OK, so what does this guy Lloyd's video has to do with teh Creation of the Universe and the Solar system?
All I see is a JW that got very poor answers from his elders in his organisation, and he claimed he started to look for answers.
First one he uses to say the Bible is wrong, is he looks at the different flood stories around the world, and ancient stories from the middle east, realises thay are not similar, them comes to the conclusion the Bible is wrong!
Here he is wrong, for who on earth claims the flood stories all over the world is evidence that the flood of Noah realy occured? Only people that heard 3 hand information. I never used, or thought that the different flood stories are evidence to Noah's flood, but that there are many mythological naratives that might just have its origin in one single event. Remember the myth about Thea, and its discovery. what about Troy in the Illiad? Mythology, and archaeology. All that Christian apologists are saying is that there are Mythologies stories about Noah, it might be more than just Myths. Nothin more, nothing less, and if some JW told him it is evidence, tough luck if you think it is the understanding of all christiansd.
Then Lloyd says Christians are using Woolly Mammoths, Shells on mountains and the Chinese alphabet as evidence that there was a global flood.
Realy, EVIDENCE? says who?
It is interesting to know these factors, but I am the first to agree that it is no evidence at all!
Does this claim disprove the Bible?
Not at all! Strawman again!
Then he says the Christians claim Noahs ark was discovered, and he searched and found no such evidence.
Well, I agree, I also heard about a russian pilot in 1918 who flew from Belisi in Russia over the mountain Agri Daegi, and saw a boat of which he later took a photo wich was destroyed by the Bolshevics in the russian revolution. what about Flavius Josephus that said the ark was on a mountain in Turkey with the same name, and people dug beechemin out of it and soldit as beads? Then we have Ron Wyatt's discovery of an anomaly close to Ararat where he found magnetic indications of the ribs of a large ship? Does this mean Noah's flood was proven?
Nope! Not even close, so why use this as an argument against the Bible.
Then Lloyd comes up with a beautifull argument. He says, If Noah was 600 years old when the flood came, he had only 3 children! Surely in a world where there was no contraceptives, Noah must have had much more children. When Lloyd asked his elders, they told him Noah had some control over the conception methods os something. This made Lloyd realise that the christian people who takes the Bible literally will make up facts, therefore he cant believe the Bible. Well, I dont know who the heck told such a stupid story to him, I have never heard about it. I can only reply that it is just as likely that Noah had only 3 children due to other circumstances, such as that his wife became barren after the birth of his 3rd son. Remember that whilst there was no contraceptives, there was also no pennecilin or other medication, and women did die 100 times as much only 150 years ago than woman giving birth today. She could have had some medical trauma, and lost her fertility. Now, take note of the nice straw Puppet Lloyd concocted, whilst ignoring the fact that there was no reason that Noah only had 3 children. Lloyd is guilty of making up external evidence to the narative.
Lloyd then continues to tell us that there was 2.063 million animals that must have boarded the ark. He insists that insects also had to be taken onto the ark. He asks, how did Noah supply food, fresh water etc to all these insects. He demands that if these insects were not on board the ark, they would have dissappeared. lateron he asks why God allowed Mosquitos, ticks, and lice to enter the ark, and surely this loving God could have known that these insects would kill millions in future.
Please note, Lloyd would demand that even amphibians board the ark. He sneers at the Christian apologist when they say, ONLY ANIMALS WHO BREATHED THROUGH THEIR NOSTRILS was saved.
Now, It is a fact that the Bible says only animals and humans who remained on the land, and breathed through their nostrils, only they died! (gen 7: 22)
What about frogs, turtles, for which also spends a few minutes on telling the listener how he has huge difficuilties in caring for his turtle, and it would surely have died on the ark.
Now, lets see how Lloyd sellectively chooses to guide his own version of events. First of all, if there was a global flood with water bursting out from the earth, and filled the earth with rain for 40 days, this flood would be catastrophic. all the trees and plantlife will be washed from its soil, and as we see at Mnt St Helen, that erupted 40 years ago, these trees filled lake Spirit and as they floated for 40 years, their bark was the first to fall off, and sunk to the bottom. The trees still floated, and the softer wood soaked, and sank first, then the hardwood started to float vertically, revealing to scientists that the bark of thesae trees created coal, and petrified trees standing upright, in and upon these coal beds was due to these mechanics.
Therefore, Lloyd does not know that there was huge islands, many meters thick, of trees and plantmaterial floating on the surface of this water mass, covering an area from Texas to Siberia, that eventually created these fossil beds. Now, why would there be insects on the Ark, if they had decomposing plantlife, rottin corpses etc available for insects to feed and live upon?
These wood islands will be a paradise for amphibeans, so why the need to load them on the ark?
Lloyd would not have survived this flood, he would have taken baggage not needed, and would have sunken this ship before the water rose to its deck.
Sorry, But this guy realy does create strawpuppets, and thinks the Christian apologists are stupid. I know there are some, but not this time pal.
Lloyd talks about how long it will take to board these animals on the ark, and even works out the seconds needed to get every animal on this ark. He does this in calculating 2.63 million animals, but as we see, he made a huge boo boo on what was saved on the ark.
Lloyd tells us tha tNoah had Mature animals on the ark, such as elephants. He calculates the ammount of fodder Noah had to load on his ship.
Who says these animals were mature. I think Noah himself would have known such an error. Having 7 pairs of cattle on the ark, could have produced enough milk to feed baby elephants, rhinos ect. Who knows.
Perhaps Noah being 600 years old had much more managerial skills as we grant the ancients to have had?
Then Lloyd has a problem with Micro Evolution, and dont like the idea that, for instance, only one pair of dog was loaded and condemns the idea that, as he said Christians denies evolution, but when it suits them they use a "more progressice and rapid evolution" , than what evolutionists believes in.
This is obviously a total lie from his part, for it is a scientific fact that Micro Evolution is considered as valid in science as is Macro evolution! And that scientists observed Micro evolution to occur very quick!
Why would he lie about this?
Opinion | Evolution Is Happening Faster Than We Thought (Published 2016)
Evolution Is Slower Than It Looks and Faster Than You Think
OK, so what did I find when I looked at the video so admired by the atheist?
Strawman, after strawman, concocted lies, non scientific claims.
Ignorance to what teh Bible say, and what science says.
Thank you soooo much for posting that video.
It proved beyond any reasonable doubt that the atheist will grab hold of vevry piece of straw, to feed their monstrous bias, and they sunk their ark in a global flood, whilst Noah anchored on Arrarat!!!!