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Does God Really Have a Gender/Sex?


Heretic and part-time (skinny) Santa impersonator
Hi s2a, I would like to apologize for those who try to change the natural role of women into the unnatural role of men.

You are, unnaturally, excused for the moment...

As of July 27th, all four women who’ve attempted to pass the Marine Corps Infantry Officer Course have failed (and I can only assume that these four were "elite" women, not just ordinary women). Most men would fail these elite special forces requirements, but now the agenda driven political wing wants to change the requirements so that lesser men and women can qualify (all in a purposeful effort to weaken our nation). Here is a quote from a former Marine Force Recon commander, who states very well what will happen if the standards are lowered so that the "weaker vessel" can qualify:

Initially, first and foremost, if you are indeed a representative of our volunteer uniformed services, I thank you both personally, and as member of a grateful nation.

Allow us now to recall the more specific nature of the mission tasks opened to women in military/uniform service, especially as it may apply to combat forward operations.

Just like "you" (whom may have been tasked to serve in combat,or not), all assignments in this role are qualified upon capacities within specialized qualifications.

No man, nor woman, will be tasked to serve in combat operations unless they are uniquely prepared and qualified to serve in that task, mission, and situation. Correct?

Volunteerism in military service is no less vital or honorable in whatever the mission demands, or am I wrong here?

Your anecdotal example provided may reflect an career inspired and open-minded assessment of women who willingly volunteer in combat situations, or it may just reflect a caveman's attitude that all women should remain pregnant and barefoot at home under any and all circumstances, and well, some will always think that way.

I am not qualified to designate that individual Marine you quote as being extraordinarily enlightened, nor as simply stone stupid...but remain advised and thoughtful that ANY women that willingly volunteers to serve at the front in combat alongside any man will always receive my equal respect, admiration, and gratitude for their service and sacrifice as any you might also put forth.


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Premium Member
The gender question seen from an earthly, physical life's perspective, is strictly in opposition to each other physically.

The gender question seen in a spiritual perspective is one in the same.

Both male and female created He them and called them both "Adam".

Gen_5:2 Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.

Now, as for the weaker vessel question.

In the spiritual sense, both are equal or as one, and when the marriage was first consummated in Adams, meaning the first set of early vessels, (one part heavenly, the other part fleshly) the one part that desired all that the eyes could see and was good to the touch was the weaker side, the flesh.

Eve, as the story goes was the female representation of the weaker vessel first to partake of the fruits of the flesh, while Adam, the representation of the spiritual side was not.

So, the definition of the male is the stronger side while the female is the weaker side. By definition only in respect to the flesh.

But in the spiritual sense, both are equal and with no definition as to either male or female, but as one individual spirit......you.

Any sexual references are restricted to earthly understanding only.

Mar_12:25 For when they shall rise from the dead, they neither marry, nor are given in marriage; but are as the angels which are in heaven.

Blessings, AJ



I worship the Lord in the form of Sri Ardharnarishwara:

This is God in the combined aspect of male/female.

Gender is a concept only relating to the physical world and God is totally beyond that.

God is far beyond any notion of duality and any polar opposites that we perceive all around us.

To me, God is 'masculine', but to realize His omnipotence can only be achieved through the worship of His 'feminine energy' or His 'Shakti'.

Thus, God is both Male/Female and neither Male/Female simultaneously.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member

I worship the Lord in the form of Sri Ardharnarishwara:

This is God in the combined aspect of male/female.

Gender is a concept only relating to the physical world and God is totally beyond that.

God is far beyond any notion of duality and any polar opposites that we perceive all around us.

To me, God is 'masculine', but to realize His omnipotence can only be achieved through the worship of His 'feminine energy' or His 'Shakti'.

Thus, God is both Male/Female and neither Male/Female simultaneously.

How do you worship " 'feminine energy'"?

Blessings, AJ


How do you worship " 'feminine energy'"?

Blessings, AJ
In Hinduism (the religion I belong to), this is achieved by worshiping Durga/Kali as the 'active component' of Lord Shiva's effulgence.

It is said (and it is true) that God in pure 'form' is actually formless and cannot be perceived through our limited mind and senses.

This is why, in religions like Christianity, they say 'the way to the Father is through the Son (Jesus)'.

In Hinduism, we say 'The way to the Father is through the Mother'.

It is exactly the same concept - using an 'escrow service' to approach God....we call it 'tantra'.

I hope this explains it.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
In Hinduism (the religion I belong to), this is achieved by worshiping Durga/Kali as the 'active component' of Lord Shiva's effulgence.

It is said (and it is true) that God in pure 'form' is actually formless and cannot be perceived through our limited mind and senses.

This is why, in religions like Christianity, they say 'the way to the Father is through the Son (Jesus)'.

In Hinduism, we say 'The way to the Father is through the Mother'.

It is exactly the same concept - using an 'escrow service' to approach God....we call it 'tantra'.

I hope this explains it.

I have no problem with that. The Father gets the glory and that is the sum of it.

Blessings, AJ


Well-Known Member
The gender question seen from an earthly, physical life's perspective, is strictly in opposition to each other physically.

The gender question seen in a spiritual perspective is one in the same.

Both male and female created He them and called them both "Adam".

Gen_5:2 Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.

Now, as for the weaker vessel question.

In the spiritual sense, both are equal or as one, and when the marriage was first consummated in Adams, meaning the first set of early vessels, (one part heavenly, the other part fleshly) the one part that desired all that the eyes could see and was good to the touch was the weaker side, the flesh.

Eve, as the story goes was the female representation of the weaker vessel first to partake of the fruits of the flesh, while Adam, the representation of the spiritual side was not.

So, the definition of the male is the stronger side while the female is the weaker side. By definition only in respect to the flesh.

But in the spiritual sense, both are equal and with no definition as to either male or female, but as one individual spirit......you.

Any sexual references are restricted to earthly understanding only.

Mar_12:25 For when they shall rise from the dead, they neither marry, nor are given in marriage; but are as the angels which are in heaven.

Blessings, AJ

Except Angels had sex with human women didn't they? Or does Sons of God mean something different in Genesis?