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Does Satan Exist?

Does Satan Exist?

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Sonic said:
No one in hell is going to have any question that they deserve to be there. There is a thing called sin (if someone argues that their isn't then you have to admit that nothing God could do would be wrong either).

Sin exists, people can do evil things. I will not deny this.

Sonic said:
I wish there was no hell but I know that if I went there I would deserve it. It's for a persons own sins that they go to hell not for Gods. God sees all the hate of man and the things that they purposelly and consciencly do to hurt each other.

Being punished infinitely for something we do finitely, is unfair. Why not "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth?" You can whine and moan all you want, but there is no way you can justify infinite punishment being acceptable for a finite crime.

Sonic said:
He also sees their lies there manipulations. How they have no real love for anyone but themselves, the hardness of their hearts their pride their unfaithfullness.

And God is any better? He merciessly slaughters those who do not slavishly worship him. He tortures those whose only crime was that they loved someone of the same-sex. It is God who has no real love or mercy for his own creation. Answer me this. Why can't God work on reforming the "sinner?" Would it be so hard to simply take some time (which he has in unlimited abundance) to work on teaching "sinners" what is good?

Sonic said:
But most of all how Jesus died for them to save them from all that and they said that he was the one who was evil, man is not better than God, God came to them as a man and they killed him, in the worst kind of way when he was trying to do something good for them. God doesn't kill people who are living their lives for him, but God was living for people and they killed him.

The guilt trip will not work, seeing as Jesus is God and He could have just forgiven us without dying on the cross. God is the one saying we should burn in hell, and it is his problem if he wants to die for his pathetic ideal. It is a shame God does not follow the same rules He sets up for us.

Sonic said:
Maybe we are not literally murderers here, but whoever has hatred in their heart against another is a murderer; the actual murder is just the manifestation of that.

Now that is just ridiculous. If I hate someone but have enough willpower to spare his life, I am not a murderer.

Sonic said:
If people see someone executed for a murder they shouldn't say "good I'm glad he got fried" they should take a good look at there own soul and realize they will also have to face death one day.

Fair Enough


Scriptural reader
Yes, Shatan exists..Yet,
I did not see him
BUT We the Muslims believe in revealations of Allah Almighty.
If our Creator and the Creator of Shatan is saying that Shatan exists and comes in the Hearts to stray the people then How can I deny about Shatan!


Scriptural reader
and i feel shatan whenever it falls the evil thinking in My mind, I used to seek shalter from Allah Almighty and it disapears.


Well-Known Member
Sin exists, people can do evil things. I will not deny this.

Being punished infinitely for something we do finitely, is unfair. Why not "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth?" You can whine and moan all you want, but there is no way you can justify infinite punishment being acceptable for a finite crime.
The death of the infinite son of God shows the infinite nature of peoples sins. A sin doesn't dissapear once it is commited, if your soul was a white sweater it would be like a red stain, it will stay there until it gets washed out.

And God is any better? He merciessly slaughters those who do not slavishly worship him. He tortures those whose only crime was that they loved someone of the same-sex.
That is not anyones only crime, just one of them, ask a gay or lesbian if they ever told a lie- if they say yes that's 2, if they say no it's prabably 3.
It is God who has no real love or mercy for his own creation. Answer me this. Why can't God work on reforming the "sinner?"
He does, but he doesn't force people to be good.
Would it be so hard to simply take some time (which he has in unlimited abundance) to work on teaching "sinners" what is good?
He wrote a book, it has all the specifics if youre intrested, I hope you do want to learn what is good, that's what I'm trying to do.

The guilt trip will not work, seeing as Jesus is God and He could have just forgiven us without dying on the cross.
It's a judicial thing, in court a righteous judge would not let the guilty go free without some kind of payment, so someone else paid the fine.
God is the one saying we should burn in hell, and it is his problem if he wants to die for his pathetic ideal. It is a shame God does not follow the same rules He sets up for us.
His rule and requirement is that we believe in Jesus, I think he follows that.

Now that is just ridiculous. If I hate someone but have enough willpower to spare his life, I am not a murderer.
It all starts in the heart, some people just aren't as good at holding it in. It's not good to drink, some people just can have more before they throw up, hates like that.


Active Member
Satan is an adversary, he is a spirit. He is a liar, certainly he will lie to have you to beleive he is nothing but a figment of imagination. So it be the better for him to get you...


Will to love
Dude, he just dissed Monty Python! Let's get him! *lights torch*

Better yet sic the rabbit on 'im.


Special Revelation

Active Member
Does Satan exist? If so, how do you know that Satan exists? If not, why not?

Does Satan exist? Religious Forums.com is my proof that Satan is alive and well. This is a good statement for some who share with us that they follow Satan and/or Lucifer. Try telling them that Satan doesn't exists.


The Biblical Christian when asked to join a Bible Study on Religious Forums.com. We drool with the foam of a rabid animal. Haven't you ever watched "OLD YELLER"?


Well-Known Member
Its both the Nation and the faith. They are fundimentally connected.

No, we (Cherokee) have rabbit as our trickster. He is the template for the Brier Rabbit stories and for Bugs Bunny. :D
Coyote is from the Planes Nations, where you would have found Coyoties at the time.

But the tricster is far from a Satan anaology. Tricksters like Rabbit, Coyote and Raven are all teachers by example.

Oh wow, I have to go find out about rabbit now! I love the Brier Rabbit stories!

Does Satan exist? Religious Forums.com is my proof that Satan is alive and well. This is a good statement for some who share with us that they follow Satan and/or Lucifer. Try telling them that Satan doesn't exists.
What does that prove? My religious beliefs are faith just as much as anyone else's By the way, I never said I follow Satan. Luciferianism does not view Satan and Lucifer as the same entity. You should probably read the LHP DIR forum for more information.


Active Member
Ðanisty;851428 said:
Oh wow, I have to go find out about rabbit now! I love the Brier Rabbit stories!

What does that prove? My religious beliefs are faith just as much as anyone else's By the way, I never said I follow Satan. Luciferianism does not view Satan and Lucifer as the same entity. You should probably read the LHP DIR forum for more information.

Although Luciferians do not view Satan as the same entitiy, the Church of Satan does. These people literally worship Satan and dont mind telling it to people. Tell them that Satan doesn't exist..

The bible is not the only source for the view of Satan, many cultures have entities that remsemble the nature of satan. To deny him entirely to to delete a part of history. A feat that cannot be accomplshed.


Does Satan exist? If so, how do you know that Satan exists? If not, why not?

Yes. I believe Satan exists. I believe in God, so what the hell.

I think that it's easier to believe in the existence of evil than of good. Just as I believe that the redemptive power in the universe cannot be wholly attributed to the efforts of humanity or the chance of nature, I also believe that the evils of the world cannot be blamed on the same causes.

I believe that God will eventually irradicate evil forever and finally.


Sonic said:
That is not anyones only crime, just one of them, ask a gay or lesbian if they ever told a lie- if they say yes that's 2, if they say no it's prabably 3.

So tell a lie and you burn forever in hell. That is some great justice system you got there. :sarcastic

Sonic said:
He wrote a book, it has all the specifics if youre intrested, I hope you do want to learn what is good, that's what I'm trying to do.

Sorry, I already have a moral compass and I know that a God who tortures his children for all eternity is an evil psychopath.

Sonic said:
It's a judicial thing, in court a righteous judge would not let the guilty go free without some kind of payment, so someone else paid the fine.
And what does a righteous judge do? Does a righteous judge lock you up in jail for the rest of your life because you got a speeding ticket? Do you smash a kid's face in for lying to you? People seem to think that just because God did it, it makes it all right; no matter how replusive it truly is.

Sonic said:
His rule and requirement is that we believe in Jesus, I think he follows that.

He told us to love everyone, why doesn't He do the same?

I am the only one here who has compassion for the lost. I am the one saying we shouldn't torture anyone, and yet apparently I am the one who is evil.

JayHawes said:
Although Luciferians do not view Satan as the same entitiy, the Church of Satan does. These people literally worship Satan and dont mind telling it to people. Tell them that Satan doesn't exist..

You do realize the Church of Satan isAtheistic and merely use Satan as a metaphor. Perhaps you should read the Satanic Bible before making accusations.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Its both the Nation and the faith. They are fundimentally connected.

No, we (Cherokee) have rabbit as our trickster. He is the template for the Brier Rabbit stories and for Bugs Bunny. :D
Coyote is from the Planes Nations, where you would have found Coyoties at the time.

But the tricster is far from a Satan anaology. Tricksters like Rabbit, Coyote and Raven are all teachers by example.


In some belief systems Satan = Saturn who is supposed to be responsible for teaching people through adversity (basically the patron God of those of us who usually need to learn things the hard way).

The parelels I see between the Trickster and the Judeo-Christian version of Satan is that they both use some form of deciet to get their point across (Satan lies, the Trickster pulls practicle jokes on people).

They both tend to prey on people who make themselves vunerable via an over-inflated ego or by taking themselves too seriously.

Lol! Bugs Bunny (my favorite cartoon character and most influencial role model) does indeed come to mind.

Personally, I think a LooneyTunes version of the Bible (as opposed to some of the looney tune versions we allready have)is long over due.

I could see Elmer Fudd as Moses; "Wet my people go you scrwewy Pharoawh!"


Personally, I think a LooneyTunes version of the Bible (as opposed to some of the looney tune versions we allready have)is long over due.

I could see Elmer Fudd as Moses; "Wet my people go you scrwewy Pharoawh!"

Who needs this when there's Monty Python?


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
I believe that God will eventually irradicate evil forever and finally.

My theory is He's going to do this on a person to person basis.

Special Revelation said:
Does Satan exist? Religious Forums.com is my proof that Satan is alive and well.

R.F does indeed prove the existence of Satan.

And by "R.F.", of course, I mean Raging Fanatics. *cough, cough* :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Although Luciferians do not view Satan as the same entitiy, the Church of Satan does. These people literally worship Satan and dont mind telling it to people. Tell them that Satan doesn't exist.
The Church of Satan doesn't even believe in Satan. They do not worship Satan because to them, Satan is only an archetype. You should do some research before you shoot your mouth off about people.


The Lost One
lunamonth said:
Better yet sic the rabbit on 'im.


Little Red Riding Hood said: "What big ears you have, Satan?"

Satan open his eyes.

Then Little Red Riding Hood said: "Mine. What pretty shade of red eyes you have, oh Satan?"

Satan open his maw.

And Little Red Riding Hood said: "Oh, Satan. What pretty and big teeth you have?"

Satan leaps for Missy Red's jugulars.

