For crying-out-load, you mis-interpreted every passage that you quoted.
'rocks crying out' is a figure of speech, obviously - my stars?
Do you believe I meant they would actually vocalize speech, that suddenly you hear rocks crying and making human speeches?
Of course these are metaphors or figures of speech, but they are pointing to something real. These rocks, these lilies, these trees, these lakes, these skies, all express the spiritual nature of God!
You don't believe me? What do you think the Psalmist was conveying in his poetry here?
The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.
They have no speech, they use no words;
no sound is heard from them.
Yet their voice[
b] goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.
I haven't misinterpreted anything. They are clearly expressing what I was saying, that all of creation is an expression of the Divine, and therefore you can, and
should be able to see Spirit in everything.
You disagree with this? Please explain otherwise then.
'..the lilies don't toil...' also refers to their inanimate, or non-sentient, or not self-determining aspect of their existence - their beauty was the point.
What do you mean they are inanimate? They are alive, not dead. This is the definition of inanimate:
not alive, especially not in the manner of animals and humans.
"inanimate objects like stones"
Plants are living things.
As far as not being 'sentient' goes, let's look at the definition of that as well.
"capable of sensing or feeling : conscious of or responsive to the sensations of seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting, or smelling"
Are animals sentient according the above definition? Of course they are. They clearly are aware of their surroundings and responsive to them through the senses they posses. Correct?
But what about plants? Are they aware of their surroundings and responded accordingly to what they sense? I think the answer to this is clear as well. Of course they are, in the
broad sense of the term. They may not "think" using cognitive constructs such as "I don't see the sun out today", but they certainly are aware of its lack of being there and respond accordingly trying to reach out to find it, no?
Basically, they are "aware" at some level of their environment and do what they do in order to survive and live out their life cycles. They are however not "
self-determinant". I would never argue that. They are not that complex of a lifeform, but they are a lifeform nonetheless.
But let's look at the metaphor more closely. I would say we could say that Beauty in them as an expression of the Divine itself, "worships" God in return. I believe that is inherent in the meaning of what Jesus said about their glory, their inherent
radiance surpassing all of these man-made glories that the human ego comes up with.
The psalmist said that in the 19th Psalm, for starters. The lilies "declare the glory of God", in their simplicity, like a little child in its innocence. It's all there. I'm a little surprised you haven't seen it.