That's a nice discourse Jtartar, but it ultimately avoids what Paul says and the point of the OP, your interpretation basically involves ignoring what Paul says about obeying the Law and not sinning, perhaps you simply don't understand Paul as I implied is quite often the case? Would you like to try going over what Paul specifically says in the verses in the OP? The "Lawlessness" in 1 John is indisputably referring to going against the OT Commandments. When Paul says that you are to no longer sin, and if sin is Lawlessness, what does that tell you? What do you think Romans 2:13 means? He was clearly referring to the same Mosaic Law there that the Roman Jews were familiar with. Do you think the definition of sin changed by Paul's time?
There's no reason to believe that Paul is referring to the Law of Christ when he says "The Law", because he's talking to Jews who would not be familiar with it. That's why he specifically says "Law of Christ" to distinguish when he's referring to the Law of Christ. Romans 3:31 and 2:13 for example are clearly about the Mosaic Law.
I guess that you did not read what I said was written at Rom 3:27& 28. Here Paul is talking about what LAW. He then says, not the law of observing thr Law, meaning the Mosaic Law Covenant. Then he says in verse 28 to obey the law of FAITH. The scriptures tell us that you must obey the Law of Faith, the Mosaic Law Covenant went out with the death of Jesus, Col 2:13,14.
Paul says that if you are being led by spirit you are not under the Law, meaning the Law Covenant.
Consider also Rom 6:14,15, which says you are not under Law, meaning the Law Covenant. At 1Cor 9:20, Paul said that he was not under Law. If anyone would be under the Law Covenant it would be Paul, who was a Jew, Acts 22:1-3, Gal 1:13-18.
No Christian was ever under the Mosaic Law Covenant, it was just given to the Jews, Deut 5:1-3, Ps 147:19,20. At Rom 2:14, Paul says that the gentiles did not have the Law. Christianity started on Pentecost of 33CE, the day that the Holy Spirit was poured out on the Apostles in Jerusalem, Acts 2:1-11.
The Bible tells us that the Mosaic Law Covenant became Obsolete after the New Covenant was instituted, that was on the night before Jesus' death, Luke 22:19,20, Heb 8:6-13.
Paul wrote that a person could live by the Law Covenant, but only if he obeyed it perfectly, Rom 2:13, Gal 3:10, 5:3,4. Peter said that the Jews could not obey the law Perfectly, Acts 15:7-10. James said that a person must obey the whole Law, James 2:10.
Under the Mosaic Law Covenant a person was under the law of Justification by Works, Under the Law of Faith a person is under the Law of Faith. The only way a person could be saved is by Faith in the Ransom Sacrifice of Jesus, Gal 2:16.Also we are told that you could not be forgiven by the old Law Covenant, but only by Faith in Jesus, Acts 13:38,39.
Paul even rebuked the believers in Gal 4:8-11, because they had gone back to observing things of the Law. In Col 2:15,16, Paul said to let no man judge you in the observance of the festival or of a Sabbath. If they were under the Mosaic Law Covenant it was a death penalty NOT to observe a SABBATH, Ex 31:13-16.
It is difficult to explain these things, beause I do not know how much you knoow about the scriptures.