There are times when a man/woman of faith will go through periods of doubt. I think it is a normal thing for any person of faith to have some lapses into doubt. I am wondering if the same thing happens to atheists- Do they (you) go through brief periods of the opposite of doubt? Is there a time when you briefly, for a moment to up to a week believe that maybe there is a God? I would like to hear about it if you do, not for any reason except it would be interesting to read. :candle:
my first question is, what's an atheist?
otherwise, you would think each person is of self reflection (doubt) since not a human being alive has ever seen a god, that is unless they see nature (the garden) as god or some derivative there of. Eg.. 'the burning bush' spoke and it was god
in that case, then my computer putting up all these words......could be god. (if that is what i believe)
every person alive has had a dream of monsters, dragons or even the cute redhead down the block; doesn't mean i go to her and give her gifts. Leaving them on her front porch and say, 'thank you, you saved me from self abuse'...............
Now to believe that a man on a thrown, with a magic wand is saying 'be' and it be or saving souls, or even taking them......... can never be proven, nor ever has. There in, any who believe them rendition are not self reflecting but believing what another person tells them to believe. Then add that with suggesting, 'you can't know god, but you can have him as a personal buddy who will grant you your prayers', when not a one can actually say "he did it" and be telling the truth...........
now the whole issue is based; not on beliefs or whether god exists, but how honest people are with themselves and to others when they speak (share) renditions of god.
No matter how many side, one way or another, to be truly honest, then each must represent what is pure, rather than what is believed. As EVERY religion shares that misrepresenting or of false witness is not doing anything good by god; it is of self preservation rather than caring for others over self (LOVE)
find them who LOVE others and care to self-reflect over 'believing' to be accepted, then see them of GOD (existence/truth/reality).
All of existence, and all her time, all her nature, and all her beings; are whom to appreciate at every moment of life: Love God as all that is, and then no separation, no division, you have that 'buddy' in all things you experience; then each choice is being responsible to GOD.
Find the humilty to being absolutely honest and that is how to find the ONEs who truly believe in God. (i like to call em "the man upstairs"... the 'boss', 'pops'... the badest of the bad, the guy who runs this taco stand)
but he sure aint talking to me about it as it is my choice to serve (existence) HIM, not that he owes me anything, not that i will be given 'eternal life' or be forgiven for being an idiot........... it seems to just do what is right at every choice, then i know inside; i support life to continue......... and will live in what i do, by God, within God, Of God, for God.
So if an atheist is the straight shooter who is honest without ever having to claim the god's defined by the religions; then i guess the good guys are the atheist and the rest are anti-good.
Find the beauty and the beasts as the honest and the rest!