Then Christianity has become a religion that does not even remotely resemble what Christ taught. Many of the Christians I talk to on this forum struggle with the basics of their own religion, let alone that of another. Their knowledge of Islam is based on little more that prejudice and bigotry, which is a shame because this is a useful space to learn. Consequently people everywhere have lost sight of God and His purpose for humanity. Its as if they are wandering in the paths of delusion bereft of discernment to see God with their own eyes or hear His melody with their own ears.
What is it that Christ taught? Without using just a few verses that paint a rosy Baha'i type of picture, but by using all of the quotes from Jesus, what did he teach?
Then, by using the whole of the New Testament, what should Christianity be teaching?
No matter what you come up with, there will always be the question as to how reliable is the New Testament. Baha'is use it both ways. Quoting from it as if it is the "Word of God", and other times questioning what is said and pointing out that those that wrote it were not eyewitnesses. I would add that they were terribly prejudiced in their writing and wanted Jesus and their view of what he taught to look as if it was the very "Word of God". And, if Christians today believe that is the case, why wouldn't they take every word as absolutely the truth about God.
Then what happens, Baha'is criticize them for taking it too literal. There is no reason why a Christian should not believe that Islam, the Baha'i Faith and all the other religions, are false. With the one exception being Judaism, and even there, Christianity, with what they teach in the NT, nullifies it and its laws, and makes themselves the "new" covenant, dissolving the "old" covenant.
Now if you want to say that the NT writers made things up, exaggerated things, and took things out of context from the Jewish Scriptures to make their case, then I'd agree. But that would make Christianity a religion built on falsehoods. And that all goes back to what one of the Jewish posters said about retrofitting. With the "Abrahamic" line of religions, each one knocks down all the pillars of the previous one and yet finds "prophecies" that make it, the new religion, the truth. Christianity took out Judaism. Islam took out Christianity. And now, the Baha'i Faith takes them all out... and not in a good way... not like some God designed progression, but by showing how the previous religion screwed things up.
To say that Christians are "prejudiced" against Islam, then you also have to say that Judaism is prejudiced against Christianity. And, Islam is prejudiced against the Baha'i Faith. But are the "prejudiced" or justified? From their pov, they are justified by their Scriptures. To the Jews, Jesus did not fulfill the prophecies about being the Messiah. For Christians, Muhammad is not a prophet of God. And to Islam and Christianity, Baha'u'llah is not the "return" of Christ or some hidden "Mahdi" or whatever Baha'is say that Baha'u'llah is to the Moslems.
Is that prejudice, or believing the very words of what each religions believes to be the "Word" of God? Then Baha's always argue that these other religions should be open to other interpretations of their own Scriptures? But, those interpretation undermine and destroy their religion. If they go by those Baha'i interpretations, they would not be Jews, or Christians or Moslems, they would be Baha'is. They would be admitting that their old religion was wrong and only, that is, only the Baha'is have it right and speak the truth about God.
Baha'is act as if all the believers in all the other religions are blind followers... that they don't know and understand their own religion and their own Scriptures. But some do, and some question and point out the contradictions in the Baha'i interpretation. And you say those people have 'lost" sight of God? They are wandering in paths of "delusion"? That is how Baha'is really feel about the believers in the other religions? That is "oneness"? That is "respect"? That is accepting all religions to be from the same God? No, it's saying they are all wrong, and anyone foolish enough to still be following these other religions is blind and is nothing but a blind follower of false teachings and traditions... that nothing in their religion has any truth left in it. That is, except, the few verses and the prophecies, and the verses that can be retrofitted to become prophecies, and the things that are true symbolically... Those things, the Baha'is accept.
Great, then everyone is wrong but Baha'is. Then just plainly say so. Quit pretending how you love and respect all the other religions, you don't. You believe they are all wrong. The only reason you need Islam in the Bible is to prove you are in the Bible also. But who are the false teachers and false prophets of the Bible? If it's not you then who? The Christians themselves? The Baha'is constantly use the quote about "good fruit"... Since Baha'is produce good fruit, they must be true. But which religious movement doesn't produce some good? Even Scientology has helped some people. But is it the truth from God? Your truth centers around "Unity" and "Oneness", how can you call it unity when at the core of your beliefs, you don't believe the other religions to know and to be teaching the truth?