I think taken from a cosmic scope the inference can be made that our minds are not the only form of intelligence around. The Greek word for demon or daimones means literally alien intelligence. Taken from an historical perspective starting from Zoroaster there have been many people that viewed human history as being the outworking of a sort of cosmic clash of civilizations, if you will. Without an appeal to authority, you can hypothesize on the existence of higher dimensions and soon begin to see how thought itself transforms from the shabby, four dimensional model we know into something much grander and more powerful. But since this is our lot in life, to be confined to our prosaic senses and dull four dimensional minds the possibilities for the infinite become dulled down and limited as well. This, to me, is one of Satan's most subtle and discouraging victories.
By using the words 'alien' and 'cosmic' here I am not endorsing the current UFO mythos-just to make myself clear.
By using the words 'alien' and 'cosmic' here I am not endorsing the current UFO mythos-just to make myself clear.