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Errors in the Quran


Well-Known Member
Earlier you were complaining about personal attacks, and yet have just responded in about the most patronising and insulting manner possible.

Why not address any of my earlier responses to your argument, instead of trying to attack me?

how is this personal attacks?
I never called you any names nor said anything about you personally.
I am frustrated that you keep going around the questions and goal posting the OT as if that matters, we dont go by that in the usa do we?
do we stone people to death, sacrifice animals?
Scuse me for trying to say it as blunt as possible.
scuse me for being frustrated that you keep putting words in my mouth, never did I say all muslims are bad, but their countries laws sure are barbaric.
Prob why they are coming to USA to start new lives, where we dont kill each other over land and put kids into the sex slave business.

what part of we in use do not go by the barbaric laws the muslim countries do not you understand that you keep trying to goal post by bringing up the OT?
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mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
to -kashmir
my brother ---
i know you love Jesus---
So Muslims are trying to get out on the subject always ----
This is a technique when fleeing from the obvious answers ---I hope that you do not allow them to go out on the subject ---
I know the mistakes of the Koran, especially in the matter of the crucifixion of Christ ---I hope that will help me to clarify this mis Quranic ---
Through state-like
And also contrasting with the other verse ---- Thank you to my brother


Well-Known Member
to -kashmir
my brother ---
i know you love Jesus---
So Muslims are trying to get out on the subject always ----
This is a technique when fleeing from the obvious answers ---I hope that you do not allow them to go out on the subject ---
I know the mistakes of the Koran, especially in the matter of the crucifixion of Christ ---I hope that will help me to clarify this mis Quranic ---
Through state-like
And also contrasting with the other verse ---- Thank you to my brother

thanks brother, and yes, it is completely obvious, they have to change the subject because it clearly proves the muhammad was a false prophet.
They know this and do not care, they obviously love killing each other over land, raping women and treating them like inferior creatures.

They dont care about the love that Jesus taught, he was a fraud, we dont love our neighbors, we kill him, take his wife as a slave and burn down his house.


pro scapegoat
how is this personal attacks?
I never called you any names nor said anything about you personally.
I am frustrated that you keep going around the questions and goal posting the OT as if that matters, we dont go by that in the usa do we?

I am answering your questions specifically, repeatedly and with examples. You refuse to engage with any of my responses and just repeat the same question and mock me for refusing to answer it. The US has a higher rate of executions and imprisonment than does a Islamic state like Indonesia by the way. It also has a higher rate of violent crime.

do we stone people to death, sacrifice animals?
Well no, but you execute more people than almost any other country - and have the world's highest rate of incarceration.

Scuse me for trying to say it as blunt as possible.
scuse me for being frustrated that you keep putting words in my mouth, never did I say all muslims are bad, but their countries laws sure are barbaric.
Prob why they are coming to USA to start new lives, where we dont kill each other over land
Again my friend, no offence but the US has a very high rate of murder. Americans kill each other everyday.

what part of we in use do not go by the barbaric laws the muslim countries do not you understand that you keep trying to goal post by bringing up the OT?
Well just that many Islamic states are no more barbaric than the US. Not all Islamic states have such brutal laws - Islamic states can be democratic, equitable and humanist, just as predominantly Christian states can be.

Islamic countries can be progressive, as I said - the issue is fundamentalism, not Islam.
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mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
one answer wrote --
God sent his messengers to restore the commandments which distorted by men and that what Jesus pbuh had said "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them".
Yes that's right ---
With Christ completed the law -
For this, he does not have a prophet and messenger not beyond ---
And any man says he is a liar and a prophetChrist said false prophets will come after me -
And also said, by their fruits you know ---
We examine the fruits of Islam ---
And the falsification of facts and mislead humanity -The killing and slaughter and lustful sex and marry the Prophet 13 has the right to have sex with slaves -
These fruits of Islam


Well-Known Member
I am answering your questions specifically, repeatedly and with examples. You refuse to engage with any of my responses and just repeat the same question and mock me for refusing to answer it. The US has a higher rate of executions and imprisonment than does a Islamic state like Indonesia by the way. It also has a higher rate of violent crime.

Well no, but you execute more people than almost any other country - and have the world's highest rate of incarceration.

Again my friend, no offence but the US has a very high rate of murder. Americans kill each other everyday.

Well just that many Islamic states are no more barbaric than the US. Not all Islamic states have such brutal laws - Islamic states can be democratic, equitable and humanist, just as predominantly Christian states can be.

Islamic countries can be progressive, as I said - the issue is fundamentalism, not Islam.
clime in USA has nothing to do with following barbaric laws of the quran.

I am done here, goal post all you wish, you are only fooling yourself.
"I like the part where you still didnt answer the question about denying Jesus and his teaching "love thy neighbor"
opps, muhammed said Jesus was a fraud, my bad. :facepalm:
added to block list.
when people get blocked, they might as well not even reply to me, I wont see it.
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pro scapegoat
clime in USA has nothing to do with following barbaric laws of the quran.

I am done here, goal post all you wish, you are only fooling yourself.
"I like the part where you still didnt answer the question about denying Jesus and his teaching "love thy neighbor"
opps, muhammed said Jesus was a fraud, my bad. :facepalm:
added to block list.

I did answer that question my frustrated friend.

I told you that love thy neighbour is in the qurzn as well.


Well-Known Member
one answer wrote --
God sent his messengers to restore the commandments which distorted by men and that what Jesus pbuh had said "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them".
Yes that's right ---
With Christ completed the law -
For this, he does not have a prophet and messenger not beyond ---
And any man says he is a liar and a prophetChrist said false prophets will come after me -
And also said, by their fruits you know ---
We examine the fruits of Islam ---
And the falsification of facts and mislead humanity -The killing and slaughter and lustful sex and marry the Prophet 13 has the right to have sex with slaves -
These fruits of Islam

Amen and 100% correct and it exactly why muhammad called Jesus a fraud.
Muhammed follows satan, the master of lies.
Those that support the quran, from my perspective, lie, cover up, ignore, and twist everything...they are following muhammad, satans pawn.
The really bad ones, fly planes into buildings and think they are getting virgins in heaven.
God even said, if you kill my children, you do not follow me, you are against me.
Jesus said
If you deny me before men, i will deny you before my father.
This is why there is so much wars going on over there.
Evil makes more evil and will never make peace.


Freedom Of Mind
you say e <Question The answer is very simple.>
but i am not find any answer to my Question
>yes i believe Jesus in the cross
but this top ice is about error of qouran ---
the verse say the Jesus is not in the cross--
in the cross is man same Jesus--<like Jesus>
in this reasons my view point ---
who are that man like Jesus--
and why god do that --
please i want any muslim answer to those Question>
this my
the verse say the Jesus is not in the cross--
in the cross is man same Jesus--<like Jesus>
in this reasons my view point ---
who are that man like Jesus--
and why god do that --
this two Question need answer --
do you do that --

I explained it to you very well,but it is up to you if you want to believe that God was crucified to pay for your bad deeds and it is up to me what i want to believe.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
FearGod wrote ---
you say e <Question The answer is very simple.>
and he wrote ---
<I explained it to you very well,but it is up to you if you want to believe that God was crucified to pay for your bad deeds and it is up to me what i want to believe.--->There is no answer to both questions ----
Who is the man who was a substitute on the cross for Jesus ----
The second question is why does God so ---
The answer should be clear ---
You know that every state in the Koran reason ---
What is the reason Jesus lifted
What is the cause of another man put a substitute on the cross -
If you do not know the answer, type I do not know ----
You have to ask the Senate also


Freedom Of Mind
FearGod wrote ---
you say e <Question The answer is very simple.>
and he wrote ---
<I explained it to you very well,but it is up to you if you want to believe that God was crucified to pay for your bad deeds and it is up to me what i want to believe.--->There is no answer to both questions ----
Who is the man who was a substitute on the cross for Jesus ----
The second question is why does God so ---
The answer should be clear ---
You know that every state in the Koran reason ---
What is the reason Jesus lifted
What is the cause of another man put a substitute on the cross -
If you do not know the answer, type I do not know ----
You have to ask the Senate also

I answered and it is up to you if you don't want to believe or if you don't want to agree.

I don't believe that God killed himself to forgive your bad deeds,end


Well-Known Member
I answered and it is up to you if you don't want to believe or if you don't want to agree.

I don't believe that God killed himself to forgive your bad deeds,end

According to scripture, God came in human form, to fully experience what man experiences and to try to show the way to how man should treat man.
Jesus never hurt a soul and forgave even those who persecuted him.
He suffered a horrible death, just to prove how much he loves man.
He came to set the example of pure love and forgiveness.

According to scriptures he is a heck of a lot more holy then muhammad could ever have been, even if we ignore the horrors muhammad did.
For someone claiming to be a prophet, he had a heck of a way to show the way to righteousness by having several wives, including a small child.
Killing men, women, and children simply to gain their goods and taking them as slaves.
And the same things are going on all over the place, in the name of their god.

Jesus promoted peace and walked the earth setting examples of love, forgiveness, and peace.
Muhammad did the complete opposite, and the kicker is, denied Jesus and the love Jesus showed to man.

You can reword it all you want, Jesus was the purest man to ever have existed.

If muhammad was all about peace, why then after all these hundreds of years, is war still very active and going on in his name?
Why is there zero wars going on in the name of Jesus?

In the end, scripture is not needed to see who promotes peace and who promotes war.
War can not make peace, peace makes peace, war makes war.


Well-Known Member
Kashmir, I think you didn't read my reply because you did not respond.

I will post It again

Friend Kashmir,

If I give you answers based on proof for what you are saying, would you read them and consider them?

Would you?

You said
Notice how people have to attack me personally and others who try to discuss the real world?
Discuss this post without personal attacks on me.
Bet you cant.

I can.

However as I said, would you read what I write or post, or it will just be like our last discussion?

If yes than let us go point by point.

I don't have a problem having a one on one discussion if you want.


Freedom Of Mind
According to scripture, God came in human form, to fully experience what man experiences and to try to show the way to how man should treat man.
Jesus never hurt a soul and forgave even those who persecuted him.
He suffered a horrible death, just to prove how much he loves man.
He came to set the example of pure love and forgiveness.

According to scriptures he is a heck of a lot more holy then muhammad could ever have been, even if we ignore the horrors muhammad did.
For someone claiming to be a prophet, he had a heck of a way to show the way to righteousness by having several wives, including a small child.
Killing men, women, and children simply to gain their goods and taking them as slaves.
And the same things are going on all over the place, in the name of their god.

Jesus promoted peace and walked the earth setting examples of love, forgiveness, and peace.
Muhammad did the complete opposite, and the kicker is, denied Jesus and the love Jesus showed to man.

You can reword it all you want, Jesus was the purest man to ever have existed.

If muhammad was all about peace, why then after all these hundreds of years, is war still very active and going on in his name?
Why is there zero wars going on in the name of Jesus?

In the end, scripture is not needed to see who promotes peace and who promotes war.
War can not make peace, peace makes peace, war makes war.

Muslims believe that Jesus pbuh is a human being,end

Sahih International
I do not worship what you worship.

Sahih International
Nor are you worshippers of what I worship.

Sahih International
Nor will I be a worshipper of what you worship.

Sahih International
Nor will you be worshippers of what I worship.

Sahih International
For you is your religion, and for me is my religion."

Prophet Jesus in the Quran by Imam Suhaib Webb - Window to Islam - YouTube

I Converted To Islam After Watching This Video 2013 HD - YouTube


Well-Known Member

Muslims believe that Jesus pbuh is a human being,end

Sahih International
I do not worship what you worship.

Sahih International
Nor are you worshippers of what I worship.

Sahih International
Nor will I be a worshipper of what you worship.

Sahih International
Nor will you be worshippers of what I worship.

Sahih International
For you is your religion, and for me is my religion."

And you people wonder why I don't debate you.
Nothing you said was even relevant to my post at all.
One quote from some other man does nothing to refute what I said that is going on in the real world.
What makes you think that quote refutes real life?

How about discuss what I said? :sarcastic
All through this thread, those that show errors in what muhammad taught and did in his real life are getting no real replies, just copy/paste scripture.

Its like if I said it was raining outside, and you replied with scripture, thinking that would disprove real life raining.:facepalm:

Are people in this world so brainwashed that real life and what is going on doesn't matter to them?

War will never make peace, cant you see that?
Peace makes peace, war makes more war.
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Well-Known Member

You posted this

Notice how people have to attack me personally and others who try to discuss the real world?
Discuss this post without personal attacks on me.
Bet you cant.

I told you I can

I can.

However as I said, would you read what I write or post, or it will just be like our last discussion?

If yes than let us go point by point.

I don't have a problem having a one on one discussion if you want.

What was your reply ?

And you people wonder why I don't debate you.

Now I am not sure what you meant when you said that you bet no one can discuss matters with you. When I offered that you ran away by your last line.

Is this a message for people not to take what you say seriously ?


Freedom Of Mind
And you people wonder why I don't debate you.
Nothing you said was even relevant to my post at all.
One quote from some other man does nothing to refute what I said that is going on in the real world.
What makes you think that quote refutes real life?

What to discuss ? your nonsense.
Do you want us to believe that a man is God and then to discuss historical stories before hundreds of years and to deal with it as facts.

What you offer for discussion is rubbish,IMHO ?

How about discuss what I said? :sarcastic
All through this thread, those that show errors in what muhammad taught and did in his real life are getting no real replies, just copy/paste scripture.

How to discuss the nonsense ? you have nothing to discuss ?
You suffer from Islamophobia, you have the right to worry as many people started to realize the truth.

Its like if I said it was raining outside, and you replied with scripture, thinking that would disprove real life raining.:facepalm:

So you are talking about reality and then you are sure 100% that Jesus pbuh was God.:facepalm:

Hey, i think people in this forum are well educated and you are only making yourself looks stupid by saying such words of certainty about historical stories and present it as a fact comparing it to the reality of the rain, OMG, how old are you Kashmir ?

Are people in this world so brainwashed that real life and what is going on doesn't matter to them?

What is going on in this real life ? prostitution and drugs

War will never make peace, cant you see that?
Peace makes peace, war makes more war.

Who said otherwise ?
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mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
to feargod
<For you is your religion, and for me is my religion.>"====
These verses were canceled and copied ---
The following verse is a copy of that verse ---
Whoever does not believe in Islam, otherwise we will not accept it and is one of the losers in the afterlife


Well-Known Member
Whoever does not believe in Islam, otherwise we will not accept it and is one of the losers in the afterlife

This verse doesn't exist in the way you put it. When you mention a verse, give the number of the chapter and the number of the verse.