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Ever Seriosuly Considered...?

Scarlett Wampus

I once had very strong faith in Thelema but I turned away from that to non-specificism. As for converting on two occasions I seriously considered Buddhism before later feeling that, as a religion rather than just a group of interesting ideas and practices, it was for me. It took something close to eight years since I was first introduced to Buddhism by a Zen-Buddhist to get to that so there was a lot of consideration of Buddhism without consideration of converting to Buddhism. It'll likely be an even longer time before I feel like I'm Buddhist in the way I live and relate to others.

Both my parents seriously considered other religions before they settled into their respective paths later in life. That probably has a lot to do why I also went through a similar thing.


Premium Member
I have had some thoughts on it but that was all it was. I don't really want to change my faith at this time.


Well-Known Member
Converting? When i mean seriously, i mean pondering al the time, convincing yourself to do it, not do it... Ever? I have thought about atheism after meeting some folks here. But i was too attched to Hinduism:D

Thanks in advance:)

I was brought up very religious. Catholic at first then Baptist and then Jehovah's Witness. I spent 5-7 years at each. My indoctrined religion at birth was my grandmother's religion. Turned out she was not very religious though. My mom decided to convert us to baptist. It maddening in someways... all the field trips and the constant religious singing. I still hum songs occasionally... Young and impressionable I guess...

"Just like a tree planted by the waaaaaaaatttteeeeeeeeeeer. I shall not be moved!"

I would say my mom converted us to Jehovah's Witness and that was by far the most intense. Sunday Church, Tuesday night meeting and Friday night meeting. We also had a personal bible study and a family bible study and many of the events we went to were essentially witness sponspered events.

I then fell out of faith. It was years in the coming. Unanswered questions, logical inconsistencies, watching families torn apart if one of their children decided to leave the faith. I was baptized as a catholic and a baptist but was old enough to speak for myself when I was a witness and was never baptized.

"He says use the rod! So lets watch how we walk and watch how we talk...."

So yes. I did consider conversion and then converted to Atheism. There was an agnostic phase in there and lots of study on the wiccan religion. But Atheism is the choice for me these days. Dawkins, Chomsky, Einstein and others have all led to that and reading their works inspired me. In the end though its a personal choice and one you make for yourself.


Premium Member
I was the opposite, Balance. I was raised Atheist/Agnostic and found faith later. I nearly became a JW but decided I would rather be a Baptist. But I am not 100% Baptist. :)
Welcome to the forums!


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Converting? When i mean seriously, i mean pondering al the time, convincing yourself to do it, not do it... Ever? I have thought about atheism after meeting some folks here. But i was too attched to Hinduism:D

Thanks in advance:)
It is not something that I would ever seriously contemplate Sri Penguinoini. I already have more than most can imagine, why would I toss it aside for children's fairy stories? :flirt:


Well-Known Member
ones thought about converting to cristianaty to seduce a hot girl but all it took was here takeing one look at my big "cross"


Jesus loves you
Though some people have some impressive arguements and apologetics they cannot convince me that what I know is not true my faith is also an experience. Drinking water is something I have experienced and no one could ever convince me that I have not quenched my thirst with water. Being born again and filled with the Holy Ghost is also something that I experience (not just believe)and no-ones clever arguements could convince me otherwise.

Nessa Nenharma

Goddess of my Domain
I was a Christian for 24 years. I did the whole "accepting Jesus Christ as my saviour, being born again, and being filled with the Holy Ghost", I knelt in front of a church full of people to be "cleansed". I was told that I would feel "enlightened" and a power beyond my own would course through my body, all I felt was foolish for allowing people to pull me about by my puppet strings.

But I said nothing, as a good Christian girl does, because while I could pray, be saved, pay tithes, go "soul winning", and enroll my children in school (with a hefty sum), I could never stand before the "congregation" and give my opinion on the good old King James version of the Bible. And let's face it, that is what it was, some man's "opinion" on the readings of a book.

When I started to question things such as: How could my loving "God" punish me by throwing me in a lake of fire? If I commit suicide do I go to Hell? How come scientists say that the Dino's they have dug up are millions of years old, but there is no mention of them in the Bible?, I was told that I had "back-slidden" and needed to repent. That was when I informed my pastor that I had indeed "back-slidden" as he had suggested...I "back-slid" right out the door and never looked back.

I have now found a religion that doesn't require me to "recruit" people, and one that allows me to be me...and I am all the better for having found it.


Done here.
I thought I would convert to Marie Antoinetteism so I can eat more :cupcake:
But Marie Antoinette still had a 23 inch waist after bearing four children. In Marie Antoinetteism you can have all the cake you like, provided you wear a corset. :)


Well-Known Member
Though some people have some impressive arguements and apologetics they cannot convince me that what I know is not true my faith is also an experience. Drinking water is something I have experienced and no one could ever convince me that I have not quenched my thirst with water. Being born again and filled with the Holy Ghost is also something that I experience (not just believe)and no-ones clever arguements could convince me otherwise.

Just like a tree planted by the water thou shalt not be moved! Don't just know thine faith or passively accept it, rejoice in it, live it, breathe it and make every day a new day to grow that seed of faith into a sapling and then a tree. The rushing river of religion and gospel shall support you and the sun like a light from god will nourish that faith until the truth you have known your whole life comes to fruition.

Inside you you feel your cup runneth over and the holy ghost power shall guide you. Woooooo! I feel the spirit today. As I sat in my yard this morning basking in the holy light of the lord I felt the spirit infuse me and I didn't walk to church this morning... No I didn't walk.... I ran. I said I RAN, bless us all father. I ran and did not feel tired and I knew the house of the lord is where I wanted to be... No... Where I needed to be. Inside this holy place where I can share gods love with so many people today. Are you ready for church today? Do you feeeeeeeeeel his spirit so rich and so warm with us all today? I'll ask again, are you ready for church today? Lord be praised. Lets pray.