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Does Satan Exist?

Does Satan Exist?

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Will to love
The thing is it doesn't really matter if Satan and the fallen angels are real entities or if they're just mean't to represent our own personal "demons"--pride, anger, denial--the effect is the same and the solution is the same; facing our demons and taking their power over us away by getting in touch with reality, ie, truth.

Good post! The System *curse you system!* will not let me frubal you.

You took the words right out of my mouth. :yes:


Charismatic Enigma
Satan definately exist, what the bible says about him fits what is happening in the world, but like God I have faith he exists I can't actually see him just his effects, like if you look out the window and see trees blowing you assume there is wind.

Hmmmm you do know there is a scientific explanation for wind don't you?


Check this out - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wind

As there is for all the evil that goes on in the world - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychology


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
That's true unless there's an afterlife that looks the way certain religions depict it.

Well yeah, there's that. Allthough sometimes I wonder if people get hung up on their ideas of the afterlife because they're afraid to live this one.

Ðanisty;850805 said:

Thanks Danisty.

Good post! The System *curse you system!* will not let me frubal you.

You took the words right out of my mouth. :yes:

Ahh. That must be why they smelled like pancakes.


No... I stopped believing is Satan a long time before I stopped believing in God... In fact, I don't think I ever really believed in Satan...

Santana and Santa, on the other hand, rock my socks.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Its both the Nation and the faith. They are fundimentally connected.

Don't you guys have "Coyote", the Trickster?
No, we (Cherokee) have rabbit as our trickster. He is the template for the Brier Rabbit stories and for Bugs Bunny. :D
Coyote is from the Planes Nations, where you would have found Coyoties at the time.

But the tricster is far from a Satan anaology. Tricksters like Rabbit, Coyote and Raven are all teachers by example.



Well-Known Member
As far as hating Jesus goes, I can see how people get upset when he says it is good that his Father will torture people for all eternity.
No one in hell is going to have any question that they deserve to be there. There is a thing called sin (if someone argues that their isn't then you have to admit that nothing God could do would be wrong either). I wish there was no hell but I know that if I went there I would deserve it. It's for a persons own sins that they go to hell not for Gods. God sees all the hate of man and the things that they purposelly and consciencly do to hurt each other. He also sees their lies there manipulations. How they have no real love for anyone but themselves, the hardness of their hearts their pride their unfaithfullness. But most of all how Jesus died for them to save them from all that and they said that he was the one who was evil, man is not better than God, God came to them as a man and they killed him, in the worst kind of way when he was trying to do something good for them. God doesn't kill people who are living their lives for him, but God was living for people and they killed him. Maybe we are not literally murderers here, but whoever has hatred in their heart against another is a murderer; the actual murder is just the manifestation of that. If people see someone executed for a murder they shouldn't say "good I'm glad he got fried" they should take a good look at there own soul and realize they will also have to face death one day.


The Lost One
I've picked no. :no:

He only exist in religions, and the minds of those people follow those religions. So he is real in that sense.

However, I don't think Satan exist as a real entity. He is no more real than the Fairy Godmother or the Bogey Man. Child may believe in the Fairy Godmother when they are younger and may fear the Bogey Man. The children will eventually grow out of it, and smart enough not to believe in them.

Adults however are not smart enough or old enough to outgrow Satan, demons, their version of the bogey man. :foot:


The Lost One
Whoi is satan or what are you talking about?

If you mean SATAN, Prince of Darkness--then, no.

No. We are talking about Satan - my pet rabbit. :bunny:

ps. Don't be fool by his cuteness. He has a mean hop; he can do a lot of damage to you if you are laying down, sleeping.


Well-Known Member

>Does Satan Exist?

In the Baha'i view, there is no "devil"opposing God, Who is One, Supreme, and without rival!

And "satan" refers only to our own lower (animal) nature when we give it control instead of our higher (spiritual) nature.




Well-Known Member
See that's more proof, one of the funniest movies of all time is blasphemous, Satan knows how to influence us all right. Put something bad inside something noone would want to give up, pretty clever.


The Lost One
doppelganger said:
Can he be killed with a Holy Hand Grenade?
You can try if you like. But do you think it is wise to use the grenade while is hopping on top of you.

Holy? ....hmm... Does using your grenade on my rabbit will make him "holy"?