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Does Spirituality Comprise Vegetarianism?


Destroyer of Worlds
Could us trees listen then to reply :angel2:
Wonder why so many people read books from them then?

Plants don't understand words, but they do feel the intent behind them.

There is a kind of backstage communication that takes place with all living things. This communication is based on feelings rather than spoken words. When you tune into it, you truly see how everthing is connected to everything else.

The metabolism of something like a tree is very slow. You can cut a tree down, and it might be days before the tree realizes it's dying.

The bright side is all living things have the need of evolving, spiritually speaking.

It is the very driving force of the life cycle itself. When something is eaten by a human, it will briefly enjoy the status that a human enjoys, because it becomes a part of us.

Our lifeforces merge. The lesser is absorbed by the greater.

Remember, the lifeforce is the same in all living things, but the container which houses it will limit the ability to express itself fully. By eating an apple, that apple gains more than those left on the tree.

You can't destroy the lifeforce, but you can transform the awareness that is attached to it to something higher.



Premium Member
To be frank, eating an apple is a lot healthier than eating a slice of pie. If we want a healthier life then we eat healthier foods most of the time and save junk food for a occasional treat or substitute junk food for healthy food that tastes good. Our body is a temple, you know.

A. Ben-Shema

Active Member
To be frank, eating an apple is a lot healthier than eating a slice of pie. If we want a healthier life then we eat healthier foods most of the time and save junk food for a occasional treat or substitute junk food for healthy food that tastes good. Our body is a temple, you know.

The point of this discussion was not intended to be about physical health, but SPIRITUAL HEALTH & TRUTH!

Peace & Love :)


Destroyer of Worlds
"To be frank, eating an apple is a lot healthier than eating a slice of pie"

That would be true for most, but Adam would have a different opinion. :)



Obstructor of justice
The point of this discussion was not intended to be about physical health, but SPIRITUAL HEALTH & TRUTH!

Peace & Love :)

What's the difference? If our bodies were designed to be capable of eating meat, why would our "spiritual health nature" be designed to oppose that? One does not have to be a vegetarian to be spiritual (nor does one have to be spiritual to be vegetarian).


Destroyer of Worlds
It goes back to what I said about making yourself spiritually aerodynamic.

There are things you can do which will make the path a bit easier. Not living off the death of animals is one of those. You're not going to go to hell for eating meat, but you're not helping yourself either.


A. Ben-Shema

Active Member
What's the difference? If our bodies were designed to be capable of eating meat, why would our "spiritual health nature" be designed to oppose that?

Yes, we have been given freewill by God in order to have choice. But what will we choose - that is the question.

One does not have to be a vegetarian to be spiritual (nor does one have to be spiritual to be vegetarian).

To some extent I agree - it's a matter of Spiritual progress. One certainly does not have to be Spiritual to be a vegetarian - Hitler is a good example.

Peace & Love :)


Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
Vegetarianism, when done as a religious practice, is like any other religious practice: it is done because it is meaningful to the individual. I'm sure there are religious groups that would abhor a vegetarian diet! (I suspect Asatru is among those, but I don't know for sure.)

What's important for me is an understanding and appreciation for the source of my food. Whether I kill it myself or buy it from the market (be it plant or animal), I make it a point to recognize the sacrifice of the life that was required for my nutrition. Often, I will visualize the death of the being and attempt to understand the pain and loss of it.

Often, this keeps me from gluttony.
Proteins in meats are not easily absorbable and use more resources to digest them, then they give; this is why we feel exhausted after eating them.
The intestines are full of dead rotten animals, which make us ages more, as it just sits there rotting; slowing down the whole metabolism of the body.
Fruit is fast absorbing and the seeds grow from the waste we produce (free food globally), which is nitrates and phosphates (fertilizer)…
Sort of reminds me of Cain and Able and where we went wrong…..animal farming for meat takes mass quantities of land, in comparison to fruit trees, which helps climate also.

Very nicely said
I think i can give a simple answer withought reading previous posts.

Yes. I belive vegetarianism is a must for siritual development. Animals have souls. Unlinke what you may think they too have the power to realise the power of god. There are many cases where animals stay at a place of worship. Its quite common, you just dont hear about it so often. A vegetarian diet has always seemed more natural. We have a birthright responsibility to look after the animal kingdom. Just like all of you would look after younger siblings we look after our lords animals. They have lesser understading then us and so therefore should not be made advantage of. All our nutritious foods can be found in meat, but they come with side effect problems. Whereas god perfected the vegetarian diet, he made it as nutritous as meat. Humans always are trying to good to others, right? Why not spare a mother, child, or brother. We just have no clue what pain we cause those poor animals. We kill their family, and on top of that we eat it happily. For example, eggs. A hen has just given birth to its baby, its own little chick, in a shell, just not developed yet, but there. Then someone comes by and takes its little baby and fry's it. All females out there, how would you feel? Imagine all that terrible pain which is felt. This isnt done once either, many many times. Meat promotes bad qualities, we get the power of supreme race on earth ehich in fact they really rule the roost. All animals are dependent on us, likewise.

To sum it up, i feel eat is not good, for spiritual development, also for living a moral and happy life. we should abstain from meat, according to me.

Poor animals. Next time you dig into a steak, think who's baby that was, or mother or father etc.


Well-Known Member
"To be frank, eating an apple is a lot healthier than eating a slice of pie"

That would be true for most, but Adam would have a different opinion. :)


*quick note* where did the idea of an apple come from, there was a tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but no indacation that it's fruit was an apple, or that there was ever more than one tree like it. I suspect it comes from artists interprations.
*quick note* where did the idea of an apple come from, there was a tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but no indacation that it's fruit was an apple, or that there was ever more than one tree like it. I suspect it comes from artists interprations.

I dont know. I saw it on the Simpsons. Adam's Apple?


Well-Known Member
Proteins in meats are not easily absorbable and use more resources to digest them, then they give; this is why we feel exhausted after eating them.
If that was true the more steak you ate the skinnier you would get.
Sort of reminds me of Cain and Able and where we went wrong…..animal farming for meat takes mass quantities of land, in comparison to fruit trees, which helps climate also
In some places maybe, like South America were rain forest is burned and then used for cattle. But it doesn't hurt to have a few cows in a field, their natures lawn mowers.


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
If that was true the more steak you ate the skinnier you would get.
Atkins diet?

Brain uses 80% of food...so depends on output...

You’re quite right though, i personally can say i have to eat 4x the amount if i eat meat....
so on your reference, I can eat 3 full plates of spaghetti Bolognese (qualified chef, so lots of extra ingredients) after 1 hour i can be hungry again and eat another full plate….it caused me depression....now eat next to nothing and still keep the same weight, yet without the constant hunger and feeling drained from absorbing meat to make glucose, to power my brain, to make my body move....
Easier is fructose and stop the extra processing for nothing...


Through the Looking Glass
Zanda has a point. That is how the Atkins and Zone diets work, sorta. If you eat only meat it will put your body into a state of ketosis, which works for weight loss because protein is not the body's preferred form of energy (carbohydrates are), and prolonged absence of sufficient carbs results in the body going into a sort of metabolic shock or starvation mode, even though the amount of calories and fat consumed may be quite high.

This is potentially dangerous for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that high meat diets tend to be full of fat and cholesterol and very little fiber and may contribute the risks of colon cancer and heart disease.