I understand. It comes off as putting their beliefs down (hence attacking them). If I attacked Jesus, I would be attacking His followers. Can you explain the six teachings without scripture verses? It disturbs my eyes trying to figure out what you're saying.
What is your religion? I assumed you have a relationship with Christ just as a lot of Catholics, Baptist, Non denominational, and Jehovah Witnesses do. I would never tell you your teachings are wrong based on how I see Christ. Educate rather than correct sometimes comes off better to people who differ in the ways they devote themselves to Christ.
Every time I hear the words religion of men, dogma, and its relation to Catholicism, I just want to laugh sometimes and others I just get insulted. It's not that I deny that there is dogma in the Church. The Church
differs in their devotion just as a JW does to a Baptist. Interestingly enough, they all want to correct each other on Jesus' teachings as if they are the only ones who have the correct interpretations of it.
Every Christian's relationship with Christ is unique. Some can be far away from Him and Christ knows they are growing in Him. While others, He knows are close yet He continues to open their hearts to new knowledge from other Christians of
all denominations they might not have considered before.
I have to tell you honestly. To see beyond the dogma, you have to take the sacraments of Christ. You have to participate (mind, body, and soul) in Mass and know that when you are in communion with like-minded people, you are in communion with Christ. By that, when you take communion, you will be in one unison--His Body.
A relationship with the Christ through the Catholic Church is no more dogma than a relationship with Christ through Jehovah Witness meetings. They are different and they are not against Christ's teachings.
What I find awful is ex-catholics and anti-catholics putting down Church teachings (by scripture or not) because of what they learned from it and/or from the bias of their experiences growing up. Not all Churches are like that. I had a priest in New York that told me "the devil made me do it" and another one in VA that spend three hours showing me how
God has forgiven me for my sins. Also, people research CCC teachings and conclude its against the Bible.
Even worse, their bias views may be based on their age and the time period of what the Church put in their dogma and how priest and teachers treat people twenty years ago compared today.
Judging a person's relationship with Christ off of secondary information whether through bias, past experiences, or research is wrong and immoral. I know I would never expose scripture in a way that will put down any person's faith no matter how wrong
I believe it is.
Everyone's relationship with Christ is different. God knows this. Christ knows this. Why not Christians?
I attack false teachings not people--I am trying to help them see truth--it can be harsh.
1Cor 1:10-- all united in thought--no division. To be a true follower one must become one with God and his son--the living to do Gods will( Matt 7:21)-- one must have truth--John 4:22-24---- it is abundant now here in these last days-Daniel 12:4
Gods word forewarned of the great apostasy that would rise-2Thess 2:3--- and these teachers-2Cor 11:12-15
People call my religion a cult all the time--I don't let it bother me-- I have started every sight with 6 teachings from Jesus and I have been booted out of some--every trinity follower rejects them -, because they do not know them. and are not taught them. I was even told Jesus had nothing to do with his 6 teachings I have shown them, yet they are in every translation on the earth. I ask them to believe Jesus over mens dogmas and they will not.
truth can be offensive--they murdered all of them because of the rejection of Jesus' truths back then--to this day the world does not like them. Few like and believe them--Jesus foresaw this when he taught---enter through the narrow gate, for cramped is the road that leads off into life( eternal) FEW will find it. For many have entered the broad and spacious path( followers of the world) that leads to destruction( not eternal suffering)