Funny. Images like's Sum's are an example of why I prefer cats. I don't need something worshiping me as a god. It's kind of off-putting. There are other deal-breaker behaviors too. If it slobbers on me, I'm done. If it acts like it has ADHD, I'm done. If it makes a lot of noise, I'm done. If it's big enough that when it jumps on me it's really uncomfortable, I'm done. If it bites/attacks me, I'm done. Dogs have those faults with a significantly higher frequency than cats. Dogs that don't have those faults I get along quite well with.
However, from a practical standpoint, dogs are just a pain. They can't take care of themselves, which makes them a very high-maintenence pet to have, especially if you live on your own. Finding an apartment that allows dogs is very difficult compared to finding one that allows for cats. I don't want a high-maintenence pet.
You know, come to think of it, this isn't a bad list for a prospective lifemate either. If you're high-maintenence and can't take care of yourselves, guys, we're done. I'm not taking you out to go to the bathroom. Clean up after yourself, know how to cook, and if you're loud and obnoxious we're not going to get along. At all. And don't put me on a pedestal. That's a bad recipe for codependency right there. Be your own person, thanks.