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Errors in the Quran

Awkward Fingers

Nonsense, we have text from that time, and is what historians study.
No text refutes the crucifixion, they do refute Jesus's miracles though.
They give merit to his existence as well.

So, yes, there could be evidence that he was not crucified.

1) we have evidence that he was crucified
2) there is nothing, no writings from that time to refute the crucifixion.

Odd that we have writings that refutes his miracles, and his rising from the dead, and who he said he was, but none that refute the crucifixion, ehhh?

I'm sorry if this was already answered and I missed it, could you repost the contemporary texts you're mentioning here, please?


I was showing Mahasn's posts to a few colleagues at work... they laughed their socks off at his logic (or lack thereof)

Just had to chime that one in.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
to scimitar ---
When you can not able answer
you Send indictment and stir suspicion ---
I say what I believe in all of its sanctities -----
i am Does not belong to any religious school -Do not I get paid a salary of any human being ----
I own only a laptop ---
A lung breathe them ----
This is what I own from this life ---
To speak the truth ---
When others are afraid of them ---
I do not have nothing to lose ----
Islam did this aptly ----


If you made any coherent sense with your use of language, I might understand what you are trying say.... but as it stands, your google translate needs work!


Well-Known Member
I was showing Mahasn's posts to a few colleagues at work... they laughed their socks off at his logic (or lack thereof)

Just had to chime that one in.

Did they say anything about the I don't know "English" and I know "Arabic" tricks ?


Well-Known Member
Lol, nothing but personal attacks of those who support the quran, pages and pages of it, hmmm.
Just like the other thread...:sarcastic
Why is that?
Cant anyone here defend muhammad any other way?
Not one person can explain how war and ever equal peace


Did they say anything about the I don't know "English" and I know "Arabic" tricks ?

Oh I'm aware of those ploys my friend :D which is why the tact I take is gradually forcing him into a contradictory loop, the best part is, he doesn't even know what I am talking about... which is good because usually i don't know what the heck is rabbiting on about anyway :D


Well-Known Member
Who invented war ?
Is it an Islamic invention.

does it matter who started it?
No one is forcing anyone else to bomb innocents.
Why does all the debates on this subject turn into goal posting.

Most other countries don't war within their own people, let alone all the neighboring people.
If muhammad was about peace, shouldn't you have peace by now?

How many thousand of years has it been?
BTW, "we didnt invent war" isn't a real answer :facepalm:

That's like a drug dealer telling the judge "I didnt invent drugs, why should I be held to blame for selling them?" :facepalm:
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Freedom Of Mind
does it matter who started it?
No one is forcing anyone else to bomb innocents.
Why does all the debates on this subject turn into goal posting.

Most other countries don't war within their own people, let alone all the neighboring people.
If muhammad was about peace, shouldn't you have peace by now?

How many thousand of years has it been?
BTW, "we didnt invent war" isn't a real answer :facepalm:

That's like a drug dealer telling the judge "I didnt invent drugs, why should I be held to blame for selling them?" :facepalm:

You are the one assigning war to Islam and your answer to my question shows how stupid your ideas about Islam and wars was.

Wars do always exist,it doesn't have religion or identity.


Well-Known Member
You are the one assigning war to Islam and your answer to my question shows how stupid your ideas about Islam and wars was.

Wars do always exist,it doesn't have religion or identity.

wars always exist? :sarcastic
what a cop out.
Robbers away's exist, I guess I should go rob a bank ehhh?

You still haven't provided a shred of evidence that war = peace
Plays on words, is not showing anything other than the ability to avoid the question.


Well-Known Member
wars always exist? :sarcastic
what a cop out.
Robbers away's exist, I guess I should go rob a bank ehhh?

You still haven't provided a shred of evidence that war = peace
Plays on words, is not showing anything other than the ability to avoid the question.

Let me ask you a question. Kill them wherever you overtake them. This is violence eh?

Let us look at the context

190 Fight in the way of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress. Indeed. Allah does not like transgressors.

191And kill them wherever you overtake them and expel them from wherever they have expelled you, and fitnah is worse than killing. And do not fight them at al-Masjid al- Haram until they fight you there. But if they fight you, then kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers.
192And if they cease, then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
193Fight them until there is no [more] fitnah and [until] worship is [acknowledged to be] for Allah . But if they cease, then there is to be no aggression except against the oppressors.
194 [Fighting in] the sacred month is for [aggression committed in] the sacred month, and for [all] violations is legal retribution. So whoever has assaulted you, then assault him in the same way that he has assaulted you. And fear Allah and know that Allah is with those who fear Him.

See the first condition? Fight those who fight you. That is the first condition

Dont transgress ... Against who? The people who are fighting you.

Second condition is that they expelled you.

Third, when they stop you should stop. We don't go for revenge.

Do you see what people quote out of these verses? 4 words.


yeah you fell into that one kashmir ole fellow...

... seriously. You can't tell me that you honestly thought an Abrahamic religion would preach revenge ???? Are you seriously this green around your lobes man? :D astounding.

I'm beginning to enjoy the level of stupidity displayed by you and your girlfriend Mahasn :D


Well-Known Member
yeah you fell into that one kashmir ole fellow...

... seriously. You can't tell me that you honestly thought an Abrahamic religion would preach revenge ???? Are you seriously this green around your lobes man? :D astounding.

I'm beginning to enjoy the level of stupidity displayed by you and your girlfriend Mahasn :D

And I enjoy your constant personal attacks because it tells me I have merit in my points of view and your only resort is to use ad hominem's.


dude, if you had a point worth rebutting, i'd humour you - but as it is, I think just letting you know that you have no case is good enough.

Enjoy dinner :)


Well-Known Member
dude, if you had a point worth rebutting, i'd humour you - but as it is, I think just letting you know that you have no case is good enough.

Enjoy dinner :)

I am simply asking how war=peace
You are attacking me personally.
Others are saying, "we always have war" bla bla bla.

So, now your saying because you cant figure out how to explain how violence=peace, you resort to goal post this and say I have no point?
Who you trying to kid? :sarcastic:
You attack all over everyone you disagree with, you bring nothing to the table but ad hominem's.
Most everyone else goes around the questions.

BTW, to those saying we always have war, yep, with that attitude you will always have war, NOT peace. :yes:
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pro scapegoat
I am simply asking how war=peace
You are attacking me personally.
Others are saying, "we always have war" bla bla bla.

So, now your saying because you cant figure out how to explain how violence=peace, you resort to goal post this and say I have no point?
Who you trying to kid? :sarcastic:
You attack all over everyone you disagree with, you bring nothing to the table but ad hominem's.
Most everyone else goes around the questions.

BTW, to those saying we always have war, yep, with that attitude you will always have war, NOT peace. :yes:

Your questions don't make sense. All you are doing is insulting Islam and Moslems by repeatedly asking silly, offensive questions and ignoring all answers.

Sectarian violence between Christians is as common throughout history as is sectarian violence between Moslems.

Islam is no more warlike than Christianity.