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Errors in the Quran


Active Member
to faruk
This is good ---
Muhammad is not the children of Israel ----
Important agreement ---
But the Koran says
The prophecy dedicated to the children of Israel ---
So here the prophecy of Muhammad contradicts this verse ---
Excuse me, I do not know the verse number ---
The verse says Agafina prophecy Beni Israel -
Note i don't know which verse you refering to and without chapter and verse number then there is no evidence.Please go and look up the chapter and verse number because if you cannot produce it then we regard your statement as nothing but lies.Now you don't want me to accuse you of lies do you.

Now go back to the genealogy tree ---
You wrote in the genealogy tree -
Do you know of Cyrus is Cyrus ----
Cyrus is Persian origin and has nothing to do either closely from afar and not with
the Arabs --
Cyrus.....what Cyrus you talking about.I don't see any name by Cyrus there.Please go back and enlighten me where you got this name from.

Thirdly ---
Ismail son of Hagar ---
Hagar is not a legitimate wife to Abraham ----
Isaac was the son of deadline
It is only recognized in the legacy of his father ---
Because his mother was barren and Bammer God of Isaac was born -
And all the prophets of the offspring of Isaac -
Israel, a father -
The Koran said the prophecy, especially in the children of Israel ---You type the new information ----
That Abraham came from Ur of the Chaldeans ---
Orr was in southern Iraq
Is the refusal of the goddess of the Chaldeans ---
Out of Ur -
It was the lineage of the prophets ---
Only the children of Israel ---
Ismail was born shall not have the rights of inheritance ---
Inheritance only to Isaac ---
This is what the Bible says ----
Looks like you reading your bible upside down or maybe you have problem with your eye sight.
According to you if Hagar(peace and blessings be upon her) is not legitimate wife then she has to be illegimate wife.Hence according to you Prophet Abraham(peace and blessings be upon him) commited adultery and was a sinner(God forbid).Please for Gods sake go and read your bible before making a fool of yourself.
Read Genesis the whole of Genesis and don't make foolish statements without understanding whats in your bible.
This is what i found interesting
" Sarai his wife took her Egyptian slave Hagar and gave her to her husband to be his wife".
Not illegitimate but legitimate.

" The angel added, “I will increase your descendants so much that they will be too numerous to count.”
Who is the angel talking to.Sarai or Hagar?Go and read your bible.

"His sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the cave of Machpelah near Mamre,"
The bible says sons.It confirms that both were his sons and Ishmael first born.I hope that is not difficult for you to swallow.

“I swear by myself, declares the Lord, that because you have done this and have not withheld your son, your only son,I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies,and through your offspringall nations on earth will be blessed,because you have obeyed me.”
So who fits the above verse.Jews...mmmmm they in the minority.Christians......mmmmm they uncircumcised broken the covenant.Islam........mmmmmm now thats going to break your heart.Lets leave the answer to an unbiased knowledgeable servant of God.

“I (GOD) will make you(Abraham [peace and blessings be upon him])into a great nation,and I(GOD)will bless you(Abraham[peace and blessings be upon him]);I (GOD)will make your name great,and you(Abraham[peace and blessings be upon him])will be a blessing. I (GOD)will bless those who bless you,and whoever curses you I will curse;and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”
Now who fits this verse.Uncircumcised Christians.......definately no.Children of Israel.....mmm they do not exit at present time.Islam.....mmmm this is going to make your heart bleed.Islam is the only religion that teaches its followers to bless all prophets when ever they take their names.Futher we pray 5 times a day and it is complusory for us to bless Prophet Abraham (PBBUH) in every prayer.I personally send blessings to Prophet Abraham(PBBUH) not less than 16 times a day just in my 5 times prayers.

Read 1 Chronicles 1
The Family of Abraham
28 The sons of Abraham:
Isaac and Ishmael.
Descendants of Hagar

29 These were their descendants:
Nebaioth the firstborn of Ishmael, Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam, 30 Mishma, Dumah, Massa, Hadad, Tema, 31 Jetur, Naphish and Kedemah. These were the sons of Ishmael.
Hope you getting the message.Its is simple english and why you are having difficulty in understanding i don't know.

Read Deuteronomy and the whole of it after all you owe it to your soul.
The Right of the Firstborn
"If a man has two wives, and he loves one but not the other, and both bear him sons but the firstborn is the son of the wife he does not love,when he wills his property to his sons, he must not give the rights of the firstborn to the son of the wife he loves in preference to his actual firstborn, the son of the wife he does not love. He must acknowledge the son of his unloved wife as the firstborn by giving him a double share of all he has. That son is the first sign of his father’s strength. The right of the firstborn belongs to him."
The above is not from my back pocket.Its in your bible so please don't make a fool of yourself.Go and read it.

Now its time you understand your own bible before making false statements.

Peace and may God almighty guide you towards the truth.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
to faruk
There is no name Quraish - in the Torah ----
Torah is in our hands ----
Torah in the name of Cyrus and Cyrus does not mean Quraysh ---

Is from Persia in Iran -
Does not belong to the Quraish
I hope to be a good illustration My friend ----
Ismail was born of Hagar ----
Sarah was barren - and became a big age
Sarah said to Abraham married handmaid ----
But Sarah became pregnant through newborn Isaac is God ---
A marvel
This has an importance in the interpretation of the Bible ----
Isaac called the son of promise -
That are descendants of the prophets ---
No prophecy of atomic Ismail ---
He was the son of lust and not the son of date -
Ismail does not share in the inheritance of Isaac ---
I think the idea is clear

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
The state says in the Koran God but which secured him the children of Israel ---
Along with the other verse which says Agafina prophecy in the children of Israel ---
These verses in which many questions
Does this mean that Islam calls guessed the children of Israel ---
Here it is necessary to follow these prophets and their descendants and respected the promises of God with them
But note the opposite direction -
In other states, and order the curse of fighting ---
Khqikh there are contradictions in the Koran -
When combining the mind between verses


The Lost One
In Qur'an 21, it speak of various prophets, and start speaking of David and Solomon at verse 21:78. What followed 21:78, verses 21:79-81, seemed to focus more on Solomon than David, but verse 21:80, leave to no name, of which king it is talking about:

Qur'an 21:80 said:
It was We Who taught him the making of coats of mail for your benefit, to guard you from each other's violence: will ye then be grateful?

Who is "him" or "you" was it speaking of? And for whose "benefit"? David or Solomon?

I am assuming it is Solomon, but I could be wrong?

Either way, it is really not the point of my reply/post.

What I really want to focus is the large blue phrase in my quote: the making of coats of mail.

Now if Allah was indeed the author of the Qur'an, and not the prophet Muhammad or his companions, then Allah would not have made this mistake.

I don't know about anyone else here, but one of my interest in ancient history is military (like wars and battles, armors and weapons, strategy and tactics; that sort of things).

The mistake is not obvious, unless you happen to study or done military history. And the mistake is "coats of mail". Most of the other translations also referred this type of armor to be that of "mail".

Mail is ancient time is sometimes called "chain mail" or "chainmail", because it is interlocking of rings that protection to the wearer. The chain mail are usually made of IRON. (I will get back to "iron" a little later.) Mail armor were time-consuming and expensive to make, but it often great protection against slashing weapon, and good protection against thrusting weapon.

In Muhammad's time, coats of mail were indeed wore by some soldiers and warriors.

The problem is that David lived in 11th century and Solomon in 10th century. Though, iron were available, no body armor at that time were made out of iron. Armor and most weapons were still made out of bronze (alloy of copper and tin).

And one thing for certain, CHAIN MAIL or COAT OF MAIL WERE NOT INVENTED at David's or Solomon's time.

The people who invented chain mail were the Celts.

Although the Iron Age for the Celts, began in the 8th century in the Hallstatt culture, the invention of mail happened during the early La Tène culture (450 BCE to Roman conquest (Julius Caesar) of Gaul in 1st century BCE; most likely early 4th century BCE.

The Roman encountered the Gauls several times, and had even sack Rome in

The Roman adopted this type of armor, calling their mail coat or mail shirt - lorica hamata.

It was the Roman who brought mail coat to the Near East in the 1st century BCE.

Getting back my point about verse 21:80. The "coats of mail" in David's or Solomon's time is an anachronism. If Allah did exist, then he should not have made this mistake.


Well-Known Member
In Qur'an 21, it speak of various prophets, and start speaking of David and Solomon at verse 21:78. What followed 21:78, verses 21:79-81, seemed to focus more on Solomon than David, but verse 21:80, leave to no name, of which king it is talking about:

Who is "him" or "you" was it speaking of? And for whose "benefit"? David or Solomon?

I am assuming it is Solomon, but I could be wrong?

Either way, it is really not the point of my reply/post.

What I really want to focus is the large blue phrase in my quote: the making of coats of mail.

Now if Allah was indeed the author of the Qur'an, and not the prophet Muhammad or his companions, then Allah would not have made this mistake.

I don't know about anyone else here, but one of my interest in ancient history is military (like wars and battles, armors and weapons, strategy and tactics; that sort of things).

The mistake is not obvious, unless you happen to study or done military history. And the mistake is "coats of mail". Most of the other translations also referred this type of armor to be that of "mail".

Mail is ancient time is sometimes called "chain mail" or "chainmail", because it is interlocking of rings that protection to the wearer. The chain mail are usually made of IRON. (I will get back to "iron" a little later.) Mail armor were time-consuming and expensive to make, but it often great protection against slashing weapon, and good protection against thrusting weapon.

In Muhammad's time, coats of mail were indeed wore by some soldiers and warriors.

The problem is that David lived in 11th century and Solomon in 10th century. Though, iron were available, no body armor at that time were made out of iron. Armor and most weapons were still made out of bronze (alloy of copper and tin).

And one thing for certain, CHAIN MAIL or COAT OF MAIL WERE NOT INVENTED at David's or Solomon's time.

The people who invented chain mail were the Celts.

Although the Iron Age for the Celts, began in the 8th century in the Hallstatt culture, the invention of mail happened during the early La Tène culture (450 BCE to Roman conquest (Julius Caesar) of Gaul in 1st century BCE; most likely early 4th century BCE.

The Roman encountered the Gauls several times, and had even sack Rome in

The Roman adopted this type of armor, calling their mail coat or mail shirt - lorica hamata.

It was the Roman who brought mail coat to the Near East in the 1st century BCE.

Getting back my point about verse 21:80. The "coats of mail" in David's or Solomon's time is an anachronism. If Allah did exist, then he should not have made this mistake.

The Quraan doesn't discuss how it was made. The Arabic word used is لبوس. لبوس means something you wear so it would لتحصنكم, that is to protect you.

But how was that made? Quraan doesn't discuss that.

And it was about David.


Veteran Member
It has been a while since he appeared I guess.

Quran does not mention that Jonah was:

1. in the belly of the fish
2. for a period of three days

Does it?

Have these point been discussed here? Please

For belly of the fish and for a period of three days; the Jews or the Christians should explain.



Well-Known Member
Quran does not mention that Jonah was:

1. in the belly of the fish
2. for a period of three days

Does it?

Have these point been discussed here? Please

For belly of the fish and for a period of three days; the Jews or the Christians should explain.


I a. Sure it was discussed but I didn't address it. I just read it, referred to the verses, laughed at the silliness of the claim, and left.


Peace be upon you.
In Qur'an 21, it speak of various prophets, and start speaking of David and Solomon at verse 21:78. What followed 21:78, verses 21:79-81, seemed to focus more on Solomon than David, but verse 21:80, leave to no name, of which king it is talking about:

Who is "him" or "you" was it speaking of? And for whose "benefit"? David or Solomon?

I am assuming it is Solomon, but I could be wrong?

Peace be on you.

Please read verses in order:

[21:80] We gave Solomon the (right) understanding of (the matter) and to each of them gave We wisdom and knowledge. And We subjected the mountains and the birds to celebrate (God’s) praises with David. And it is We Who do (all such things).

[21:81] And We taught him the making of coats of mail for you, that they might protect you form each other’s violence. Will you then be thankful?

Why did you assume it was Solomon (on whom be peace). It is your mistake or weak assumption power.


And one thing for certain, CHAIN MAIL or COAT OF MAIL WERE NOT INVENTED at David's or Solomon's time.

The people who invented chain mail were the Celts.

Although the Iron Age for the Celts, began in the 8th century in the Hallstatt culture, the invention of mail happened during the early La Tène culture (450 BCE to Roman conquest (Julius Caesar) of Gaul in 1st century BCE; most likely early 4th century BCE.

The Roman encountered the Gauls several times, and had even sack Rome in

The Roman adopted this type of armor, calling their mail coat or mail shirt - lorica hamata.

It was the Roman who brought mail coat to the Near East in the 1st century BCE.

Getting back my point about verse 21:80. The "coats of mail" in David's or Solomon's time is an anachronism. If Allah did exist, then he should not have made this mistake.

This is your second mistake.

Good wishes.
Last edited:


The Lost One
One-Answer said:
And it was about David.

Thank you. I wasn't too sure, because the earlier verse(s) talk of them together.

One-Answer said:
Quraan doesn't discuss that.

Don't I know it. :rolleyes:

The Qur'an speak of many things, quite loosely in verses, and yet it doesn't discuss or explain anything, at any depth. So I am not at all surprise what the Qur'an have left unsaid or unexplained.

And those that get left unsaid, are usually interpreted by Muslims to suit their own purposes, which have nothing to do with what are really written there. Examples of these being unsaid are the so-called "scientific miracles" or "scientific signs" that some of today's Muslims are found in the Qur'an.

But I am getting sidetracked. So let's get back to my points.

One-Answer said:
The Quraan doesn't discuss how it was made. The Arabic word used is لبوس. لبوس means something you wear so it would لتحصنكم, that is to protect you.

But how was that made? Quraan doesn't discuss that.

It doesn't need to know how it was created. I am quite sure Muhammad knew not how to make a mail coat, but that doesn't mean he didn't know how what it is.

The only armor that are wore like a coat or shirt or garment, are "mail" or "chain mail", which existed in Muhammad's time, not in David's time.

Like I said in my last post, the invention of mail coat, seemed to come from the Celts in the La Tène period, which the Romans had adopted. The mail coats did reached the Levant till about 5 centuries (or more) after David's death.

But according to the verse in question (21:80), it seemed to be God himself, or his minions were the ones who taught him how to make these "coats". It say: "It was We Who taught him the making of coats of mail for your benefit..."

But David and his army didn't wear such armors. The Qur'an, particularly this verse, contained anachronism.


Active Member
"Like I said in my last post, the invention of mail coat, seemed to come from the Celts in the La Tène period, which the Romans had adopted. The mail coats did reached the Levant till about 5 centuries (or more) after David's death. "

Can you site your evidence for this and that the Celts could not have acquired their knowledge during their trade with the Middle East?


Freedom Of Mind
"Like I said in my last post, the invention of mail coat, seemed to come from the Celts in the La Tène period, which the Romans had adopted. The mail coats did reached the Levant till about 5 centuries (or more) after David's death. "

Can you site your evidence for this and that the Celts could not have acquired their knowledge during their trade with the Middle East?

I guess that gnostic found a new miracle in the quran but i don't think that he'll be happy in doing so.

The period of the iron age is the same period of king David which is as well the same period of Celts.

Iron Age I (1200-1000 BCE)

  • 1200 BCE - Jerusalem is conquered by Canaanites (Jebusites)
Reference: Timeline for the History of Jerusalem (4500 BCE-Present) | Jewish Virtual Library

Rationally it indicates that such invention came with the discovery of iron.


Sunni muslim
Ismail son of Hagar ---
Hagar is not a legitimate wife to Abraham ----
Isaac was the son of deadline
It is only recognized in the legacy of his father ---
Because his mother was barren and Bammer God of Isaac was born -
And all the prophets of the offspring of Isaac -
Israel, a father -
The Koran said the prophecy, especially in the children of Israel ---You type the new information ----

It was the lineage of the prophets ---
Only the children of Israel ---
Ismail was born shall not have the rights of inheritance ---
Inheritance only to Isaac ---
This is what the Bible says ----

What prophecy in the Quran ???

And what you say concerning Ismael doesn't make any sense.
It's like saying that some of the children of Jacob have no rights because their mothers were servants. I think it was Rachel who also had problems to have children like Sarah.

Why only Isaac should be reconized as a legitime and "first" son, while the sons of Jacob are all seen as legitimate children ?

I don't inderstand this difference that some people make with Ismael.


Peace be upon you.
And one thing for certain, CHAIN MAIL or COAT OF MAIL WERE NOT INVENTED at David's or Solomon's time.

The people who invented chain mail were the Celts.

Although the Iron Age for the Celts, began in the 8th century in the Hallstatt culture, the invention of mail happened during the early La Tène culture (450 BCE to Roman conquest (Julius Caesar) of Gaul in 1st century BCE; most likely early 4th century BCE.

The Roman encountered the Gauls several times, and had even sack Rome in

The Roman adopted this type of armor, calling their mail coat or mail shirt - lorica hamata.

It was the Roman who brought mail coat to the Near East in the 1st century BCE.

Getting back my point about verse 21:80. The "coats of mail" in David's or Solomon's time is an anachronism. If Allah did exist, then he should not have made this mistake.

This is your second mistake. It has been rightly pointed out above. The original Arabic words should be checked.


[21:81] And We taught him making of a dress so that it protect you (your life) from your battle. So will you be thankful?

= Help from translation in Tafsir e Kabir by Second Ahmadiyya Khalifah, Vol 5 alislam.org

= page 733 , A coat or coats of mail, https://www.alislam.org/quran/dictionary/dictionary_quran.pdf

= وَعَلَّمْنَاهُ صَنْعَةَ لَبُوسٍ لَكُمْ لِتُحْصِنَكُمْ مِنْ بَأْسِكُمْ
labūsin (of) coats of armor
Source:The Quranic Arabic Corpus - Quran Dictionary

= Bible also talks about coat of armour.

Hence there is no need to make a big issue here, God taught him to make a certain type of coat for safety in war....That is it by the grace of God.
Last edited:


What prophecy in the Quran ???

And what you say concerning Ismael doesn't make any sense.
It's like saying that some of the children of Jacob have no rights because their mothers were servants. I think it was Rachel who also had problems to have children like Sarah.

Why only Isaac should be reconized as a legitime and "first" son, while the sons of Jacob are all seen as legitimate children ?

I don't inderstand this difference that some people make with Ismael.

It's a clear hypocrisy


Veteran Member
Originally Posted by paarsurrey
@ Truthisnotyourenemy

What is your religion and denomination? Please, if you will, please

Originally Posted by 0ne-answer
It has been a while since he appeared I guess.

The OP has raised the question of Jonah in the belly of the fish. Since Judaism and Christianity have preceded Islam and Jonah has also been mentioned in their scripture; hence ethically it becomes their ethical and moral responsibility to explain for the account narrated in OT and or NT, and to address any errors if any, unless of course if Quran has added anything which was not in OT and or NT.

I have joined this discussion now lately so I would request that if the issue of Jonah in the belly of the fish has been explained by the Jews and Christians?

If not; why not?



Freedom Of Mind
The OP has raised the question of Jonah in the belly of the fish. Since Judaism and Christianity have preceded Islam and Jonah has also been mentioned in their scripture; hence ethically it becomes their ethical and moral responsibility to explain for the account narrated in OT and or NT, and to address any errors if any, unless of course if Quran has added anything which was not in OT and or NT.

I have joined this discussion now lately so I would request that if the issue of Jonah in the belly of the fish has been explained by the Jews and Christians?

If not; why not?


Miracles are unexplainable.

Similar to the born of Jesus PBUH without father which is impossible and unexplainable in reality.


What prophecy in the Quran ???

And what you say concerning Ismael doesn't make any sense.
It's like saying that some of the children of Jacob have no rights because their mothers were servants. I think it was Rachel who also had problems to have children like Sarah.

Why only Isaac should be reconized as a legitime and "first" son, while the sons of Jacob are all seen as legitimate children ?

I don't inderstand this difference that some people make with Ismael.

Heh, ask them what Ishma'el means in Aramaic. Will be a bit of a facepalm moment for them.

It means "God hears him"... and why not? Muslims actively worship God 5 times a day,

Surely God hears the Muslims. He is not a selective God who will only save one people called Jews.

"Surely those who believe, and those who are Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians -- whoever believes in God and the Last Day and does good, they shall have their reward from their Lord. And there will be no fear for them, nor shall they grieve" (Quran -2:62, 5:69, and many other verses).

We find a very beautiful revelation here in the Quran. One that is not found in any other Abrahamic faith, or non Abrahamic.

God is merciful. And includes the believing Jews and Christians as well as Sabians into heaven... this written in the Quran.

Does such a verse exist for the NT or OT/Torah?


Veteran Member
I have joined this discussion now lately so I would request that if the issue of Jonah in the belly of the fish has been explained by the Jews and Christians?

If not; why not?

My question is addressed to the Jews and Christians .
