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Errors in the Quran

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
When Muslim can not able to answer the logical questions

he is looking for justification
of his failure ----
that is a weak arguments -----
because i do not speak English very will
i am writing the idea
Koran says --- or the view of the Koran
the Christ was not crucified
The man, who was on the cross Someone is like Christ---

Looks like Christ

This is the view of the Koran and the Koran Author---
but i am get my view of this-verse of qouran --

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
b-Jews bringing the case to the Roman governor ----Jewish author <yousf enose > record
The reality of Christ's crucifixion --This author is a Jew and did not believe in Christ
He wrote what he heard in his historic
This Jewish author wrote ---
The people of Nazareth named Jesus was crucified by the Romans
h- Send Christ -
Friends of Christ ----
Disciples of Christ ----
Saw the act and they wrote they are Witnesses
The reality of Christ's crucifixion
Wrote events in the Gospel
After 600 years ---
A man from the desert ---He claims that Christ was not crucified -
This mistake -historic in the Koran ---
From this the three evidence--- I think that my words clear
Eliminates the reality of Christ's crucifixion ----


Well-Known Member
The biggest lie told in the quran, is that Jesus Christ wasn't crucified.
Nearly all historians agree that Jesus did die on the cross.
The evidence is so overwhelming that even those who study it to try to refute it, realize it's completely true.

It's pretty odd that Jesus himself warned of false prophets would come and teach against what he taught, and sure enough, muhammad comes along 600 years later and did just that.
They say that satan is the master of lies, seems about right, millions of people take the word of one man, who married a child and had sex with her and attacked weaker men, for their $$$.
Over what history actually tells us about Jesus's walk on earth.


Freedom Of Mind
The biggest lie told in the quran, is that Jesus Christ wasn't crucified.

How do you know it is a lie and not a fact

Nearly all historians agree that Jesus did die on the cross.

Do you mean that all historian agree that God had suicided to save the evil doers and the bad doers of all times and that only the believers of this nonsense will be saved.

The evidence is so overwhelming that even those who study it to try to refute it, realize it's completely true.

Yes it is a stupid thing to believe that God has no other ways to save evil doers except by crucifying himself and to be insulted.

That only shows what kind of mind you have.

It's pretty odd that Jesus himself warned of false prophets would come and teach against what he taught, and sure enough, muhammad comes along 600 years later and did just that.

Jews claimed that Jesus pbuh was son of a whore and then they crucified him, so it was easy for prophet Mohammed to take the opportunity to agree with the Jews and to claim that he was the true messiah and that Jesus was killed because he was a liar.

They say that satan is the master of lies, seems about right, millions of people take the word of one man, who married a child and had sex with her and attacked weaker men, for their $$$.
Over what history actually tells us about Jesus's walk on earth.

What is your tangible evidences for this nonsense ?

Aisha was swinging in her swing.



pro scapegoat
The biggest lie told in the quran, is that Jesus Christ wasn't crucified.
Nearly all historians agree that Jesus did die on the cross.
The evidence is so overwhelming that even those who study it to try to refute it, realize it's completely true.

It's pretty odd that Jesus himself warned of false prophets would come and teach against what he taught, and sure enough, muhammad comes along 600 years later and did just that.
They say that satan is the master of lies, seems about right, millions of people take the word of one man, who married a child and had sex with her and attacked weaker men, for their $$$.
Over what history actually tells us about Jesus's walk on earth.

I don't think it is fair to say that the evidence for the crucifixion is overwhelming. Other than the bible there is very little evidence at all. You have a very brief and contested sentence from Josephus and an equally scant mention in Tacitus. Other than that barely a shred. There are many historians who doubt the crucifixion, Moslem, Jewish, secular and Christian.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it is fair to say that the evidence for the crucifixion is overwhelming. Other than the bible there is very little evidence at all. You have a very brief and contested sentence from Josephus and an equally scant mention in Tacitus. Other than that barely a shred. There are many historians who doubt the crucifixion, Moslem, Jewish, secular and Christian.

No, almost all historians agree he was crucified, only a few think that the fact that the christian church exploded into existence shows he rose from the dead.
The bible isn't even the evidence they use.
Muslims disagree because they are going by the word of one man, muhammad and Jewish people do not believe he was the Messiah that was supposed to come and are still waiting on him.
Him being crucified isn't even a concern of theirs.
I am just going by what I heard Jewish people say, obviously I cant speak for them all :)

I do know that in every single debate of respectable intelligent atheists against theists, it's not even a question of him dying on the cross, his rising from the dead is what is debated.

That one well know atheist (forget his name) does claim Jesus wasn't crucified, in fact he claims Jesus was completely made up.
But he is not using all facts and stacks the deck if you will.
Even muhammad recognizes that Jesus existed.

Ask yourself this, if Jesus didn't exist, why wouldn't muhammed have said that?
But muhammed was just a reg man, and he may have even believed that Jesus didn't die on the cross, or he just simply lied.

Doesn't matter what muhammed said though, because the evidence is more than enough for most respectable non- bias historians to conclude that Jesus was crucified and was buried in the tomb, and a guard was placed to be sure that the disciples did not steal the body away.

The debating, comes after that.
The guard was paid off by the disciples or he fell asleep or Jesus did rise from the dead.
The christian church exploded into existence, so either the disciples lied or Jesus did rise from the dead, still shows that Jesus did die on the cross.
If Jesus did not die on the cross, non of the following would have happened.

Kind of redundant to claim someone rose from the dead that the whole city seen to never have died in the first place, if he didn't die on the cross.
It was never a question of him dying, the whole city seen it happen, it is what they wanted.
Last edited:


That one well know atheist (forget his name) does claim Jesus wasn't crucified, in fact he claims Jesus was completely made up.
But he is not using all facts and stacks the deck if you will.
Even muhammad recognizes that Jesus existed.

I think you're refering to Richard Dawkins?
If so, He went on later to retract his statement that the man Jesus did not exist.

Though, I'm unsure as to whether he's stuck to his guns in that regard.


Well-Known Member
I think you're refering to Richard Dawkins?
If so, He went on later to retract his statement that the man Jesus did not exist.

Though, I'm unsure as to whether he's stuck to his guns in that regard.

No, its that one guy, he even wrote a book about it.
Dawkins is a complete hypocrite, depending on who he is discussing this with, is what he says.
He tried to pull a fast one on Lennex and got caught up in his own words and pretended like he was mistaken on what historians say.
Then he goes right back to making the claim that no historian believes Jesus even existed, when he is talking to his blind followers.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
The author of the Koran ---
he Was in the desert of Mecca -
-How he knew that Christ was not crucified
There are three evidence ---
Romans and the Jews and the apostles of Christ---


Well-Known Member
The author of the Koran ---
he Was in the desert of Mecca -
-How he knew that Christ was not crucified
There are three evidence ---
Romans and the Jews and the apostles of Christ---

What evidence?
His word over the word of everyone else?
That is nothing but hearsay.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
the concept of punishment -
In law punishment is personal
This means ---
That which impairs punishment
is the offender,
--When the governor issued an order

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
The death penalty--
For example,
the judge issued a death sentence against man called <mor->-
< mor> is located upon the death penalty

But the implementation of the death penalty <som> because he looks like <mor>
Complex issue here ---
There is a lie in the implementation ---Since it is God who work to change sentenced to death -
So here God lied to the whole humanity--

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
This is a significance idea--
1-Why was crucified change
2-Who is the person who was the subject of Christ on the cross ---Questions looking for answers
It is a strong proof of the Koran that the author is lying to the people--


pro scapegoat
No, almost all historians agree he was crucified, only a few think that the fact that the christian church exploded into existence shows he rose from the dead.

You are mistaken, there is a rich diaspora of opinions on the crucifixion amongst scholars, there is certainly no consensus that the crucifixion was history.

The bible isn't even the evidence they use.

Correct. As I said, there is also a brief reference in Tacitus and Josephus.

Muslims disagree because they are going by the word of one man, muhammad and Jewish people do not believe he was the Messiah that was supposed to come and are still waiting on him.
Him being crucified isn't even a concern of theirs.
I am just going by what I heard Jewish people say, obviously I cant speak for them all :)

I do know that in every single debate of respectable intelligent atheists against theists, it's not even a question of him dying on the cross, his rising from the dead is what is debated.

Many debates, articles and presentations I have engaged with show that not to be the case. The historical case for the crucifixion is scant.

That one well know atheist (forget his name) does claim Jesus wasn't crucified, in fact he claims Jesus was completely made up.
But he is not using all facts and stacks the deck if you will.
Even muhammad recognizes that Jesus existed.

Ask yourself this, if Jesus didn't exist, why wouldn't muhammed have said that?
But muhammed was just a reg man, and he may have even believed that Jesus didn't die on the cross, or he just simply lied.

Doesn't matter what muhammed said though, because the evidence is more than enough for most respectable non- bias historians to conclude that Jesus was crucified and was buried in the tomb, and a guard was placed to be sure that the disciples did not steal the body away.

The debating, comes after that.
The guard was paid off by the disciples or he fell asleep or Jesus did rise from the dead.
The christian church exploded into existence, so either the disciples lied or Jesus did rise from the dead, still shows that Jesus did die on the cross.
If Jesus did not die on the cross, non of the following would have happened.

Kind of redundant to claim someone rose from the dead that the whole city seen to never have died in the first place, if he didn't die on the cross.
It was never a question of him dying, the whole city seen it happen, it is what they wanted.

We have no eye witness records, so what those witnesses did or did not see is not recorded. Only passing references in later writtings by Tacitus and Josephus.

Google - 'was jesus crucified' and you will find tens of thousands of articles discussing both sides of the debate. Or even better, look in the bibliography of any academic work on the subject and you will find references to countless scholars who doubt the crucifixion.


Well-Known Member
You are mistaken, there is a rich diaspora of opinions on the crucifixion amongst scholars, there is certainly no consensus that the crucifixion was history.

Correct. As I said, there is also a brief reference in Tacitus and Josephus.

Many debates, articles and presentations I have engaged with show that not to be the case. The historical case for the crucifixion is scant.

We have no eye witness records, so what those witnesses did or did not see is not recorded. Only passing references in later writtings by Tacitus and Josephus.

Google - 'was jesus crucified' and you will find tens of thousands of articles discussing both sides of the debate. Or even better, look in the bibliography of any academic work on the subject and you will find references to countless scholars who doubt the crucifixion.

What actual evidence do they use to claim he wasn't crucified?
Or don't they believe the evidence is enough to make the positive claim and this is a burden of proof thing?

I am asking you because finding non-bias discussions on third party websites is next to impossible.


Freedom Of Mind
What actual evidence do they use to claim he wasn't crucified?
Or don't they believe the evidence is enough to make the positive claim and this is a burden of proof thing?

I am asking you because finding non-bias discussions on third party websites is next to impossible.

It is about faith,otherwise what the evidence that God himself does exist.

I believe what make sense to me,and to be honest, i'll reject Islam if i have to know that it says God crucified himself to forgive the sinners, it doesn't make any sense.


What actual evidence do they use to claim he wasn't crucified?
Or don't they believe the evidence is enough to make the positive claim and this is a burden of proof thing?

I am asking you because finding non-bias discussions on third party websites is next to impossible.

Who is the "they" you are referring to?

Fear God gave you a top answer - for Muslims, the idea of crucifixion is unnecessary and totally illogical.

The idea of repentance is a theme which has been occurring in Abrahamic doctrine since the beginning. So the whole idea of a man-deity dying for the sins of mankind is against the idea of repentance... and the theology of it is contradictory to the idea that every soul is judged individually.

And when we compare the Abrahamic faiths standard to Christianity, we find that the trinity is aligned more with the pagan religions than anything the Abrahamic faiths ever propagated. Trinity, sol invictus, constantine, gosh - its a big lie man.

In-fact - over 50 Christian denomination have ascertained that the "begotten" verses in the NT are actually interpolations - lies inserted into the NT during the canonisation of it by Sun Worshipper - Constantine, a pragmatic leader who saw the opportunity to take advantage of the weakened state of Christianity over the past few hundred years (since 70 AD in fact).

And so, he made sure no other Christian doctrine was preached except for his version - upon the penalty of death.

Increasingly, unitarian Christians started to move away from the reach of Constantine, travelling in some cases as far away as modern day Pakistan which was part of Indian territory at the time.

One such case was the case of Sergius the Monk, who resided in Syria - a strict unitarian Christian monk, who recognised the signs of prophethood manifest on the personage of Muhammad pbuh, and so - he became a Muslim. The Muslims have his account on record.

Seems even the Unitarian Christians didn't believe in the idea of trinity - so this is why I ask, when you say "they" - who exactly are you referring to?


Well-Known Member
Who is the "they" you are referring to?

Fear God gave you a top answer - for Muslims, the idea of crucifixion is unnecessary and totally illogical.

The idea of repentance is a theme which has been occurring in Abrahamic doctrine since the beginning. So the whole idea of a man-deity dying for the sins of mankind is against the idea of repentance... and the theology of it is contradictory to the idea that every soul is judged individually.

And when we compare the Abrahamic faiths standard to Christianity, we find that the trinity is aligned more with the pagan religions than anything the Abrahamic faiths ever propagated. Trinity, sol invictus, constantine, gosh - its a big lie man.

In-fact - over 50 Christian denomination have ascertained that the "begotten" verses in the NT are actually interpolations - lies inserted into the NT during the canonisation of it by Sun Worshipper - Constantine, a pragmatic leader who saw the opportunity to take advantage of the weakened state of Christianity over the past few hundred years (since 70 AD in fact).

And so, he made sure no other Christian doctrine was preached except for his version - upon the penalty of death.

Increasingly, unitarian Christians started to move away from the reach of Constantine, travelling in some cases as far away as modern day Pakistan which was part of Indian territory at the time.

One such case was the case of Sergius the Monk, who resided in Syria - a strict unitarian Christian monk, who recognised the signs of prophethood manifest on the personage of Muhammad pbuh, and so - he became a Muslim. The Muslims have his account on record.

Seems even the Unitarian Christians didn't believe in the idea of trinity - so this is why I ask, when you say "they" - who exactly are you referring to?

Ad populum is a fallacious argument.
Nothing you said is evidence of anything related to what @Bunyip was talking about.
Peoples personal opinion on the Bible itself is not evidence of a thing.
Plus, what muhammed said means nothing either, that is just his personal opinion as well, nor does anyone converting to the muslim faith prove anything.
Trinity has nothing what so ever to do with Jesus's crucifixion either.
That is an after the fact debate on if Jesus is God or just the son of God.