Well-Known Member
You don't believe in natural selection? How do you explain selective breeding, peppered moths, tube mosquitoes, ring species?
Yes I belive in the darwinian mechanism (random variation + natural selection) and I accept that somethings can be explained by this mechanism. The claim is not that Darwinism doesn't explain anything, but rather that Darwinism can't explain everything
The mechanism works. What alternative are you proposing?
The alternative that I propose is non random genetic changes, there are many non random mechanisms where the genes change or jump from one place to an other forming new proteins, and new tools for survival. (natural genetic engineering would be an example of such mechanisms)
These mechanisms have been observed, they are real, and can produce fast changes in a short period of time. For example one can get new proteins in 1 generation via these mechanisms.
Obviously as a theist I belive that God is behind these mechanisms, but the mechanisms themselves are natural, you can still be a hard core atheist and accept the claim that these mechanisms rather than Darwinism are the main cause for the diversity of life.