service and sacrifice.

Ken Brown

Well-Known Member
It's funny because back in the day women use to do all that kinda stuff...it wasn't just the men who helped build homes you know lol good times.

Hi FranklinMichaelV.3, to be sure, "back in the day" women were good "helpmates" to their husbands, why do you think that has changed in our day? And do you think husbands are the "weaker vessel," as some portray? KB

Ken Brown

Well-Known Member
Indeed amazing that some men believe that some women strive for that singular goal… as if “manly” deeds like wielding a hammer to drive a nail or cut wood was the exclusive domain of men alone.

Just curious, and just asking… how many of those construction sites were managed, operated, and/or directed by a woman?


Well, of course not… how could they be, even as pretense? It is, after all, a "man's" job. As "God" intended?

Funny that I am not accounted as a part of your expertise as (any of the above) “manly” in construction as a skill or profession, but over many years have borne witness to women doing the exact same work…

Or, it is about simple discrimination?

Simple-minded, narrowed, timid, and impotent fear of women that exhibit equal skills and capacity?

If so, kinda makes that trouser trout look a bit smaller in fair perspective…

"We" could, if that we true...

Just to be perfectly clear… with vision aids upon request…

...ANY woman that volunteers for combat duty is, just like ANY man, a volunteer and not a conscript.

NO woman can ever be assigned to combat duty (at this point) unless specific request for such duty is requested.

Any enemy shot (bombed, stabbed, incinerated, etc) and therefore wounded or killed by opposing forces is unlikely to worry upon the gender of their opposition in the moment.

It’s not an especially (nor exclusively) “manly” skill (nor incumbent/ingrained intellect, rationality, compassion, or judgment) to pull a trigger, or push a red target button in times of combat and war.

Patriotism, sense of duty, honor, and a desire to defend one’s own family, friends, or nation…is not exclusive to penis size or menstrual cycles.

A a strait, middle-aged white male…I sincerely apologize for the utter ignorance and offensive nature evinced by any and all "manly men" that would insist women are, “by their nature”, unequal and therefore incapable and unworthy as soldiers...or carpenters.

Would just like to add, to any women out there, that they have served their nation with honor in uniform, and our gratitude and thanks for your service and sacrifice.

Hi s2a, I would like to apologize for those who try to change the natural role of women into the unnatural role of men.

As of July 27th, all four women who’ve attempted to pass the Marine Corps Infantry Officer Course have failed (and I can only assume that these four were "elite" women, not just ordinary women). Most men would fail these elite special forces requirements, but now the agenda driven political wing wants to change the requirements so that lesser men and women can qualify (all in a purposeful effort to weaken our nation). Here is a quote from a former Marine Force Recon commander, who states very well what will happen if the standards are lowered so that the "weaker vessel" can qualify:

Quote from a former Marine Force Recon commander:
When you lower the standards for any reason of training and qualifications for military units, you increase the likelihood of more military personnel being killed in action and lower the chance for military units to prevail in combat action. Need anything more be said!!!!! As a former Marine Force Recon commander, I can attest to the fact that most males "can't meet the physical qualifications" to serve in "special operations units". Anyone who meets all the long standing qualifications for service as a special operator should have the opportunity to serve, but the qualifications should not be changed to permit "anyone" to gain entry to a special operations unit. To lower standards is to "kill your own people and diminish the opportunity to prevail on the battlefield".


Jehovah our God is One
Hi Pegg, you hang in there. It is amazing how women try in vain to become men. I have been a carpenter for almost 30 years and have worked around construction sites all that time. Do you know how many women have "chosen" to work in construction on those sites that I have seen? Only a couple. And they had jobs that were not the strenuous "male" type jobs that I see. Why is it that women are not digging ditches with men, or framing up walls, or running heavy equipment? Are they being discriminated against? No, it is a matter of choice, and ability. Now, we can lower our standards, and make it so that only a certain diminished requirement be the norm (as we are doing in the military for combat), and then the weaker vessel can be PUSHED into those roles, thus making the stronger vessel weaker. KB

Yep, I hear ya!

I was helping my in-laws put up a shed today and there is no way I could have lifted the steel frames on my own. The guys have the strength to do it and i dont feel im being discriminated against when they say 'let me lift this for you'

Im more then happy to stand back and let the men do their thing...they do it very well. ;)


Well-Known Member
Yep, I hear ya!

I was helping my in-laws put up a shed today and there is no way I could have lifted the steel frames on my own. The guys have the strength to do it and i dont feel im being discriminated against when they say 'let me lift this for you'

Im more then happy to stand back and let the men do their thing...they do it very well. ;)

Strength must equal ability to create and be innovative, plus leadership skills.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Hi MysticSang'ha, see the above answers and links. "Lowering standards" is equivalent to showing that women are the "weaker vessel." Listen to this very carefully. If you would take a 130# man trained in MMA and put a 130# woman who is trained in MMA, and put them in the ring together, it would be a lawsuit of gargantuan proportions resulting from him breaking her in half, as she is the "weaker vessel". KB

Fight fire with fire, is what I always say:

Australia looks to Canadian women in combat | Metro

Carignan and three other military colleagues just returned from a two-week trip to Australia, where they described their experiences in the combat trades to their counterparts. The Australian Defence Force (ADF) will take down the last barriers to women in combat areas in January.

This week, two women sued the American military for continuing to bar women from frontline combat on the simple basis of their sex.

“The (main) lesson learned from our integration adventure is that operational effectiveness is only related to leadership and the actions of the leader,” said Carignan, who also served in the Golan Heights and Bosnia.

“We had this twisted around, and this was another message we had for the ADF: Operational effectiveness has nothing to do with the gender of the folks composing your force.

From the above link, which holds similar opinions by various U.S. Brigadier Generals and Sen. John McCain:

The reticence of some countries to include women in combat roles is based on several false assumptions rooted in emotion rather than data, says Carignan.

The first is that women aren’t hard-wired to participate in violence.

“You go through training together as a team and you learn how to apply your rules of engagement and you train in that field,” she says. “When you get into a tense situation, your training kicks in. Application of violence is a completely gender neutral concept.”


Another belief is that women aren’t physically or mentally strong enough to cope with the rigours of combat — a notion the British government emphasized when they upheld the ban on women in frontline combat two years ago.

Carignan says men and women all come to the military with varying capabilities, and it’s up to the leadership to deploy them based on strengths and weaknesses.

“We’ve seen this countless times out in operations or on exercises — the guy who ends up saving the day on the battlefield is not the guy who looks best in the weight room.”

In other words, anybody who has been out on the field, in the ring, or have done any self-defense training and applications will attest to this....brute upper body strength means little in the overall picture of operational effectiveness.

First off, women have already been fighting alongside men in combat roles for a long time while we in the states have been debating the issue for decades. We've heard the same argument since the military opened up its ranks to women at all, to when the military opened its ranks to women pilots, then to women infantry, and now to women in special forces.

Oh, and your MMA argument is ridiculous. I've been on the mat with men twice my size, and trained alongside and sparred with some of the areas best. Did you read how a small woman like me threw a 6'4" man over her shoulder (and a 6'4" man who is a Black Belt in Shorin Ryu Karate, too)? He wasn't any weakling by any standard.

I suggest it is you who should listen very carefully. The misogyny around here is stinking up the place.

Ken Brown

Well-Known Member
Fight fire with fire, is what I always say:

Australia looks to Canadian women in combat | Metro

From the above link, which holds similar opinions by various U.S. Brigadier Generals and Sen. John McCain:


In other words, anybody who has been out on the field, in the ring, or have done any self-defense training and applications will attest to this....brute upper body strength means little in the overall picture of operational effectiveness.

First off, women have already been fighting alongside men in combat roles for a long time while we in the states have been debating the issue for decades. We've heard the same argument since the military opened up its ranks to women at all, to when the military opened its ranks to women pilots, then to women infantry, and now to women in special forces.

Oh, and your MMA argument is ridiculous. I've been on the mat with men twice my size, and trained alongside and sparred with some of the areas best. Did you read how a small woman like me threw a 6'4" man over her shoulder (and a 6'4" man who is a Black Belt in Shorin Ryu Karate, too)? He wasn't any weakling by any standard.

I suggest it is you who should listen very carefully. The misogyny around here is stinking up the place.

Hi Mystic, please, get a woman MMA that is the same weight of a man MMA and put them in the ring together and then you will see how weak the "weaker vessel" is. Stop playing games. If you females were as strong as males, you would be in the ring together with them at the top levels, and not just playing around with a 6' 4" weakling that is trying to be kind to you. Believe me, if that 6' 4" Black Belt was told that he would die if you defeated him, you would be toast. KB


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Hi Mystic, please, get a woman MMA that is the same weight of a man MMA and put them in the ring together and then you will see how weak the "weaker vessel" is. Stop playing games. If you females were as strong as males, you would be in the ring together with them at the top levels, and not just playing around with a 6' 4" weakling that is trying to be kind to you. Believe me, if that 6' 4" Black Belt was told that he would die if you defeated him, you would be toast. KB

Hahaaa! You make funny! :p

I'm not playing games. You're making some extremely misogynistic comments about women and our ability to defend ourselves and to enter into combat roles. Did you read the link I provided and the quotes I offered from it? Do you realize how women have been fighting in combat for decades now and contributing greatly to military combat readiness?

BTW, I run in the same circles that my daughter has trained in. Everybody has the same requirements to pass their Black Belt exam. Whether you're male, female, adult, or child. The requirements are the same across the board when it comes to running the miles, doing the pushups and situps, and breaking boards and bricks.

I've seen it with my own two eyes, and I've fought, bled, and be thrown over shoulders and had the wind knocked out of me before (so has my daughter). Women can and do kick ***, and often times have an advantage over males when males have an extremely vulnerable target that women don't.

Grab. Twist. And pull. Women don't have an easily accessible target like that. Imagine. Hmmm.....

I've also over a couple of weekends trained heavily with a grandmaster who specializes in edge weapon close combat defense and attack techniques. He travels the world over and trains military special forces in many different countries, including our own Seal Team 6 and Israeli special forces. Not once did he ever mention that women must do anything different than men or are less capable of defending themselves in traditional combat or in guerrilla combat....everybody has major arteries that can be cut that will kill in a couple of minutes. Knives take footwork and targeting. I was trained for several hours in a day over the course of two weekends how to take an enemy down by cutting certain tendons that leave him or her defenseless and immobile or by cutting major arteries.

Who's the weaker vessel again? ;)


رسول الآلهة
Gender is a biological requirement along with many other traits. The assertion that god is male or female is entirely pagan where deities were physical beings with human form.

Now that the Abrahamic faiths have spread across this is mostly lost although the gender bias remains as these religions all stemmed from previous pagan sources.

I will often say "it" in description of god for example, not because I vie god as a thing but because god is not describable. Not male nor female or anything describable in comparison to natural existence.

The only time god can have a form is if you give it a form like Hindus have done with their manifestations of a singular entity. God only has the attributes you want it to have when we wish of it.

Ken Brown

Well-Known Member
Hahaaa! You make funny! :p

I'm not playing games. You're making some extremely misogynistic comments about women and our ability to defend ourselves and to enter into combat roles. Did you read the link I provided and the quotes I offered from it? Do you realize how women have been fighting in combat for decades now and contributing greatly to military combat readiness?

BTW, I run in the same circles that my daughter has trained in. Everybody has the same requirements to pass their Black Belt exam. Whether you're male, female, adult, or child. The requirements are the same across the board when it comes to running the miles, doing the pushups and situps, and breaking boards and bricks.

I've seen it with my own two eyes, and I've fought, bled, and be thrown over shoulders and had the wind knocked out of me before (so has my daughter). Women can and do kick ***, and often times have an advantage over males when males have an extremely vulnerable target that women don't.

Grab. Twist. And pull. Women don't have an easily accessible target like that. Imagine. Hmmm.....

I've also over a couple of weekends trained heavily with a grandmaster who specializes in edge weapon close combat defense and attack techniques. He travels the world over and trains military special forces in many different countries, including our own Seal Team 6 and Israeli special forces. Not once did he ever mention that women must do anything different than men or are less capable of defending themselves in traditional combat or in guerrilla combat....everybody has major arteries that can be cut that will kill in a couple of minutes. Knives take footwork and targeting. I was trained for several hours in a day over the course of two weekends how to take an enemy down by cutting certain tendons that leave him or her defenseless and immobile or by cutting major arteries.

Who's the weaker vessel again? ;)

Hi Mystic, again, why no MMA women fighting MMA men if you women are such bad *****? You know and I know that it would not be fair for the "weaker vessel" to fight the "stronger vessel." Get women in the ring with men (at the professional level), and then I might start to agree with you, otherwise, stop dreaming. KB

Ken Brown

Well-Known Member
Hi Mystic, you know how I can positively state that men are stronger than women? It is because I know for a fact that Messiah Yeshua is stronger than His Church, as He is the Head of it. No matter how we would try to deceive ourselves into thinking that we were more powerful than He is, we would be fooling ourselves, just like you are fooling yourself in thinking women are stronger than men. KB


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Hi Mystic, again, why no MMA women fighting MMA men if you women are such bad *****? You know and I know that it would not be fair for the "weaker vessel" to fight the "stronger vessel." Get women in the ring with men (at the professional level), and then I might start to agree with you, otherwise, stop dreaming. KB

LOL boy did I hit a nerve. Not dreaming. Been there, trained, sparred, and fought. Those who have trained me have been elite fighters - both men and women - who view things very differently than what you are saying.

Hi Mystic, you know how I can positively state that men are stronger than women? It is because I know for a fact that Messiah Yeshua is stronger than His Church, as He is the Head of it. No matter how we would try to deceive ourselves into thinking that we were more powerful than He is, we would be fooling ourselves, just like you are fooling yourself in thinking women are stronger than men. KB

You just keep telling yourself that, KB. I live in the real world where women lift cars when their children are in danger, where women have committed acts of violence against men (and where male victims of domestic violence are now starting to be heard), and where women give birth. Women also in the real world fight side by side with men in combat.

BTW, I never explicitly stated that women are stronger than men. I'm countering your contention that men are stronger by stating that both genders are much more alike than they are different.

Ken Brown

Well-Known Member
LOL boy did I hit a nerve. Not dreaming. Been there, trained, sparred, and fought. Those who have trained me have been elite fighters - both men and women - who view things very differently than what you are saying.

You just keep telling yourself that, KB. I live in the real world where women lift cars when their children are in danger, where women have committed acts of violence against men (and where male victims of domestic violence are now starting to be heard), and where women give birth. Women also in the real world fight side by side with men in combat.

BTW, I never explicitly stated that women are stronger than men. I'm countering your contention that men are stronger by stating that both genders are much more alike than they are different.

Hi Mystic, you know, you and other equal gender advocates should start a petition with the Olympic Committee asking that all sports become non-gender based. Men and women competing against each other, and may the best, the strongest, and the more dominate gender win. KB


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Hi Mystic, you know, you and other equal gender advocates should start a petition with the Olympic Committee asking that all sports become non-gender based. Men and women competing against each other, and may the best, the strongest, and the more dominate gender win. KB

That last sentence should read: "May the best, the strongest, and the more dominant athlete win." :D

BTW, we can start with rhythmic gymnastics. I'd love to see that co-ed too. I think males have the capacity to be able to compete with the grace, flexibility, and sheer strength of these athletes.

You know along with the shooting, skiing, skating, equestrian events that are already co-ed. And where women do well like men.

Hey, not only do I train with martial arts and grappling and self-defense...but the trainers (you know, those special forces fellas) have also asked me to teach them ballet. So, I've offered some of my training and packed up one of my portable barres to take to their location(s). After a rudimentary lesson in barre exercises and center floor adagio, they all say the same thing:

"This is the hardest thing I've ever done."

Ballet. You know. That thing that if guys do they're considered a "wuss" or a "pansy" because you don't look like you're wincing in pain or anything. You're required to mask the pain in your classes, rehearsals, and performances. And this is with special forces....former Army Rangers and all.

So, again, I live in the real world where men and women DO work together, DO train together, DO fight together, and unsurprisingly do well together regardless of the gender-bias each activity offers. Whether it's caretaking or fighting or dancing or pushups or pullups or pulling a trigger or utilizing a knife.