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Does Spirituality Comprise Vegetarianism?

A. Ben-Shema

Active Member
Every religion, except Christianity, has some form of dietary regulation. In the western (i.e. 'Christian') world, most people have long lost any idea of Spiritual Truth and discipline. Christians have been taught that God has created the various animals for our pleasure and enjoyment - to hunt, torture, kill and eat. This is now ingrained in Christian philosophy.

I know from my own experience that before I was initiated I did not even consciously consider the flesh I was eating involved the killing of other conscious beings - beings, like me, with the 'breath' of life. Even from studying the Bible, prior to my initiation, I saw nothing to indicate that what I was doing was in any way wrong - I had a typical 'Christian' attitude. Now, since my Gnostic experiences (which brought me to a real understanding of the issue), I see many relevant references in scripture. The following passages are what I have found (quoted from my book - N.B. the footnotes are below the text):

Without Spiritual Knowledge, humankind cannot actually know what is genuinely true and righteous, let alone lead a just and proper life on Earth. In many cases, even the most dedicated religionists cannot correctly comprehend the most elementary principles of Righteousness and Truth. In order to prove this point we will now look at a typical example of widespread orthodox ignorance and error. According to the Bible, in the beginning, before the “fall” of mankind into error and sin, God said: “I have given you (mankind) every seed bearing plant upon the Earth, and every vegetable substance which bears fruit and yields seed: this shall be your food.” (GEN.1:29).
PEAKE’S COMMENTARY ON THE BIBLE states of this verse: “Men and animals are regarded as living on a vegetarian diet in the period before the flood. There would thus be peace between men and animals, and in the animal world itself… It had not been God’s original intention that food should be obtained by slaughter.”
However, a later passage in GENESIS has been interpreted by various orthodox authorities as permitting the use of animal flesh for food. The passage in question has been translated into English to read:
“Every moving (or ‘creeping’) thing (Heb. remes) that lives shall be food for you; even as the green herbs have I (God) given you everything. But flesh which contains conscious life (or ‘soul’), that is, anything containing blood, you shall not eat.” (GEN.9:3-4).
Mainstream Jews have always interpreted this passage to mean that God had somehow ‘changed His mind,’ now allowing animal flesh to be eaten, provided that all the blood was first drained out. However, there is one crucial word contained in the Hebrew original of this passage, which has been incorrectly understood. It is the very word that defines that which is allowed as our food – the Hebrew term, remes. It is agreed that this word signifies: “that which ‘creeps’ (‘moves slowly’ or ‘spreads out’) over ground or in water.” Orthodoxy is undecided as to what the term really means. It has been translated variously as “reptiles”, “insects,” “swarming things,” “creatures that move,” “creeping things,” “sea creatures,” and generally as “any creature” whatsoever. This definition of “creeping” or “spreading out slowly” over the land or in water, however, clearly does not apply to many animals – especially not to those which are commonly slaughtered for food, e.g. cattle, sheep, goats, chickens, etc.(n.1) In fact the definition of “remes” more accurately describes ‘vegetation’ (i.e. ‘plants’ or ‘creepers’) in general; nothing else fits the definition of having a “slow ‘creeping’ movement” – unless God intended us to eat worms, slugs, snails, and various other ‘creepy-crawlies’!(n.2) If we now look at a revised translation of this passage which we have been considering, it should become clear that God did not ‘change His mind’,(n.3) and that His original decree (i.e. that we should eat only vegetable substances) is consistent, correct, and perfect (as anything which God decrees must surely be!): “All living plants are for your food: just as the green herbs, I (God) have given them all to you. But flesh, which has soul – i.e. anything containing blood – you must not eat.” It should also be noted that the restriction of not eating anything containing blood does NOT mean that if the blood is drained out of an animal the flesh may then be eaten, as the carnal(n.4) (i.e. “flesh” loving) priesthoods of orthodoxy have inferred.(n.5) When God said that we must not eat anything which contains blood, He simply meant that we must not eat any kind of animal – all of which contain blood! To simply drain the blood out of an animal in order to get around the law is typical of what the evil (ignorant) minds of orthodoxy have so often done – rather like a lawyer looking for “loopholes” in the law. For further confirmation of these facts, let us now look at a few more passages from ancient scripture:

“Thou shalt not kill.” (EXOD.20:13).

“This is an eternal ordinance for all generations, wherever you live: You must not eat any flesh or any blood.” (LEV.3:17).

“If any Israelite or other person eats blood, I (the Lord) will turn Myself against him and cut him off from among My people.” (LEV.17:10).

It is practically impossible to remove every particle of blood from the flesh of any animal. Thus, it should be obvious that in eating animal flesh one cannot avoid eating blood – however little it might be! Quite simply, God clearly forbids the eating of anything containing blood. All animals contain blood. Thus, we must not eat animals! This is really very simple, yet it is rejected by the carnal mind.

“While the flesh was still between their teeth, not even chewed, the anger of the Lord broke out against them, and He struck them with a deadly plague. That place was thus called ‘The Graves of Lust’ (Heb. Kibroth-hattaavah), for there they buried those who had lusted [for flesh].” (NUM.11:33-34).

“Keep away from winebibbers and those who gorge on flesh.” (PROV.23:20).

“The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; the calf and the young lion shall live together… The lion shall eat straw like the ox… they shall not hurt or destroy in all My Holy Mountain.” (ISAIAH 11:6-9 & 65:25).

“Behold their joy and pleasure: killing oxen and slaughtering sheep, eating flesh and drinking wine… These sins will not be cleansed until you die, says the Lord.” (ISAIAH 22:13-14).

“He that kills an ox is as he that murders a man; he that sacrifices a lamb is as he that breaks a dog’s neck… Yes, they have chosen their own ways, and their soul delights in their abominations… They do that which is evil, and choose that which displeases Me (God).” (ISAIAH 66:3-4).

“You eat blood, you worship idols (i.e. material things), you shed blood: so do you expect to inherit the land?” (EZEK.33:25).

“Daniel was determined not to defile himself with the flesh and wine offered to him… give us only vegetables to eat and water to drink.” (DAN.1:8-16).

“I (Daniel) ate no rich food, and no flesh or wine entered into my mouth.” (DAN.10:3).

“They (those who reject the Lord) sacrifice and eat flesh against the will of the Lord, so He will remember their iniquity and punish their sins.” (HOSEA 8:13).

“The violence done in Lebanon will overcome you; the slaughter of animals will cause you much sorrow.” (HAB.2:17).

“I (the Lord) will take the blood from his mouth and the abominations from between his teeth.” (ZECH.9:7).

“Eat only the fruits of the field, and taste no flesh or wine, but eat only the fruit.” (2ndESDRAS or 4thEZRA 9:24).

“They (carnal people) began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish: they devoured their flesh and drank their blood.” (1stENOCH 7:5).

“Woe to you, you obstinate of heart, who do evil and devour blood, even though you have good things to eat and drink and be satisfied.” (1stENOCH 98:11).

“I (Reuben) repented before the Lord: I drank no wine or liquor, and no flesh entered my mouth.” (Testament of REUBEN 1:10).

“Since I (Judah) repented of these sins I consumed neither wine nor flesh.” (Testament of JUDAH 15:4).

“When we desire to eat seafood or poultry or four-legged animals or any food which is forbidden by the Law, we abstain through our mastery of reason.” (4thMACCABEES 1:34).

“No man shall defile himself by eating any living creature.” (Dead Sea Scrolls: ‘Damascus Rule’ 14:12).

“They (the disciples of Isaiah) all dressed in garments made of wool, and they were all Prophets… and they ate nothing but wild herbs… and they lived thereon together with Isaiah the Prophet.” (Martyrdom of Isaiah 2:10-11).

Continued in the next post .....


A. Ben-Shema

Active Member
..... Continued from previous post

“It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine.” (ROM.14:21).

“I (Paul) will never eat flesh again.” (1stCOR.8:13).

The two previous quotations are taken from rather confused passages in Paul’s letters. It is possible that these passages have been corrupted by a ‘carnal’ scribe of orthodoxy. As they now stand, they imply that Paul recommended abstention from flesh merely to appease certain Christians who were vegetarian. However, such a position would be inconsistent with Paul’s uncompromising attitude to what he believed to be the Truth. For instance, his attitude to the Jewish law of circumcision was by no means one of appeasement. He refused to give in to certain Hebrew-Christian ‘legalists’/ ‘literalists’ who demanded adherence to the Biblical law of circumcision. Thus he refused to demand (or even recommend) circumcision for Gentile converts to Christianity. Is it, then, likely that Paul would recommend vegetarianism for any reason other than what he believed to be the Truth? – nay, not merely recommend, but actually say that he, himself, would NEVER AGAIN EAT ANY FLESH! However, there are grave reasons why we should not put our trust in anything which Paul says – for reasons, see Appendix 7.

“Lord, come and grant [Spiritual] Life and Breath and secure footing to these creatures (i.e. the Spiritually ignorant), that they may forsake their beastly natures and become tame, and no longer eat flesh… that humane hearts be given them… that they may eat what we eat.” (Acts of Philip 99).

“For their (evil ones) food is everything which is dead, and every unclean thing. For when these are within you, what living thing will come into you? The living angels will detest you. You were a temple, (but) you have made yourself a tomb. Cease being a tomb, and become (again) a temple, so that uprightness and divinity may remain in you.” (Coptic – Teaching of Silvanus).

“The Almighty God rained manna upon them, suited to their various tastes; and they enjoyed all that they would. But they, because of their ******* nature, not being pleased with pure food, longed only after the taste of blood. Wherefore they first tasted flesh.” (Clementine Homilies 8:15).

Clement of Alexandria (2nd Century Bishop of Alexandria) also recommended a fleshless diet, citing the example of the Apostle Matthew, who, he says: “partook of seeds, nuts, and vegetables, but no flesh.” (Paedagogus 2:1).

“James, the Lord’s brother, was holy from birth: he drank no wine or intoxicating liquor, and ate no animal flesh.” (Hegesippus – 2ndcentury Jewish Christian) – quoted by Eusebius CHURCH HISTORY 2, 23:4).

There were also various “unorthodox” Mystic sects among first-century Jews (e.g. the Essenes) who were strict vegetarians. It is interesting to note that the Essenes were the only large Jewish sect that was not, according to the New Testament, condemned or criticised by Jesus. Furthermore, in addition to the above evidence that SS. Matthew and James were vegetarians, it is also reported by Epiphanius that St. John ate no animal flesh. It is also a fact that many other early Jewish disciples of Jesus – those who rejected worldly greed and private ownership of goods, choosing instead a simple, poor, ‘communistic’ life-style (see ACTS 2:44-45, & 4:32-37), and thus accruing the labels “Ebionites” / “Nazarites”(n.6) – are known to have been vegetarians.(n.7) It is not difficult to see why the later self-styled “orthodox” gentile hierarchies, which were becoming powerful and wealthy, rejected the simple communistic Ebionites as heretics!(n.8) It is also relevant to note that, according to Epiphanius, the Ebionites possessed a Hebrew (or Aramaic(n.9)) “Gospel of Matthew” (possibly the original “autographa” – no longer extant) which stated that John the Baptist ate “bread and wild honey” instead of the “locusts and wild honey” which our extant Greek manuscripts record (see MATT.3:4). There is an ancient Greek word for “bread” (encris) which is very similar to that for “locust” (akris), thus it is quite probable that a very early copyist of a Greek translation of the text misread and/or miscopied the word in question. It must also be noted that the Mandaeans – the reputed followers of this John (the Baptist) – were also originally strict vegetarians.

Eusebius (263-339 AD), who wrote the earliest extant history of Christianity, adds to the evidence supporting vegetarianism in a passage from a letter he preserved from some very early Christians in Gaul. There had apparently been accusations that Christians were killing and eating the flesh of children. The argument given against this charge was: “How could children be eaten by people (i.e. Christians) who are not even allowed to eat the blood of brute beasts?” (Eusebius, HISTORY OF THE CHURCH, book 5, 1:26).

Finally, it should be noted that Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook, the first Chief Rabbi of Israel, taught that vegetarianism was an ideal of pure religion, and that in the Messianic age all genuine followers of the Messiah will be vegetarian!

1). The Hebrew term for all “living things” (in general) is hayah; and the term for quadrupeds (i.e. all four legged animals) is behemah. Neither of these terms is used in this passage that defines what humans may eat.

2). “All the insects that swarm upon the Earth are unclean, and shall not be eaten. Whether they slither on their belly’s, or walk on four legs, or many legs, all the multitude of insects are unclean and must not be eaten.” (LEV.11:41-42).

3). How could God’s Truth, and His commands ever be in error, and necessitate revision over any issue? Such an absurd idea degrades the very essence of God and His all-knowing Perfection. See e.g. NUM.23:19.

4). The word carnal (from the Latin carnis = flesh) is frequently used in the New Testament to signify that which is opposed to the Spirit. What could signify a more unspiritual lifestyle than killing and consuming the flesh of innocent animals? The late Dr. Robert Runcie (Archbishop of Canterbury) said on this subject: “In the Christian ascetic tradition, as in many eastern religions, vegetarianism is regarded as a way of achieving a heightened consciousness and receptivity of the spiritual world.” Indeed, if this is so, why then, one must ask, do the ministers of the so-called Christian churches not teach this to their congregations? Moreover, why are those ministers themselves not all vegetarians? Is it not their aim to achieve a heightened consciousness and receptivity of the spiritual world? Could it be that they are frightened of upsetting and/or losing more of their carnal and worldly congregations? Or is it because of an overwhelming sensual desire or blood lust? Some suggestions are given in their own scriptures: see e.g. ISAIAH 22:13 & 66:3; EZEK.22:26; & MAL.2:7-8.

5). See e.g. LEV.17:13. Fabre d’Olivet, an 18th Century Mystic and scholar of the ancient Hebrew language, states of the traditional translation and interpretation of GEN.9:3: “I regret the trouble that the Hellenists have taken to disguise the force of this verse (GEN.9:3) and the ensuing ones… the discreet complaisance of the Latin translator, who has chosen to pass in silence the words which have perplexed him; but at last it is necessary that Moses be translated… Long enough have these magnificent tableaux been degraded by the sorry caricatures which have been made of them. They must be known in their original conception… In fact, this is beyond doubt: Moses, by the mouth of the Divinity, forbids the posterity of Noah to feed upon corporeal substances, the similitude of that which his soul bears in himself.” (Fabre d’Olivet, The Hebraic Tongue Restored).

6). The term Ebionite comes from the Hebrew: ’ebion (= poor, poverty). Nazarite (more correctly Nazirite) comes from the Hebrew nazir (= consecrated, separated) i.e. a type of ascetic who is dedicated to God, see e.g. JUDGES 13:5-7; compare with: “So was fulfilled what was said through the prophets: He shall be called a Nazarene (i.e. Nazirite).” (MATT.2:23). Thus, Nazarene is probably an inaccurate Greek transliteration of the Hebrew nazirim, and has no connection with the town of Nazareth (there are 6 different (erroneous) Greek versions of this term in the NT). Among those historically important contemporaries of Jesus who are reported to have taken the Nazirite vow are John the Baptist, St. James (Jesus’ brother), St. John, and, on a temporary basis, St. Paul (see e.g. LUKE 1:15; cf. NUM.6:2-3; ACTS 18:18 & 21:23-24). It is also worth noting that the disciples of John the Baptist (the Mandaeans) have a priestly caste called Nasoreans (Heb. = ‘watchers,’ ‘keepers,’ or ‘protectors’ – of Truth).

7). For more information about the Ebionites, see article in THE CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF CHRISTIANITY.

8). See Paul Johnson, A HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY, Pelican paperback ed. pp.42-43 & 90-91.

9). Aramaic was the language used by Jesus and his original Jewish disciples, and would thus be the obvious language for all original records of his teachings and deeds.


Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
Without Spiritual Knowledge, humankind cannot actually know what is genuinely true and righteous, let alone lead a just and proper life on Earth.

How does one gain this spiritual knowledge?

Is there something inherently different about humans that seperate them from the other animals that eat blood-containing beings? Are plants truly soulless beings?


Deviled Hen
Every religion, except Christianity, has some form of dietary regulation. In the western (i.e. 'Christian') world, most people have long lost any idea of Spiritual Truth and discipline.

A. Some forms of Christianity do. See JamesthePersian for the details of practice in the Eastern Church. Prior to Vatican II, the RCC had dietary regulations as well.

B. Except for a prohibition on drinking alcohol, the Baha'i Faith does not have any dietary regulations. (Though there is an implication that eventually we will all become vegetarians...perhaps we are all not quite ready for that just now.)

A. Ben-Shema

Active Member
How does one gain this spiritual knowledge?

I personally gained this Knowledge (Gnosis) through initiation (Fire Baptism) from a Spiritual Master.

Is there something inherently different about humans that seperate them from the other animals that eat blood-containing beings? Are plants truly soulless beings?

Yes, humans have the ability to Realize and Know the Spiritual Truth of God - to become Gnostics. Animals do not have this ability.

Concerning plants, they certainly have life and a certain amount of consciousness, but they have no 'blood', and no brain to comprehend anything - they are the lowest lifeform. Ideally, it would be best to eat only fruits, seeds, nuts, etc.

Peace & Love :)

A. Ben-Shema

Active Member
A. Some forms of Christianity do. See JamesthePersian for the details of practice in the Eastern Church. Prior to Vatican II, the RCC had dietary regulations as well.

B. Except for a prohibition on drinking alcohol, the Baha'i Faith does not have any dietary regulations. (Though there is an implication that eventually we will all become vegetarians...perhaps we are all not quite ready for that just now.)

Who and what do you mean by "we are not all quite ready"? The realization and choice is an individual one - never mind "we" and "all", simply consider "me"!

Peace & Love :)


Deviled Hen
Who and what do you mean by "we are not all quite ready"? The realization and choice is an individual one - never mind "we" and "all", simply consider "me"!

We = all humanity.

Obviously some significant portion has been more than ready for some while now. ;)

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
I personally gained this Knowledge (Gnosis) through initiation (Fire Baptism) from a Spiritual Master.

Is this knowledge then exclusive, or free for everyone?

Yes, humans have the ability to Realize and Know the Spiritual Truth of God - to become Gnostics. Animals do not have this ability.

Interesting! Do you think there is a reason why humans have this ability and other animals do not?

Animals have 'soul,' which was stated earlier, because they contain blood. What is the nature of this soul? How does it relate to us not eating them?

Concerning plants, they certainly have life and a certain amount of consciousness, but they have no 'blood', and no brain to comprehend anything - they are the lowest lifeform. Ideally, it would be best to eat only fruits, seeds, nuts, etc.

Where does microscopic life fit into this idea?

Peace & Love :)

To you, too! :)

A. Ben-Shema

Active Member
Is this knowledge then exclusive, or free for everyone?

It is free to anyone who has the sincere desire for Truth.

Interesting! Do you think there is a reason why humans have this ability and other animals do not?

I am sure that God, in His Wisdom, has a good reason.

Animals have 'soul,' which was stated earlier, because they contain blood. What is the nature of this soul? How does it relate to us not eating them?

Animals, we might say (many scientists do), are our distant cousins, therefore it follows, that to eat them, we are no more than cannibals - No?

Where does microscopic life fit into this idea?

You'd have to ask a scientist. I only know what has been revealed in the Spirit - about things Spiritual. I know little about the material world and material science.

Peace & Love :)

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
It is free to anyone who has the sincere desire for Truth.

I am sure that God, in His Wisdom, has a good reason.

Animals, we might say (many scientists do), are our distant cousins, therefore it follows, that to eat them, we are no more than cannibals - No?

You'd have to ask a scientist. I only know what has been revealed in the Spirit - about things Spiritual. I know little about the material world and material science.

Peace & Love :)

Thanks for answering my questions! :)


Premium Member
Jesus' teachings include that of that it isn't what goes into a man that makes him unclean but what comes out. People say mean and hateful things to others and that is what makes the man unclean, not any food he can eat, which, as Jesus says is eliminated from the body.
A man can eat a plate of carrots and still go out and murder someone. Just some food for thought.
But if someone is a vegetarian that should never be a problem. Too much meat is unhealthy, anyway. :)


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
I like the thesis of this…
Liked Daniel on showing health, through no meats…
Genesis on living longer then the rest, before eating of meat.....
Maccabees 3/4 (Released in 1977) on Simon teaching Rome to torturing Israel eating of unclean meat and alcohol.....
Nazarite laws No.6:6 are no dead things, not just men....


Done here.
Every religion, except Christianity, has some form of dietary regulation.
In the historic churches -- the Eastern Orthodox Churches, the Oriental Orthodox Churches, the Roman Catholic Church, and the Assyrian Church of the East -- the faithful have traditionally been expected to abstain from meat, and in some cases fish and oil, at various times throughout the year. These requirements have been considerably relaxed in the Catholic Church, but the Orthodox faithful are still expected to abstain from meat about half the year: during Great Lent (six weeks), the Nativity Fast (40 days), the Dormition Fast (two weeks), the Apostles' Fast (one to six weeks, depending on the date of Pascha), Wednesdays and Fridays throughout the year, and certain other days. There are four fast-free weeks. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church prohibits the eating of pork at all times.

Seventh-Day Adventists are expected to abstain from pork and shellfish, and are encouraged to abstain from all meat.

Latter-Day Saints are encouraged to abstain from food and drink once a month.

A. Ben-Shema

Active Member
In the historic churches -- the Eastern Orthodox Churches, the Oriental Orthodox Churches, the Roman Catholic Church, and the Assyrian Church of the East -- the faithful have traditionally been expected to abstain from meat, and in some cases fish and oil, at various times throughout the year. These requirements have been considerably relaxed in the Catholic Church, but the Orthodox faithful are still expected to abstain from meat about half the year: during Great Lent (six weeks), the Nativity Fast (40 days), the Dormition Fast (two weeks), the Apostles' Fast (one to six weeks, depending on the date of Pascha), Wednesdays and Fridays throughout the year, and certain other days. There are four fast-free weeks. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church prohibits the eating of pork at all times.

Seventh-Day Adventists are expected to abstain from pork and shellfish, and are encouraged to abstain from all meat.

Latter-Day Saints are encouraged to abstain from food and drink once a month.

Many years ago, I wrote a letter to (the late) Dr. Robert Runcie (Archbishop of Canterbury) on this subject. In his reply he stated: “In the Christian ascetic tradition, as in many eastern religions, vegetarianism is regarded as a way of achieving a heightened consciousness and receptivity of the spiritual world.” :yes:
Indeed, if this is so, why then, one must ask, do the ministers of the so-called Christian churches not teach this to their congregations? Moreover, why are those ministers themselves not all vegetarians? Is it not their aim to achieve a heightened consciousness and receptivity of the spiritual world? Could it be that they are frightened of upsetting and/or losing more of their carnal and worldly congregations? Or is it because of an overwhelming sensual desire or blood lust? Some suggestions are given in their own scriptures: see e.g. ISAIAH 22:13 & 66:3; EZEK.22:26; & MAL.2:7-8.

Peace & Love :)

A. Ben-Shema

Active Member
Jesus' teachings include that of that it isn't what goes into a man that makes him unclean but what comes out. People say mean and hateful things to others and that is what makes the man unclean, not any food he can eat, which, as Jesus says is eliminated from the body.
A man can eat a plate of carrots and still go out and murder someone. Just some food for thought.
But if someone is a vegetarian that should never be a problem. Too much meat is unhealthy, anyway. :)

But you have said nothing of any of the quotations which I included with the OP.

If you get all your knowledge from what Jesus is reported as saying in the NT, then you know very little indeed. Let me explain: If we take all the words actually reported to have been spoken by Jesus himself from the NT, they could be read, or spoken, in a matter of approx. 1 - 2 hours at most!
Now Jesus was teaching for approximately 3 yrs. During that time, let's say, he would probably be teaching for at least about 5 hours per day - let's say for 6 days per week (taking off the Sabbath).
Now this comes to a total of 3(yrs) x 5(hrs) x 6(days) x 52(weeks) = 4680 hours total of teaching.
If we compare the amount of his teaching preserved in the NT (= 2 hours) we can see that we have only approximately 0.043 % of Jesus' words! That is only one word preserved, from each 2340 words spoken! :eek: Very very little to base our whole life on - don't you think?

Peace & Love :)



Premium Member
But you have said nothing of any of the quotations which I included with the OP.

If you get all your knowledge from what Jesus is reported as saying in the NT, then you know very little indeed. Let me explain: If we take all the words actually reported to have been spoken by Jesus himself from the NT, they could be read, or spoken, in a matter of approx. 1 - 2 hours at most!
Now Jesus was teaching for approximately 3 yrs. During that time, let's say, he would probably be teaching for at least about 5 hours per day - let's say for 6 days per week (taking off the Sabbath).
Now this comes to a total of 3(yrs) x 5(hrs) x 6(days) x 52(weeks) = 4680 hours total of teaching.
If we compare the amount of his teaching preserved in the NT (= 2 hours) we can see that we have only approximately 0.043 % of Jesus' words! That is only one word preserved, from each 2340 words spoken! :eek: Very very little to base our whole life on - don't you think?

Peace & Love :)

I see your logic, but if it were important, wouldn't it have been recorded in at least one of the gospels?


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
I see your logic, but if it were important, wouldn't it have been recorded in at least one of the gospels?
Maccabees 3/4 reasons reasoning of why not
Released in 1977 =”The New Revised addition” …………………………………...=.”Buy now don’t choose later, once in a life times offer”:rainbow1::help:

A. Ben-Shema

Active Member
I see your logic, but if it were important, wouldn't it have been recorded in at least one of the gospels?

According to your logic, that would mean that 99.95% of what Jesus said was not important enough to be written down! :no:

What do you think he was doing - telling jokes? :confused:

Peace & Love :)



One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
What do you think he was doing - telling jokes? :confused:
:rolleyes: Eze 4:14-17
(14) Then said I, Ah Lord GOD! behold, my soul hath not been polluted: for from my youth up even till now have I not eaten of that which dieth of itself, or is torn in pieces; neither came there abominable flesh into my mouth.
(15) Then he said unto me, Lo, I have given thee cow's dung for man's dung, and thou shalt prepare thy bread therewith.
(16) Moreover he said unto me, Son of man, behold, I will break the staff of bread in Jerusalem: and they shall eat bread by weight, and with care; and they shall drink Urine (water) by measure, and with astonishment:
(17) That they may want bread and Urine (water), and be astonished one with another, and consume away for their iniquity


Oldest Heretic
God did not Create animal and vegetable to be independent life.
He created an ecosystem, in which each was dependant on the others for food and life.
Eating meat is inherent in God's scheme of things; as is eating and drinking all that God has provided us with.
Nothing is inherently unclean... It was all created and provided by God.

When a Lion eats a man, does he sin
Of course not, that is the nature of being a Lion.
The same applies to all life.

As all life Is of God, we should respect it, not wantonly kill for pleasure, nor consume more than we need to survive.
We should always respect what God has provided by treating it with kindness.

To suppose that some classes of animal are in some way unclean, usually has some historic reality. It was either a carrier of disease that could not be controlled. or was a beast that was more useful to us in some other way. such as the horse....
Some cultures relish horse meat, others Like the English reject it.

There are more valid reasons for not eating certain animals... such as their rarity and usefulness.