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Even a holocaust Survivor couldn't educate AOCs sheer stupidity and ineptitude.


¡pɹᴉǝM ʎɐʇS
She certainly comes across as somebody living in her own personal universe.

It's pretty clear she's detached.
I'd wonder if she's under the influence.
She has a speech writer now so as to sound more intelligent than when she would speak of her own accord prior to the hiring.
However, the press knowing this bit of news , seems to like to get her in candid moments so as to ask her to speak freely to their questions. And there again she demonstrates she's not very articulate, shall we say, on issues.
I don't think she studies the issues she claims to be concerned for. Rather, I think she reads blogs and goes with the liberal slant.

Not that long ago she wanted a cost of living pay raise bill to be introduced and passed for all law makers. That first term Democrat that currently makes $174,000.00 per year and has a driver, mind you. She buffered the idea that not even her own party supports by claiming she thinks all American's deserve the same.
But that's not the bill she was proposing.

Prayerfully everyone that voted for her have sobered up by now. Come 2020 she won't be re-elected. The only reason she's in the seat is because her long term opponent didn't bother to run. He didn't think he'd lose to a airhead bartender.
Nancy Pelosi said of the vote that a glass of water could have run and won that seat.
I don't think Nancy likes Abomination Of Congress much.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
I'd wonder if she's under the influence.
She has a speech writer now so as to sound more intelligent than when she would speak of her own accord prior to the hiring.
However, the press knowing this bit of news , seems to like to get her in candid moments so as to ask her to speak freely to their questions. And there again she demonstrates she's not very articulate, shall we say, on issues.
I don't think she studies the issues she claims to be concerned for. Rather, I think she reads blogs and goes with the liberal slant.

Not that long ago she wanted a cost of living pay raise bill to be introduced and passed for all law makers. That first term Democrat that currently makes $174,000.00 per year and has a driver, mind you. She buffered the idea that not even her own party supports by claiming she thinks all American's deserve the same.
But that's not the bill she was proposing.

Prayerfully everyone that voted for her have sobered up by now. Come 2020 she won't be re-elected. The only reason she's in the seat is because her long term opponent didn't bother to run. He didn't think he'd lose to a airhead bartender.
Nancy Pelosi said of the vote that a glass of water could have run and won that seat.
I don't think Nancy likes Abomination Of Congress much.
She's like a lot of young people today. So engrossed in the internet world, that she completely loses touch and loses grips with actuality. She's essentially living on a different planet.

The Reverend Bob

Fart Machine and Beastmaster
The authorship is largely attributed to Meir Kahane. I like that yiddish thing too. =O]

What Is the Source of the Phrase "Never Again"?
That was during the 1970's during the 1950's when the Security Act was repealed Japanese Americans said this:


The Reverend Bob

Fart Machine and Beastmaster
You posting a picture is not evidence of anything. No source, no citation. Could have been made yesterday for all I know.
It was created by Densho activists during the 1950's, go to the Japanese American History Museum and you can see it yourself


Veteran Member
Well you can call or write them about it

It is your burden of proof not mine.

Also the repeal was in the 70s not the 50s. The Act was passed in the 50s. So a picture from an event that didn't happen for another 20 years....

Non-Detention Act - Wikipedia

Heck I am looking at the original source, Edison Uno Papers, and there is no date list at all nor even the picture you linked.
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Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
You posting a picture is not evidence of anything. No source, no citation. Could have been made yesterday for all I know.
That's why I did a history search. I couldn't find any reference of note on the Japanese coining the term. It was all attributed to the Jews as the orginators.
You know it is a red herring when someone conflates WW2 internment of Japanese in America in any way with detention centers for illegal aliens today, right?

Of course. Any reasonable person knows it's no accurate comparison by any stretch of the imagination.


Veteran Member
That's why I did a history search. I couldn't find any reference of note on the Japanese coining the term. It was all attributed to the Jews as the orginators.

There are stories going back to it's use during liberation of the camps in 45. The Japanese claim is a deadend as the source never listed any date just a box number of 42. Bob got basic information wrong such as the appeal which undermines his claim. After all is the saying is the result of the repeal, in 1970.... not 1950

Those time traveling Japanese!
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¡pɹᴉǝM ʎɐʇS
Of course. Any reasonable person knows it's no accurate comparison by any stretch of the imagination.
Key word, reasonable.

Now remember as you watch that, AOC claimed her 12 year end of the world due to climate change remarks, repeated remarks, was a joke.
A joke that lasted for weeks, even months.
edited to add:
Her Tweet:

This is a technique of the GOP, to take dry humor + sarcasm literally and “fact check” it.

Like the “world ending in 12 years” thing, you’d have to have the social intelligence of a sea sponge to think it’s literal.

But the GOP is basically Dwight from The Office so who knows. Max Kennerly on Twitter

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) May 12, 2019
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Veteran Member
And what do you think the phrase means?

It is about the Nazi death camps and the whole system behind it such as Nazi ideas of race along with a commitment to prevent history repeating itself. That is why it is very useful in politics not just in this case but for any situation which has similarities.

The Reverend Bob

Fart Machine and Beastmaster
There are stories going back to it's use during liberation of the camps in 45. The Japanese claim is a deadend as the source never listed any date just a box number of 42. Bob got basic information wrong such as the appeal which undermines his claim. After all is the saying is the result of the repeal, in 1970.... not 1950

Those time traveling Japanese!
Repeal of Title II of the Internal Security Act of 1950 ("Emergency Detention Act")

Look it up


Veteran Member
Repeal of Title II of the Internal Security Act of 1950 ("Emergency Detention Act")

Look it up

Oh look the activist you cited and their website....

Repeal of Title II of the Internal Security Act of 1950 ("Emergency Detention Act") | Densho Encyclopedia
Emergency Detention Act, Title II of the Internal Security Act of 1950 | Densho Encyclopedia

"Ultimately, the law was never invoked and concentration camps were never activated. Despite opposition from civil liberties groups, the waning of anti-communist/Cold War hysteria, and being defunded in 1957, the law remained on the books for nearly twenty years until an ultimately successful effort to repeal it came into being in the late 1960s."

"After extensive hearings and complex Congressional maneuvering, Congress passed the Repeal bill, now H.R.234, on September 14, 1971, by an overwhelming majority (356-49). H.R.234 not only repealed Title II but also prohibited "the establishment of the emergency detention camps." President Richard M. Nixon signed it into a law on September 25, 1971. The Emergency Detention Act ended its twenty-one years of life without ever being invoked."

Try again. Maybe take your own advice....

Did you confuse what "of 1950" means? The Act was passed in 1950 not the repeal.

And again...

Non-Detention Act - Wikipedia

You are horrible at basic research. All this work because you have issues reading and refuse to fact-check anything.