Technically the serpent didn't lie to Eve.
1. Eve didn't die by eating the fruit. Nowhere in the account is her death recorded. We do not know when she died.
2. The Serpent was right that by eating the fruit, Eve would be like God, knowing good and evil. Even God agreed, which is why he stopped them from eating from the tree of life.
God punished The Serpent for revealing the truth.
Serpents in the Bible - Wikipedia
The serpent was not originally a snake. God turned it into a snake as punishment for tempting Adam and Eve to sin.
Link above says: "The
symbol of a serpent or
snake played important roles in religious and cultural life of
ancient Egypt,
Mesopotamia and
Greece. The
serpent was a symbol of evil power and chaos from the underworld as well as a symbol of fertility, life and healing"
As such, it was not reviled, but sometimes worshiped or called upon if it was needed.
It is sometimes referred to as a
dragon monster (according to the link above).
The dragon mentioned in Revelation comes from the bottomless pit of hell, and it occupied a president of the most powerful nation in the world (United States, if you believe Revelation 17:18), and that president attacked Iraq (as did his son, the beast).
However, Satan had been known as the dragon. But, in heaven, there was
one who spoke as the dragon spoke, but that one was cast into hell by Satan. It is that one, from the bottomless pit of hell that attacked Iraq in recent times (not Satan).
Revelation says that there will be many beasts. So, there are many entities that are evil in the world.
Many cultures talk about the dragon, and most are about the dragon destroying the world. For example, the Mayan calendar (which is the same as the old Olmec calendar) ends in modern times (the exact date of ending is not known by modern scientists because they have the date slightly wrong).
I believe that the Olmec also had Blacks and Asians (from the statues that they left behind....for example, the giant heads of the Olmec look African, yet, there are some Chinese figurines. The date of the Olmec culture seems to date from 1,400 BC, which is the time when the Solutrean civilization disbanded, and the Solutreans, despite being in central Europe, were African.
A later South American civilization (Aztec) had a dragon God that was said to end the world (Kukulkhan....the date of the God and the name are similar to a Chinese emperor, Kubla Khan). It is known, now, that the Chinese had contact with the Americas in pre-Columbia times. Proof of that contact is from settlements in Alaska with Chinese artifcts (such as forged bronze).
What I'm getting at is that
many cultures of the world talk about a dragon God destroying the world. Both Bush presidents took office in the Chinese year of the dragon. So, they were both dragon presidents.
Obviously, Eve didn't die by eating the forbidden fruit of knowledge. For that crime, Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden of Eden (in Iraq, between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in a region now bombed out by the recent Iraq war). After being kicked out of Eden, Adam and Eve went on to populate the world.