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Environments that make you happy


Environments? :shrug:

I haven't had my coffee so bare with me if that isn't the best word to describe what I'm shootin for.

This Saturday (like many others) I was awaken by my 3 year old and I went through my usual routine. Go to restroom, open blinders, go outside and take in some good morning breath, and then I start cooking breakfast with my 3 year old. It's a very peaceful and happy moment for me. I enjoy it immensely. This is a happy enviment and I can think of many others as well.

Another that pops to mind is when my mom used to go to relatives house and it was a rainy day. I was home alone and boy did I enjoy that. It wasn't just the fact that I was lone, but it was the rain, the hot pockets, the movies I watched, etc. I was happy...:)

How about you?


Veteran Member

We have a small nature park in the area that I live in that reminds me of home. I love to go there and just sit and feed the ducks. It makes me happy seeing them and especially when I am with my husband we can just enjoy the creation that God has given us and relax.

My favorite comfortable/happy time is when it rains. I adore when it rains, whether I'm in it or in a car or in the apartment, it makes me happy.


The cake is a lie
After I take a shower with Leo, my gold cap conure, the time we spend just chilling on the couch and watching TV is wonderful to me. He alternates between preening and watching TV and being utterly adorable. :)

I also love curling up with my SO and just doing nothing but holding each other. Time seems to stand still during those two times.


Well-Known Member
I love Wednesday nights with my son this is our night. He will be 14 and runs nonstop so we made a deal Wednesday is movie night. So we cook up something special together and watch a movie.
Then we usually play a game.

I also love horseback riding all by myself through the woods. I find it very peaceful.


Deviled Hen
Blizzards, so long as the power (and heat!) keep going.

It has such an unusual *quiet* to it, with all the snow.

To liven up the quite periods, we'd go on foot to visit neighbors, drink far too much coffee and play lots of card games. It always helped to build community whenever we had a blizzard.


The cake is a lie
When did you move to Georgia, Booko? Back in 90 or 91 (I forget which) there was a grand total of about three feet of snow around here... people still refer to it as "the great blizzard of 90/1". :D


Blizzards, so long as the power (and heat!) keep going.

It has such an unusual *quiet* to it, with all the snow.

To liven up the quite periods, we'd go on foot to visit neighbors, drink far too much coffee and play lots of card games. It always helped to build community whenever we had a blizzard.
I wish we had them in Southern California...:)

I can see myself enjoying that in a similar fashion.


there is a neat place near my house, where you go down a small road under a bridge with lots of graffiti, to some old ruins of factories and houses almost swallowed up in the woods. i go there to read and pray before the sun comes up, and it's great. you can watch the dawn come amid these big crumbling brick walls and trees. very beautiful, and no one else is there.

i also *love* being in libraries. if i could, i would live in one.


Well-Known Member
there is a neat place near my house, where you go down a small road under a bridge with lots of graffiti, to some old ruins of factories and houses almost swallowed up in the woods. i go there to read and pray before the sun comes up, and it's great. you can watch the dawn come amid these big crumbling brick walls and trees. very beautiful, and no one else is there.

i also *love* being in libraries. if i could, i would live in one.

I can picture you in both quite peacful and happy.:)


Sweet n Spicy
Going for a walk on the beach with my husband or going to the movies with him on Sunday evenings when all of our chores for the weekend are over and we can just relax. :) I also love when it's raining and we are watching an Indian movie, eating popcorn and just being lazy. It's even better when it rains on Sunday so he can stay inside with me and not clean his car. I try to help him but we have more fun being lazy. :D


Hema said:
It's even better when it rains on Sunday so he can stay inside with me and not clean his car. I try to help him but we have more fun being lazy. :D

:D yeah, it is. and cleaning cars is... well... *expletive*-y.


Just me
Premium Member
This Saturday (like many others) I was awaken by my 3 year old and I went through my usual routine. Go to restroom, open blinders, go outside and take in some good morning breath, and then I start cooking breakfast with my 3 year old. It's a very peaceful and happy moment for me. I enjoy it immensely. This is a happy enviment and I can think of many others as well.

How about you?
I think my happiest environment was when I was 3 years old, getting up every morning like clockwork and watching my mom cook breakfast. Go figure.


there is a neat place near my house, where you go down a small road under a bridge with lots of graffiti, to some old ruins of factories and houses almost swallowed up in the woods. i go there to read and pray before the sun comes up, and it's great. you can watch the dawn come amid these big crumbling brick walls and trees. very beautiful, and no one else is there.

i also *love* being in libraries. if i could, i would live in one.
I can so relate to this!

I don't have any such places near me but I have been to similar places.

That reminds me of Mexico. My nana's (my godmother) house was on a huge lot that was a junk yard for farm equipment. Somebody's junk was my heaven! I used to get on broken down tractors and just have a blast in all that Industrial equipment. If you walked further you bumped into a swamp that looked like this:


With hundreds of frogs sitting on top of those leaves you see.

It was amazing!


Sweet n Spicy
:D yeah, it is. and cleaning cars is... well... *expletive*-y.

Very *expletive*-y! :D But I think he enjoys it. Men and their cars! :p

Your place sounds so peaceful. :yes: Praying before the sun comes up gives the day a really peaceful start.


Well-Known Member
I also remember as a child one of my favorite things was on a cold night snuggling with my dad by
the fireplace. Sometimes we would stand or sit in front of the fire so long we were almost roasted ourselves.


Deviled Hen
When did you move to Georgia, Booko? Back in 90 or 91 (I forget which) there was a grand total of about three feet of snow around here... people still refer to it as "the great blizzard of 90/1". :D


Yeah, by Atlanta standards that would be a blizzard. By my standards, that would be "ah, a bit snowy for the next couple of days."

Yeah, I was pregnant with our daughter and I thought it was idiotic that they didn't close the office, but they didn't, so there I was driving down Ashford-Dunwoody with that stupid hill and all. I made a "run" down the hill, kept moving so I didn't get stuck like everyone else, turned right onto E. Nancy Creek past all the "stuck" traffic, and wound through the neighborhood looking for fresh snow so I could get to the top of the hill with a bit of traction. The hardest thing was not getting lost in the neighborhood.

It isn't the same here when we get snow. People don't even walk out to their mailboxes for fear of slipping. Well, yeah, we have more hills here -- so walk on the lawn where it isn't slippery?

No one gets together to party :confused:, and it isn't shut down enough to qualify as the sort of dead quiet I think of with blizzards. (Unless it's there a heavy wind along with that snow).

Ice storms can be very cool, though. They can be dangerous, but the beauty makes up for it.


Sweet n Spicy
I also remember as a child one of my favorite things was on a cold night snuggling with my dad by
the fireplace. Sometimes we would stand or sit in front of the fire so long we were almost roasted ourselves.

This reminds me, one night when I was little my dad had put me in a hammock and was rocking me to sleep. He was singing and my mom was there too. I felt so happy and without a care in the world.


Victor : that is awesome! lovely, lovely swamp, too.

sounds like a place my dad used to take us to get dirt. seriously- he'd shovel dirt into buckets to take home, and me and my sister would scale the mountains of soil and play with the broken stuff we found in there.:cloud9:


Obstructor of justice
Oh, wow I've got lots of those....

I love being in my kitchen, especially when it comes time for me to start decorating and preparing for holidays. I have scented candles, lights, all sorts of seasonal decorations, nice music, and my hands stuck in some mixture for cakes, cookies, bread, or even granola bars. Baking makes me very happy, and I make the kitchen the heart of my house.

Another thing I love is laying in my bed with a good book and a blanket of cats. If I stay still for any length of time, I get at least one cat on me. But, laying down they all cuddle up on me or next to me. I love my cats. :D

My favorite place to hike up here has some great views of the Hudson, and I've done the hike a few times since I've been here. In the middle of the trail is this huge old oak tree with a natural bench underneath it (some flat stones happened to be there). I always stop there for a while just to sit when I take the hike. I wish I could get there more often, but the trail itself is not that close, and the tree is about 4 miles in. It's a full day trip.

I'm hoping to be able to recreate that environment when I get an actual house. We're trying to get a large partially wooded lot.