Logic stemming from survival of the fittest is the outcome of that. True that raccoons and other animals get rabies and become murderous, but can you say that's a product of evolution too? Is sickness a product of evolution?
Sorry, but getting disease won’t change the outcomes of selection, of the whole population in the future generations to come.
You keep overlooking that Evolution isn’t about individual cases, but what affect the whole population.
Second, and this very important, whatever the changes that may occur within population of species, IT MUST PASS THE CHANGES THROUGH THE GENE, WHICH DESCENDANTS WILL INHERIT - the changes that will benefit them and ensure their survival.
In evolutionary biology, it isn’t about being the strongest or the smartest, but about adapting to the changes, and passing those changes that allow for changed species to survive and thrive.
Evolution is never about killing, like mass murders or wars. The extinction of the species is caused because the older ancestral species didn’t inherit the correct genes that could aided their survival.
Do you understand what I am saying here, YoursTrue?
But let me go one step further with your raccoon with rabies example for a moment.
One of the problems that have become apparent to me with your silly example is that you really don’t understand the disease, let alone understanding the evolution.
As you know, the disease cause animals to attack others, not only other animals, as well as among their own species. They spread the diseases through bites (and possibly through scratches, but I am not certain about this).
BUT, you are forgetting one vital detail, animals with rabies will eventually succumb to their diseases and eventually die. Rabies are fatal.
What they don’t do, rabid animals don’t go around seeking mates to produce offspring, to spread this viral disease.
So, if the rabid raccoons don’t mate, therefore don’t produce offspring, and therefore won’t have descendants, then how is your stupid rabid raccoons even relate to Evolution.
Evolution is about survival, not killing.
Clearly you really don’t understand anything about Evolution. All you are concern is about killing, murdering and wars, which have absolutely nothing to do with Evolution.
Now if you were rational, and if you actually understood Evolution, then you could turn your example around into smarter example.
For instance. Let’s say rabid raccoons attack a population of raccoons, but for whatever reasons, some did become infected and they died, but the other group survive, because they have developed resistant or immunity to this fatal viral disease.
This group passed their immunity to rabies through genes and DNA, to offspring and their descendants continue to exist, leading to a new subspecies of raccoons - raccoons with immunity to rabies.
Now that would be Natural Selection and Evolution.
Evolution is about survival, not going extinct as a population.
But my alternative example of the raccoons with rabies is merely hypothetical.
Confusing Natural Selection, or any other mechanisms of evolution with Social Darwinism or with nazi racial policies of genocide, not only make you ignorant but also dishonest.
So, YoursTrue, stopping making fool of yourself, and read actual biology textbooks and ask questions and learn, instead of the bloody propaganda craps you have been reading.