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Errors in the Quran

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
My friend -
Contradiction in the Koran in which the issue of the crucifixion of Christ ---Second term in the Koran -
Verse says that Christ died ---
How Christ died ---
And how to raise the sky
These questions are of the mind free -
Who thinks and draws conclusions contradict the Koran and mistake verses of the Koran

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
My questions are questions of mind and thought and study ---
We do not accept that human beings do not accept change are doomed to death -
Another person like him ---

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
How can we believe that God is raising Jesus from the cross and put another human being a substitute for it
And revealed that this change is Mohammed, who came after Christ nearly 600 years

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
I invite you to think quietly ---
Until you know that the Koran -Is to mislead people about the truth ---
And it's wrong ---
In fact, this special crucifying Jesus also


Freedom Of Mind
yes i believe Jesus in the cross
but this top ice is about error of qouran ---
the verse say the Jesus is not in the cross--
in the cross is man same Jesus--<like Jesus>
in this reasons my view point ---
who are that man like Jesus--
and why god do that --
please i want any muslim answer to those Question

The answer is very simple.

Many people in all times went astray,there is the force of evil which try to mislead them to irrational thoughts and bad deeds and the other force of logic,wisdom and good deeds.

God can guide all humans to the right path but that wasn't the purpose of the creation of man, as God created man to gain knowledge, wisdom and the free will to choose his way to live and with God's guidance through his messengers.

People through history distorted the message of God by introducing new laws and dismiss some others for some worldly purposes and that was usually done by the clerics or i may call them the hypocrites.

God sent his messengers to restore the commandments which distorted by men and that what Jesus pbuh had said "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them".

God warned us that the evil got his own ways to mislead humans such as intoxication which God says in the quran that it is the way of the Satan to mislead us and hence we should avoid it.

At the time of Jesus, the satan and of course through men made people to believe that Jesus is the son of God and as the father himself which known as the trinity, God asked Jesus pbuh as shown in the quran (5:116)´Jesus, son of Mary, have you told people: "Take me and my mother as two gods instead of God [Alone]?´;" he said: "Glory be to You! It is not my place to say what I have no right to [say]. If I had said it, You would have known it already: You know what is on my mind, while I do not know anything that is on Yours. You are the Knower of Unseen things.

God as to end the nonsense of the trinity he enabled the jews to crucify what they thought of him to be Jesus but he was Jesus in body but not in soul,IOW it wasn't Jesus soul that felt the pain and the punishment.

Why God made this scenario,it was just to let people to know that Jesus wasn't God or son of God.

But the evil still has his ways and he made people to believe that God killed himself to pay for their sins, so as to let them still believe that Jesus was God.

God sent the quran and promised to keep it memorized and to be saved from distortion but again the Satan find his way in some false hadith and invented stories and there is always the Satan helpers passing it to people to mislead them as we can see nowadays,such as the story that the prophet love sex with children ..etc

The prophet said in his last sermon that the Satan will always try to distort the religion and we should be careful of him.

The Prophet Muhammad's Last Sermon - YouTube


Well-Known Member
Satan will always try to distort the religion and we should be careful of him.
People through history distorted the message of God by introducing new laws and dismiss some others for some worldly purposes and that was usually done by the clerics or i may call them the hypocrites.

Matthew 7:15-20
Jesus said:

15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

Those verses has muhammad written all over it...

Jesus said to love ones enemies...
Matthew 5:44-45

44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven:

muhammad distorted Gods word of the Bible and led his followers to a path of war and destruction that goes on to this day.
muhammed didnt teach what Jesus said, he taught to destroy his enemies, which are also Gods children
muhammed did not listen to God and did what he wanted and is a false prophet

Jesus never harmed a hair on any mans head, no where in the NT did Jesus say to take woman as slaves and to kill anyone.
No where did Jesus say to marry children and fornicate with many women.
No where did Jesus say to murder innocent men to loot their property.

Cant say that about muhammed, he lied and distorted the word of God for his own perversions, because he is a false prophet.
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Your argument is so stupid Kashmir :D if 1.7 billion Muslims all stood up and picked up a sharp object then marched towards anyone who wasn't a Muslim - you'd have a point - but the fact is the opposite, and so, you don't.

heh :D try again.


Well-Known Member
Matthew 7:15-20
Jesus said:

15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

Those verses has muhammad written all over it...

Jesus said to love ones enemies...
Matthew 5:44-45

44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven:

muhammad distorted Gods word of the Bible and led his followers to a path of war and destruction that goes on to this day.
muhammed didnt teach what Jesus said, he taught to destroy his enemies, which are also Gods children
muhammed did not listen to God and did what he wanted and is a false prophet

Jesus never harmed a hair on any mans head, no where in the NT did Jesus say to take woman as slaves and to kill anyone.
No where did Jesus say to marry children and fornicate with many women.
No where did Jesus say to murder innocent men to loot their property.

Cant say that about muhammed, he lied and distorted the word of God for his own perversions, because he is a false prophet.

Can you take your false claims and make an argument out of it. Something like a "proof" for example.


Christian theology is so compromised, its almost non existent anymore.... what theological foundation can he possibly argue from?

All he is doing in this thread bro One-answer, is venting his anger at Islam and Muhammad (peace be upon him)... I find it amusing, more so than his flippant lag in use of language :D you could almost hear the fella hiccup


Well-Known Member
Notice how people have to attack me personally and others who try to discuss the real world?
Discuss this post without personal attacks on me.
Bet you cant.

The proof is in what muhammad did during his walk on earth, its been discussed all through this thread, and no rebuttals have been given for those actions, they are just ignored.
Then later, proof is asked again.

Plus, Jesus never said anything about having extra wives, nor to have sex with children.
Furthermore, why is there so many wars going on still, if muhammad brought peace?
In USA, Christians don't war with each other and take slaves and those who abuse their wives, goes to prison, same with those who have sex with children.

You can not show one thing that Jesus taught that is immoral.
Tons of things muhammad did and taught are highly immoral and many men still do them today.

Regardless if some muslims are claiming they are peaceful, it doesn't mean a thing because one had to ignore a ton of the quran to be peaceful.
One can follow the NT word for word and there will be peace on earth.

That is why Jesus came, to change the laws of the OT..
Muhammad came, denied Jesus and made his own laws, some the same or worse than those in the OT.

Never once has a person went from the quran faith to the Christian faith and blew up themselves or other terrorists acts.
Plenty of Christians have turned to the muslim faith and became terrorists and blew up innocent people.
Why is that?
Because Jesus taught love for even ones enemies.
muhammah taught hate and destruction of all those who are against him.
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Well-Known Member
Friend Kashmir,

If Islam was about killing people, you wouldn't have been here.

I am giving you such an answer because of the way you are approaching things.

If I give you answers based on proof for what you are saying, would you read them and consider them?

Would you?

Notice how people have to attack me personally and others who try to discuss the real world?
Discuss this post without personal attacks on me.
Bet you cant.

I can.

However as I said, would you read what I write or post, or it will just be like our last discussion?


pro scapegoat
Notice how people have to attack me personally and others who try to discuss the real world?
Discuss this post without personal attacks on me.
Bet you cant.

The proof is in what muhammad did during his walk on earth, its been discussed all through this thread, and no rebuttals have been given for those actions, they are just ignored.
Then later, proof is asked again.

Plus, Jesus never said anything about having extra wives, nor to have sex with children.
Furthermore, why is there so many wars going on still, if muhammad brought peace?
In USA, Christians don't war with each other and take slaves and those who abuse their wives, goes to prison, same with those who have sex with children.

You can not show one thing that Jesus taught that is immoral.

But there are many examples. Jesus said that he came to fulfill the old laws, not to change a word of them Many of those old laws are patently immoral.

Tons of things muhammad did and taught are highly immoral and many men still do them today.

Regardless if some muslims are claiming they are peaceful, it doesn't mean a thing because one had to ignore a ton of the quran to be peaceful.
One can follow the NT word for word and there will be peace on earth.

That is why Jesus came, to change the laws of the OT..
Muhammad came, denied Jesus and made his own laws, some the same or worse than those in the OT.
No, Jesus expressly states that he came to fulfill the laws of the OT, not to change a word of them.

Never once has a person went from the quran faith to the Christian faith and blew up themselves or other terrorists acts.
Plenty of Christians have turned to the muslim faith and became terrorists and blew up innocent people.
Why is that?
Because Jesus taught love for even ones enemies.
muhammah taught hate and destruction of all those who are against him.
Actually, prior to the terrible events of 9/11 Christians had been responsible for more terrorist acts in the US than Moslems. Abortion clinic bombings for example.

Not to forget that sectarian conflicts between Christians have been a major driving force behind terrorist activity - the IRA for example.
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Well-Known Member
But there are many examples. Jesus said that he came to fulfill the old laws, not to change a word of them Many of those old laws are patently immoral.

No, Jesus expressly states that he came to fulfill the laws of the OT, not to change a word of them.

Actually, prior to the terrible events of 9/11 Christians had been responsible for more terrorist acts in the US than Moslems. Abortion clinic bombings for example.

strawman much?
1) we don't go by the barbaric laws of the OT, because of Jesus
2) abortion clinic bombings is not the same thing as terrorist bombings, no more than school shootings would apply in this conversation.

Plus, I never said that US people are not evil too, but it has nothing to do with following a religious doctrine that is attacking, murdering, taking them as slaves, flogging them, raping the woman and so on.
In Usa even a murderer still gets rights.
In other countries, one can be hung just for leaving their faith.

I asked, what muslim has turned to the christian faith and became a terrorist and killed innocent people like it happens vice versa.
We are not in religious wars in USA, all faiths are welcome and treated as equals, just as Jesus said.
Muhammad said to kill all those that are not of the his faith.
and the wars have been going on ever since.

So how on earth is muhammad right and Jesus wrong when following their words exactly as written?
That is the question that no one will address, they completely go around it.
And that is why muhammed claimed Jesus was a fraud, he had to tear Jesus down to build himself up.

Again, reading the NT and the Quran, which has violence and which does not?
which faith has terrorists and murdering each other and which one is not?
Which one goes by barbaric laws and which one does not?

If anything answer one question.
which is better
1)love your neighbor and feed his if he is hungry.
2)kill him for his land and goods and take his wife as ones sex slave?
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pro scapegoat
strawman much?

How so?

1) we don't go by the barbaric laws of the OT, because of Jesus
2) abortion clinic bombings is not the same thing as terrorist bombings, no more than school shootings would apply in this conversation.
As I said, the bible is clear - Jesus came to fulfill the old laws, not to change them.
As to 2), well terrorism is terrorism. Bombing an abortion clinic is a terrorist bombing.

Plus, I never said that US people are not evil too, but it has nothing to do with following a religious doctrine that is attacking, murdering, taking them as slaves, flogging them, raping the woman and so on.
In Usa even a murderer still gets rights.
In other countries, one can be hung just for leaving their faith.
Well it is religious doctrine that obliged the fundamentalist Christians to bomb abortion clinics, so I don't see the difference. You seem to forget that Christianity has a history of slavery, sectarian violence and so on as well.

I asked, what muslim has turned to the christian faith and became a terrorist and killed innocent people like it happens vice versa.
We are not in religious wars in USA, all faiths are welcome and treated as equals, just as Jesus said.
Muhammad said to kill all those that are not of the his faith.
and the wars have been going on ever since.
Sure,but the bible tells you to do that also.

So how on earth is muhammad right and Jesus wrong when following their words exactly as written?
That is the question that no one will address, they completely go around it.
And that is why muhammed claimed Jesus was a fraud, he had to tear Jesus down to build himself up.

Again, reading the NT and the Quran, which has violence and which does not?
which faith has terrorists and murdering each other and which one is not?
Which one goes by barbaric laws and which one does not?
Well both of course.

If anything answer one question.
which is better
love your neighbor or kill him for his land and goods?
Buddy, love thy neighbour is in the Quran also.

I was born in England, and grew up with IRA bomb threats as a fairly constant spectre.
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Well-Known Member
How so?

As I said, the bible is clear - Jesus came to fulfill the old laws, not to change them.
As to 2), well terrorism is terrorism. Bombing an abortion clinic is a terrorist bombing.

Well it is religious doctrine that obliged the fundamentalist Christians to bomb abortion clinics, so I don't see the difference. You seem to forget that Christianity has a history of slavery, sectarian violence and so on as well.

Sure,but the bible tells you to do that also.

Well both of course.

Buddy, love thy neighbour is in the Quran also.

I was born in England, and grew up with IRA bomb threats as a fairly constant spectre.

I like they part where you talked about the past OT, to support the present "muhammads laws"
I like the part where you provided a shred of evidence that if a muslim turns to the christian faith, he can become a terrorist.
I like the part where you ignored the fact if we follow the quran, its full of violence, and muhammad said Jesus was wrong, but to follow Jesus, is full of love and you explained how Jesus and his love is wrong, according to the quran.
I like the part where you went completely around what is going on now in the real world in those other countries with religious wars and didn't even discuss it.
And this is why my trust in anyone who supports the quran, is getting slimmer and slimmer.
It seems the default rebuttal is "Well they did it too in the OT"....

That was over 2000 years ago, Christians don't go by those barbaric laws.
Our country does not revolve around them.
All the countries of the muslim faith does revolve around barbaric laws.

The rest of the world is trying to advance, not go backwards and hang women for adultery and force her to wear clothing that covers her whole body and deny her education and kidnap kids and sell them into the sex trade for $12 and flog a pregnant woman 100 times for leaving the muslim faith and then hanging her and more horrorific barbaric laws that revolve around what muhammad taught that would make a normal man cry to know goes on.
The same man, muhammad who claimed Jesus was a fraud, because Jesus taught love not hate that approved of such madness and barbaric laws.
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pro scapegoat
I like they part where you talked about the past OT, to support the present "muhammads laws"

My friend, many of those are the same laws. The OT is shared by the Quran, they are both Abrahamic religions.

As I said, Jesus did not obliterate the old laws, he specifically instructed his followers to uphold them.
I like the part where you provided a shred of evidence that if a muslim turns to the christian faith, he can become a terrorist.

I gave you examples of Christian terrorism, not to demonise Christianity - just to point out that Islam is not unique in that respect.

I like the part where you ignored the fact if we follow the quran, its full of violence, and muhammad said Jesus was wrong, but to follow Jesus, is full of love and you explained how Jesus and his love is wrong, according to the quran.

Jesus states that he came to bring the sword, again - I'm not trying to demonise Christianity, just to point out that there is a great deal of violent rhetoric in the bible as well.

I like the part where you went completely around what is going on now in the real world in those other countries with religious wars and didn't even discuss it.

I did bring up a few examples of religious violence to discuss, I'm sorry you thought them insufficient.

My degree is in terrorism and counter terrorism by the way, it was my major - I specialised in sectarian and fundamentalist violence, particularly in Sth East Asia and Afghanistan. So I am happy to discuss further.
And this is why my trust in anyone who supports the quran, is getting slimmer and slimmer.

I'm not supporting the Quran, I am just pointing out that the differences you are identiying are not things that Christia ity is immune from.

It seems the default rebuttal is "Well they did it too in the OT"....

That was over 2000 years ago, Christians don't go by those barbaric laws.
Our country does not revolve around them.
All the countries of the muslim faith does revolve around barbaric laws.

Well no of course not. There are many moderate Moslem countries, Indonesia for example.

The rest of the world is trying to advance, not go backwards and hang women for adultery and force her to wear clothing that covers her whole body and deny her education and kidnap kids and sell them into the sex trade for $12 and flog a pregnant woman 100 times for leaving the muslim faith and then hanging her.

Sure, but judging all Moslems because of the acts of an extremist minority is like judging all Christians because of Ted Bundy, or those horrble Westboro Baptists.

Don't forget that Islam was also a great civilising influence. The Ottoman Empire was one of the greatest civilisations in history. We use Arabic numerals, their geometry and many other great gifts of Islamic culture.

I'm not defending the Quran, but I would defend Islam in that it is not the bogeyman that some try to make of it. Fundamentalism is what is dangerous - and all religions are vulnerable to it.


Well-Known Member
My friend, many of those are the same laws. The OT is shared by the Quran, they are both Abrahamic religions.

As I said, Jesus did not obliterate the old laws, he specifically instructed his followers to uphold them.

I gave you examples of Christian terrorism, not to demonise Christianity - just to point out that Islam is not unique in that respect.

Jesus states that he came to bring the sword, again - I'm not trying to demonise Christianity, just to point out that there is a great deal of violent rhetoric in the bible as well.

I did bring up a few examples of religious violence to discuss, I'm sorry you thought them insufficient.

My degree is in terrorism and counter terrorism by the way, it was my major - I specialised in sectarian and fundamentalist violence, particularly in Sth East Asia and Afghanistan. So I am happy to discuss further.

I'm not supporting the Quran, I am just pointing out that the differences you are identiying are not things that Christia ity is immune from.

Well no of course not. There are many moderate Moslem countries, Indonesia for example.

Sure, but judging all Moslems because of the acts of an extremist minority is like judging all Christians because of Ted Bundy, or those horrble Westboro Baptists.

Don't forget that Islam was also a great civilising influence. The Ottoman Empire was one of the greatest civilisations in history. We use Arabic numerals, their geometry and many other great gifts of Islamic culture.

I'm not defending the Quran, but I would defend Islam in that it is not the bogeyman that some try to make of it. Fundamentalism is what is dangerous - and all religions are vulnerable to it.

what part of muslim countries goes by those barbaric laws and USA does not, dont you understand?
What part of muhammad dismissed Jesus's teaching which was to love everyone, dont you understand?
What part of I never said all muslims are bad dont you understand?

What part of answer a simple question, dont you understand?
Why is following those barbaric laws more plausible then following the simple words of Jesus, to love each other, makes sense?
Specially because muhammad claims Jesus was a fraud.
That in itself is a huge duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Why would a man of god claim that Jesus who was all about love was afraid unless muhammad was a false prophet.

Again, you keep going completely around that for the third time now, no muslim can explain how that makes sense.

But lets hear more about the OT and change goalposts,, your so good at it.


pro scapegoat
what part of muslim countries goes by those barbaric laws and USA does not, dont you understand?
What part of muhammad dismissed Jesus's teaching which was to love everyone, dont you understand?
What part of I never said all muslims are bad dont you understand?

What part of answer a simple question, dont you understand?
Why is following those barbaric laws more plausible then following the simple words of Jesus, to love each other, makes sense?
Specially because muhammad claims Jesus was a fraud.
That in itself is a huge duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Why would a man of god claim that Jesus who was all about love was afraid unless muhammad was a false prophet.

Again, you keep going completely around that for the third time now, no muslim can explain how that makes sense.

But lets hear more about the OT and change goalposts,, your so good at it.

Earlier you were complaining about personal attacks, and yet have just responded in about the most patronising and insulting manner possible.

Why not address any of my earlier responses to your argument, instead of trying to attack me?

You refuse to address the point that Jesus was not 'all about love', he states that he comes to bring the sword and that Christianity has inspired a great deal of violence just as Islam has.

Or why not respond to my point that those 'barbaric laws' you refer to are drawn from the OT also, and that Jesus specifically teaches his followers to uphold them?
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mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
you say e <Question The answer is very simple.>
but i am not find any answer to my Question
>yes i believe Jesus in the cross
but this top ice is about error of qouran ---
the verse say the Jesus is not in the cross--
in the cross is man same Jesus--<like Jesus>
in this reasons my view point ---
who are that man like Jesus--
and why god do that --
please i want any muslim answer to those Question>
this my
the verse say the Jesus is not in the cross--
in the cross is man same Jesus--<like Jesus>
in this reasons my view point ---
who are that man like Jesus--
and why god do that --
this two Question need answer --
do you do that --