Before I read these assignments, & since you were the one making the claim, I'd like to see your calculations.
To give you a detailed answer I'll require a bit more time to get into different interpretations of the probability of the gene structure allowing such a change: Now with the following we see that the formation of a self-replicating peptide is not that unlikely according to what is allegedly seen in experiments. (Note: We're not even getting into the extreme chances that the solar system would set itself up in such a way as to support life as it does which would be factored into the math).
The Probability of Life | Evolution FAQ
For example, the simplest theorized self-replicating peptide is only 32 amino acids long. The probability of it forming randomly, in sequential trials, is approximately 1 in 10^40, which is much more likely than the 1 in 10^390 claim creationists often cite.
Though, to be fair, 10^40 is still a very large number. It would still take an incredibly large number of sequential trials before the peptide would form. But remember that in the prebiotic oceans of the early Earth, there would be billions of trials taking place simultaneously as the oceans, rich in amino acids, were continuously churned by the tidal forces of the moon and the harsh weather conditions of the Earth.
In fact, if we assume the volume of the oceans were 10^24 liters, and the amino acid concentration was 10-6M (which is actually very dilute), then almost 10^31 self-replicating peptides would form in under a year, let alone millions of years. So, even given the difficult chances of 1 in 10^40, the first stages of abiogenesis could have started very quickly indeed.
So I can give some credence that the simplest life form could arise.
But the next stage would be far more complex.
And getting into the higher stages, it can get far far more complex.
(Exact numbers on just how far more complex forthcoming upon further research, but it sure ain't any simpler).
Quite simply, the odds of a Royal Flush are 1/649,739 (or .00000153907)
Assuming I played 10 hands in Vegas,
.00000153907^10 is a heck of a lot higher, in my calculation.