I acknowledge no fault divorce. However english words have meanings and interpretations, especially legal, are important and based on your words "wanting to not be married" it means, at least to me "you no longer feel like being married therefore you can get a divorce because you feel like it".... there is a lot more to "no fault" than that..... especially since we are talking about 2 people.
Yes. You have expressed this several times. But all that you have said (at length) is that they are different. You have yet to explain your thinking as to
how they are different. My words, to which you have yet to express a
practical objection, mean that a person who is married can get up out of bed, walk into a lawyers office, swear out a petition for divorce, give no reason other than
irretrievable breakdown. which they do not have to prove or convince anyone of in anyway. At that point the months-years long process of divorcing begins - disposition of children, settlement of assets, etc.
But the point is that the person seeking the divorce does not have to convince anyone that they are justified in their decision. They don't have to provide evidence, or convince a judge that they have grounds. The fact that they want to not be married is grounds enough.
You disagree. Fine. Don't just repeat that I am wrong, Explain the difference.