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Every living entity comes from another living entity

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
According to the "scientists" life comes from matter. I would like to know what evidence they have? I believe that no such living entity has ever been found naturally nor have they ever been able to produce one artificially. Although every living entity ever observed comes from another living entity, still they insist that live can emerge from matter. Quite strange.

Well there's matter inside life. Metals/Elements like Iron, Nickel, and Magnesium are obviously present and required in the body. Copper is needed for brain function. There's definitly a relationship going on somewhere involving organic and inorganic substances.


Well-Known Member
Creationists should not be in such a hurry. There is not a time limit on creation versus naturalism debates. Modern science is still relatively young. A thousand years from now, many issues will have been settled, that is, if global warming followed by an ice age has not caused the extinction of the human race.


Well-Known Member
According to the "scientists" life comes from matter. I would like to know what evidence they have? I believe that no such living entity has ever been found naturally nor have they ever been able to produce one artificially. Although every living entity ever observed comes from another living entity, still they insist that live can emerge from matter. Quite strange.

This really cracked me up when I read it.

"According to the "scientists" life comes from matter. I would like to know what evidence they have?"


Does he know what "matter" is to begin with?

We are carbon based life forms and so we are made of "matter." So are the stars and the sun and solar system. LOL

Carbon is an element. The elements come form massive super nova star explosions. Our sun and solar system are made from second generation material from early supernova star explosions billions of years ago.


A star's energy comes from the combining of light elements into heavier elements in a process known as fusion, or "nuclear burning". It is generally believed that most of the elements in the universe heavier than helium are created, or synthesized, in stars when lighter nuclei fuse to make heavier nuclei. The process is called nucleosynthesis.

Nucleosynthesis requires a high-speed collision, which can only be achieved with very high temperature. The minimum temperature required for the fusion of hydrogen is 5 million degrees. Elements with more protons in their nuclei require still higher temperatures. For instance, fusing carbon requires a temperature of about one billion degrees! Most of the heavy elements, from oxygen up through iron, are thought to be produced in stars that contain at least ten times as much matter as our Sun.

Our Sun is currently burning, or fusing, hydrogen to helium. This is the process that occurs during most of a star's lifetime. After the hydrogen in the star's core is exhausted, the star can burn helium to form progressively heavier elements, carbon and oxygen and so on, until iron and nickel are formed. Up to this point the process releases energy. The formation of elements heavier than iron and nickel requires the input of energy. Supernova explosions result when the cores of massive stars have exhausted their fuel supplies and burned everything into iron and nickel. The nuclei with mass heavier than nickel are thought to be formed during these explosions.

NASA's Cosmicopia - Basics - Composition - Nucleosynthesis


a : the substance of which a physical object is composed b : material substance that occupies space, has mass, and is composed predominantly of atoms consisting of protons, neutrons, and electrons, that constitutes the observable universe, and that is interconvertible with energy



Well-Known Member
Scientists Create Synthetic Life in Lab

Scientists Create Synthetic Life In Lab | Fox News

Creating Life

Creating Life : Science Channel

and again

NASA Researchers: DNA Building Blocks Can Be Made in Space

NASA-funded researchers have evidence that some building blocks of DNA, the molecule that carries the genetic instructions for life, found in meteorites were likely created in space. The research gives support to the theory that a "kit" of ready-made parts created in space and delivered to Earth by meteorite and comet impacts assisted the origin of life.

"People have been discovering components of DNA in meteorites since the 1960's, but researchers were unsure whether they were really created in space or if instead they came from contamination by terrestrial life," said Dr. Michael Callahan of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. "For the first time, we have three lines of evidence that together give us confidence these DNA building blocks actually were created in space." Callahan is lead author of a paper on the discovery appearing in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

NASA - NASA Researchers: DNA Building Blocks Can Be Made in Space

IF I-Ching new how the earth formed in the first place he might learn something about life on this planet, which could not support life when it first formed.


Question Everything
life contains information/intelligence and information/intelligence is not made up of matter or energy... compare a blank CD to one that has music recorded on it. Does the CD with music weigh more than the blank CD? No. If you burn the two CD's in a fire, does one give off more energy than the other? no.... and yet, the one with music is worth so much more... information is non-materialistic in nature, is transmitted with matter, but is not made up of matter...

life is like that - the weight of a corpse is the same as the weight of the living person... the energy, the same... and yet like the CD's, there's something more there within that which lives... call it information/intelligence/conscience/spirit - call it what you will, but it exists - even if you can't weigh it.


Superabacus Mystic
life contains information/intelligence and information/intelligence is not made up of matter or energy... compare a blank CD to one that has music recorded on it. Does the CD with music weigh more than the blank CD? No. If you burn the two CD's in a fire, does one give off more energy than the other? no.... and yet, the one with music is worth so much more... information is non-materialistic in nature, is transmitted with matter, but is not made up of matter...
Information in that sense is not a real thing at all; it is a human construct used for convieniance, nothing more.

Information in the thermodynamic sense, which is a real thing, is conserved, and in fact a written and unwritten CD contain the same amount of information.


Question Everything
Information in that sense is not a real thing at all; it is a human construct used for convieniance, nothing more.

Information in the thermodynamic sense, which is a real thing, is conserved, and in fact a written and unwritten CD contain the same amount of information.

if information is not real, why are there laws to protect it? Why do we pay $ for it? Why do we spend our lives trying to find it? Just because it is not made of matter, does not mean it is not real.

I agree that it is conserved - eternal in nature, just as matter and energy are, just as we are. There is more to the universe than matter and energy... there is more to us than just matter and energy too.


Superabacus Mystic
we can start with the existence of information. Information is a separate entity from both matter and energy, it exists, it exists within life, and within the universe.
Information is a component of matter and energy, in the physical sense. In the non-thermodynamic sense, as mentioned, it does not exist.


Well-Known Member
life contains information/intelligence and information/intelligence is not made up of matter or energy... compare a blank CD to one that has music recorded on it. Does the CD with music weigh more than the blank CD? No. If you burn the two CD's in a fire, does one give off more energy than the other? no.... and yet, the one with music is worth so much more... information is non-materialistic in nature, is transmitted with matter, but is not made up of matter...

life is like that - the weight of a corpse is the same as the weight of the living person... the energy, the same... and yet like the CD's, there's something more there within that which lives... call it information/intelligence/conscience/spirit - call it what you will, but it exists - even if you can't weigh it.


"information/intelligence is not made up of matter or energy... compare a blank CD to one that has music recorded on it."

A blank cd is made from matter and energy. Bad anaology.

Aniamal intelligence including humans is because we have a nervous system, which is made from matter and energy and why rocks can't think. LOL

The amount of "information" in the genes and in life experiences makes up the person individually.

There are exactly equal amounts of postive and negative energy in the universe and they cancel each other out to exactly zero.

This again though

"life contains information/intelligence and information/intelligence is not made up of matter or energy"

Is 100% incorrect.


Just the facts Ma'am
life contains information/intelligence and information/intelligence is not made up of matter or energy... compare a blank CD to one that has music recorded on it. Does the CD with music weigh more than the blank CD? No. If you burn the two CD's in a fire, does one give off more energy than the other? no.... and yet, the one with music is worth so much more... information is non-materialistic in nature, is transmitted with matter, but is not made up of matter...

life is like that - the weight of a corpse is the same as the weight of the living person... the energy, the same... and yet like the CD's, there's something more there within that which lives... call it information/intelligence/conscience/spirit - call it what you will, but it exists - even if you can't weigh it.

Actually a CD/DVD before "Burning" has a small fraction more mass (weight) than after it is burned. The process of placing the data (1,0) on the disk involves removing very small amounts of material fron the disk surface. So your point is mute at best!!

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
The concept of god and the theory of evolution are not mutually exclusive. Believing literal interpretations of creation myths are not a prerequisite for believing in god. Scriptural literalism doesn't have a monopoly on the concept.


Question Everything

"information/intelligence is not made up of matter or energy... compare a blank CD to one that has music recorded on it."

A blank cd is made from matter and energy. Bad anaology.

Aniamal intelligence including humans is because we have a nervous system, which is made from matter and energy and why rocks can't think. LOL

That's like saying sound does not exist because it travels through air...

wow... no one else here has had any classes on information theory? ... o well...

anyone want to buy some blank CD's from me for $20? sounds like everyone thinks the blank ones are worth as much as the ones with music on them - if you really think that, I'll sell you a bunch of CD's...


Question Everything
Information is a component of matter and energy, in the physical sense. In the non-thermodynamic sense, as mentioned, it does not exist.

it can be transmitted by matter and energy, but is a separate entity. It exists, follows the thermo conservation laws, etc. etc.


Question Everything
Actually a CD/DVD before "Burning" has a small fraction more mass (weight) than after it is burned. The process of placing the data (1,0) on the disk involves removing very small amounts of material fron the disk surface. So your point is mute at best!!

it's not removing anything - it's rearranging it. The mass remains the same. A CD with, or without data on it remains the same - information has no mass - it is not made out of matter.


sound is another immaterial entity - it is one form of information. Sound is not made out of material. Air with sound waves has the same mass as air without sound waves. Sound is more than just energy too - you can have a high T high energy air with no sound - it is possible to construct two systems, each with the same amount of mass and energy, where one has sound, and one does not - so sound is not mere energy - so sound is not mass, is not energy, it is immaterial, but it exists.

Then we can talk about if matter exists. What is matter? as we look into the atom we see that the atom is mostly comprised of empty space - comprised of nothingness... the electrons, what are these? there is some sort of potential cloud around the nucleus, but you can't pinpoint where it is, or what it is - consider the double slit experiment ... when we touch something, we are not really touching it - we are just feeling forces/charges - but there is no actual substance that is there... when you look deeply enough, none of it really exists as a substance - it's all made up of immaterial entities like charges and information.
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