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Errors in the Quran


Well-Known Member
Your questions don't make sense. All you are doing is insulting Islam and Moslems by repeatedly asking silly, offensive questions and ignoring all answers.

Sectarian violence between Christians is as common throughout history as is sectarian violence between Moslems.

Islam is no more warlike than Christianity.

Where are Christians warring each other at over land ? :facepalm:
Christianity makes up a huge % of religion, so where is these wars at that they are having with their own people?
Muslims claim its a religion of peace, I am simply asking how war=peace.
The only ones being insulting are the ones claiming war=peace and all the personal attacking, rather than owning up and explaining how murdering innocent people=peace.
How silly of me to ask, my bad :facepalm:

Odd that when Christians turn to the muslim faith, some become terrorists and begin bombing innocent people in their own country, but vice versa, ex muslims claim the religion is full of violence and why they left and became Christian and not a one of them ever bombs anyone,... odd huh?
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Freedom Of Mind
I am simply asking how war=peace
You are attacking me personally.
Others are saying, "we always have war" bla bla bla.

So, now your saying because you cant figure out how to explain how violence=peace, you resort to goal post this and say I have no point?
Who you trying to kid? :sarcastic:
You attack all over everyone you disagree with, you bring nothing to the table but ad hominem's.
Most everyone else goes around the questions.

BTW, to those saying we always have war, yep, with that attitude you will always have war, NOT peace. :yes:

It isn't our problem if you have difficulties in understanding,i asked you before how old are you but you didn't answer,anyway.

Now if you are in your house and an armed thief entered your house.
You warned him by shooting on air,but instead of fleeing he shot on you.

What will you do ?
Will you fight and protect your house or you'll flee ?

Fighting has been enjoined upon you while it is hateful to you. But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not.(2:216)


Freedom Of Mind
Where are Christians warring each other at over land ? :facepalm:
Christianity makes up a huge % of religion, so where is these wars at that they are having with their own people?
Muslims claim its a religion of peace, I am simply asking how war=peace.
The only ones being insulting are the ones claiming war=peace and all the personal attacking, rather than owning up and explaining how murdering innocent people=peace.
How silly of me to ask, my bad :facepalm:

Odd that when Christians turn to the muslim faith, some become terrorists and begin bombing innocent people in their own country, but vice versa, ex muslims claim the religion is full of violence and why they left and became Christian and not a one of them ever bombs anyone,... odd huh?

Hiroshima massacre was a Muslim war
World war 1 & 2 were Muslim wars
Texas revolution was a Muslim war.
Chinese civil war was a Muslim war.
Spanish civil war was a Muslim war.
War has no religion or identity.

If in a case that you can't still understand then ask your Dad,he'll explain it to you better than me.


pro scapegoat
Where are Christians warring each other at over land ? :facepalm:

Well historically, all over the place. Sectarian conflicts between Christians have been commonplace, the Protestants and Catholics were at war for centuries.
As a modern example the conflict in Northern Ireland, which was the birth place of modern terrorism is one of the longest sectarian conflicts in history and is Christians warring each other.

There are other examples, but you tend to ignore any examples anyway.

Sectarian conflicts involving Christians are occuring in Nigeria, Egypt, India, Pakistan and others.

Christianity makes up a huge % of religion, so where is these wars at that they are having with their own people?

See above examples.

Muslims claim its a religion of peace, I am simply asking how war=peace.

Sure, and that is a very loaded question, that is deliberately insulting.

It presumes that your opponant concedes that Islam=War, which is just stupid.

The only ones being insulting are the ones claiming war=peace and all the personal attacking, rather than owning up and explaining how murdering innocent people=peace.
How silly of me to ask, my bad :facepalm:

Yes, how silly of you. Nobody claimed that war=peace.

Odd that when Christians turn to the muslim faith, some become terrorists and begin bombing innocent people in their own country, but vice versa, ex muslims claim the religion is full of violence and why they left and became Christian and not a one of them ever bombs anyone,... odd huh?

That is about as grotesque, pointless and unfounded a generalisation as I have ever read.


Well-Known Member
hmmm, nothing but pointless personal attacks and goal posting.
Literally every single rebuttal of those who support the quran to not have errors, involves goal posting and ad hominem's, 13 pages worth.
Same as the "was muhammad a good man" thread, page after page of hominem's and goal posting to deem muhammed something that his own history proves otherwise, that he was not such a good man, specially the part where he calls Jesus a fraud.
They say satan is the master of lies, so either muhammad was or Jesus was the fraud.
Jesus never hurt a fly and even forgave those who was to kill him, muhammed murdered many men, had several wives, one being a child....
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mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
to scimiter ----I speak English
Islam does not belong to the Abrahamic religion
The reason ---
Mohammed is not a descendant of Abraham
The Torah says ---
The descendants of Abraham, of Isaac is Sarah
Jacob, or Israel, is the son of Isaac ---
The sons of the tribes of Israel, 12 of these children of Israel ---Is Muhammad belongs to one of the clans of the sons of Israel ---
I think the question is clear ----Wait for you to answer ----


Freedom Of Mind
to scimiter ----I speak English
Islam does not belong to the Abrahamic religion
The reason ---
Mohammed is not a descendant of Abraham
The Torah says ---
The descendants of Abraham, of Isaac is Sarah
Jacob, or Israel, is the son of Isaac ---
The sons of the tribes of Israel, 12 of these children of Israel ---Is Muhammad belongs to one of the clans of the sons of Israel ---
I think the question is clear ----Wait for you to answer ----

I think prophet Mohammed was an alien.:sarcastic


mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Talk about the Second World War and the wars of the first Christians ----
Yes, there are wars Yes, there are conflicts -
Among the nations that believe in Christianity ---
But we must note a very important point too ---The Christian Gospel is not used to justify the war or the conflict
In all wars are wars of Christianity worldly interests ---Because it is not found in the Bible or the New Testament confession wars ---
Christian fights for the same
Not with any text of the Bible allows him to war Write me a text of the Gospel which encourage war ---
There is a single text, which does not refer to war or fighting
But the Islamic wars ---
With the infidels, or between a Muslim and a Muslim uses the Koran and verses of the Koran to justify the war ---
Starting from the position two rows between Aisha and forward on the lifting of the Koran to end fighting The wars of apostasy and to this day used verses of the Koran to justify the war ---
The best example ---
In the Iran-Iraq war ---
The reports of the fighting started yet in any of the Koran ---
Who has the archive data that war or remembers know what I'm saying well ---
Muslim believes in the Hadith
Ordered to fight the people until they say no God but God and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, the Asmoa their blood they said to me -
I write from my friends Islamic books and caught the camel and two rows and the killing of Hassan and Hussein and battles with the Persians Qadisiyah and also try to colonize Spain from the Arabs ---
All Islamic religious warsIslam is using religion as a cover for his wars and this is a problem too big ----
Name of God be present in every war Islamic ----
While the name of God be away in wars Christianity ---
Even the Crusades ---
No party has not been able to justify those wars of the New Testament or the Gospel ---

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
to feargod ---
I do not know Is there any Jews among us brother Jew ---
If my friend Mohammed belongs to the children of Israel, so why would you fight the children of Israel in Palestine today

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
My friend Esquire -
Arabs in the Torah, meaning residents of wasteland or desert ---
Mohammed does not belong to the Jews ---
Jewish religion known -
Sons have been subjected to captivity twice in history ---
At the hands of the Chaldeans and Assyrians ---
Where was Mohammed of those events ----
And where the Arabs ---
The Torah says that children represent only Sarah Ibrahim ---
The son called date ---
Because Sarah was barren ----
Her son, Isaac, on the orders of God ---
I wish I could join us brother Yeh

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
My friend ---
Israel is Jacob -
Two names for one person ---
Jacob went to Egypt ---
There multiply ----
However Moses turned to the Promised Land Palestine Bammer God ---
Moses did not enter Palestine died in Mount Horeb ---
Joshua son of Nun was the commander of the children of Israel into the Promised Land ---
And when they entered Palestine fought other peoples ---
Even founded the kingdom of David first ----
This history of the children of Abraham ---
Is Muhammad belongs to them ---

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
I've got Read the Bible where this information ---
And I believe them because Christ belongs to Dawood -
His mother, Mary proportions ---
But I do not know the source of your information about the lineage of Muhammad ---
Ratios Mohammed belongs to the tribe Asad bin Abdul Uzza -
This has two branches ---
Manaf sons and the sons of Abdul Muttalib ---
Khadija, Muhammad's first wife belongs to a branch of Abd Manaf -
This is the history and lineage known as Muhammad ---
If it belongs to Mohammed Ibrahim
Why fought and killed 500 of them in one day ---

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
My friend
I do not know the source of your information about the lineage of Muhammad
I will write you a lineage of Mohammed wrote the Muslims in the coming days ---
Read a book or a priest and the prophet Muhammad and you will know the percentages ---
If you Englishman said that he belonged to the children of Abraham Can you believe it ---
Mohammed belongs to the Arabs ----
The Arabs are not the children of Israel ---
Leave the rest to the conclusion Mind


Freedom Of Mind
to feargod ---
I do not know Is there any Jews among us brother Jew ---
If my friend Mohammed belongs to the children of Israel, so why would you fight the children of Israel in Palestine today

That is a stupid logic.

Who killed Jesus pbuh ?
Why the Jews insulted him while supposed as they claimed him to be a jew.
Why muslims loves Jesus pbuh as a jew.


Active Member
to feargod ---
I do not know Is there any Jews among us brother Jew ---
If my friend Mohammed belongs to the children of Israel, so why would you fight the children of Israel in Palestine today

Go and read your bible.Those that are in Israel only claim to be children of Israel.
Your bible says otherwise.
Please read your bible.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
to feargod ---The word<That is a stupid logic>. is not pretty
Jews did not kill Christ ----
History tells -----
Palestine in the days of Christ is a Roman colony -----
Jews filed a case to the Roman governor ----
They said that Christ blaspheme God ---
Roman governor issued ordered the crucifixion of Christ ---
But he said his blood on you and your children ---
This is a history in which we believe Jews or sentences to the coming of Christ today ----
Jews are waiting for the Savior, which works to restore the kingdom of David earth ----
From here, the separation between Jews and Christ ----
Christ said, My kingdom is not of this world ----
So the Jews were involved in the crucifixion of Christ, but they did not fulfill
the Implementation of the Romanian soldiers -

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Yes, my friend, faruk --- only the children of Israel who belong to the families of the sons of Israel ---
If you do not believe me, you question any Jew to any clan member will tell you, it belongs to the tribe of Benjamin or Joseph ---
Daoud or ---
The children of Israel did not mingle with the peoples of the earth to this day ---

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
The Catholic Church said that those who crucified Christ are not Jews ---
Jews sued the Roman governor ---
Implementation of the crucifixion of Christ at the hands of the Roman soldiers ---
This is written in the Bible also ---
These words of the Gospel, a former on Mohammed 600 years ago


Well-Known Member
Sounds like someone here knows a heck of lot more about holy books then those who can only cough up ad hominem's and goal posting.
You guys should listen to @Mahasn, he speaks truth.
Jesus was who he said he was and muhammad was a false teacher, since he claimed Jesus was a fraud and all the wars muhammed started are still going on to this day.
Jesus said if man deny's him, he will deny them, and he is the only way to the Father.
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mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
In the Iraqi city of Mazar-e-no prophet Nahum, one of the prophets of Jews died in the Babylonian captivity -
Is there any of the residents of that city, says he belongs to one of the 12 tribes of Israel---Alasraúalon memorized the genealogy fathers and grandfathers ---
This is my information about the children of Israel ----